Hidey-ho, everybuddy!! 💜💜💜
Looks like it is the nightynightimes a 'gain, amirite!!?? Sure does!!
Isn't that amayzazing!!?? IKNOW!! It is sooperdooper crazybananas 'cuz ever since alla the clockingbots changed what times it is, now there is waymorelots sunsmiles and stuff!! Yes!!
The darkliness does not come 'till waymorelater and stuff!! YUP!! ..................................
Did you guys have a nice Thursdaytimes!!?? Sure hope so, butt did you know!!??
😊💜 ...WE SURE DID!! 💜😊
Yup!! Firstofalls we went to THE FRIENDLY GROOMER to have our nails trimmed and stuff 'cuz latertimes we went to the WESTERN UNIVERSITY learningschool to do walkingtimes!! Yup!!........
See, we got n'vited to go to WALK IT OUT!! Yes!! It is a soopercool wellness event for getting studentpeoples out to do walkingtimes, plus talkingtimes, plus basically to just take it easybreezy with friendlyfriends who will listen and stuff!! Yes!!
So we went to make sure our fingernails are soopershort, plus roundish so when Mirabelle tries to Bop Faceparts she does not leave "RACING STRIPES"!! Ha ha!! That is what Pop calls them, anyhoo!! Truestory!! .................................
Was sooperfun, plus we are liking alla the stuffs we get to do at Western University learningschool, guys!! Prolly we are gonna do waymorelots too!! ...................................
Bestest part is that...
Isn't that 'mazing!!?? She luvluvloves to meet inthesameplacefriends, plus studentpeoples luvluvlove her sauciness, so even though she is not trained like me to have the bestest manners allatimes, our friendlyfriends at Western DON'T EVEN GIVE A CARE!! Ha ha!!
So basically it is perfectal!! Mirabelle is having big piles of HappyFunTimes, plus so is everybuddy she gets to meet!! Even the peoples she BOPS IN THE FACEPARTS!! Hee hee!!..........
So Mirabelly wants to say SHANKSH for getting n'vited to Western University learningschool, plus for getting to go to WALK IT OUT, plus to everybuddy who she got to be inthesameplacefriends with this daytimes!! Truestory she had the bestest times, guys!! .................
'Course I am saying SHANKSH for alla that stuffs too, butt it is Mirabelly who really, really REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLY wants to say shanksh to everybuddy!! Yes!!
So here is even waymorelots of her special SHANKSH with extra lovings just for you, K? K!!..........
💜😜💜😜💜😜 H💜 H💜 H💜 😜💜😜💜😜💜
Plus nightynightimes, everybuddy!!
Hope we get to see you in the Dreamingplace 'cuz know why!!??
'Cuz we have lots'nlots of cozypile snugglesnorts just for...
💜💜💜 YOU!! 💜💜💜
Luvluvlove you guys!!
H💜 H💜 H💜