Psssssst 💜💜💜 *WHISPERSOUNDS* ...
Hey, guys!!
It is me, Archie Brindleton getting all cozy in the bigbed with Mum plus Mirabelle too. Yes............
Just so's you know...
this daytimes, Mum got some not so good informational newsry 'bout her Pop, POPOP.
Yes. Popop is not doings so good this daytimes, guys. Nope. Not even.
Popop is at the Hospitalhouse getting lotsa helpings from doctoranarians, plus sciencepeoples and stuff. Yes. They said he has to start hanging out with a DIALYSIS ROBOT so he will feel waymorebetter. Yup. So prolly that is what he is doing 'zackly now, even. Prolly......................
Popop is gonna be AOK, guys. Yes. Plus he is with lotsa peoples who are taking the bestest care of him too. That is truestory for reals. Butt...
...it is making Mum have worrythoughts and stuff. Yes. 'Cuz she luvluvloves her Popop. So that is how come me plus Mirabelle (plus Pop too) are making cozypile snugglesnorts just for Mum this nightynightimes. To make sure her Heart is full-up with lovings and stuff. Right to the toppest part, too. Yes. .................................
So... for everybuddy who is hanging out with a DIALYSIS ROBOT, or anybuddy who has familypack peoples who need to, the whole entire Brindlebunch is sending you HappyHeartHugs too. Yes. Real good ones, even. Special just for you, 'cuz that is tough.
H💜 H💜 H💜
'Member to not forget, everybuddy..... we have to do everythings we luvluvlove to do, plus say alla the stuffs we need to say 'cuz every daytimes is a giftypresent...... knowhatimean?? Yup.
See you in the dreamingplace, guys!!
Luvluvlove you sooperlots for reals!!
💜💜💜 H💜 H💜 H💜 💜💜💜