HappyHappyFridaytimes too!! Yup!! It is soopernice to see your faceparts, plus know why!!?? Truestory Mirabelly was just asking when you guys were gonna come hang out with us a 'gain 'cuz she is sooper'cited to tell you alla 'bout OUR HappyHeartMission!! YES!! ............................
Yup!! Everybuddy knows I am a professional-type Therapy Puppy for WESTERN UNIVERSITY LEARNINGSCHOOL's ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, Butt for THIS HappyHeartMission...
YES!! Was sooperfun for reals!! I am full-up with proudliness 'cuz she did 'MAZING, guys!! Everybuddy says so!! ...................
Like Badtz Maru, the Peeps, Fuzzyfrog, plus even Edgar Rice Burrow!! Butt don't take their wordybits for it!!
Have a real good looksee for yourselfs!! ....................
Okeedoke!! here is me plus Mirabelle at the insideparts of WESTERN ENGINEERING, guys!!
It is a real fancy-like oldentimer buildinghouse, so you have to be gentlemans plus ladies and stuff when you come to here!! Yes!! That is how come we are wearing our snazzy, shinynew bowties plus bows and stuff!! Yup!! ......................................
Now here is us with our sooperspecial friendlyfriends CLARE plus ALINA!! Yes!! Did you know!!?? They are made out of awesome, guys!! I am not even joshing!! Plus they are the peoples who hired me and everythings, so basically this was their whole entire idea!! YUP!!
PLUS... check out this sooperfun gallerybox full-up with picturestories of us doing our THERAPY PUPPY workerman work!! ..................................................
Pretty much it was the funnist, guys!! A whole buncha studentpeoples came to be inthesameplacefriends with us, plus Mirabelle was AMAYZAZING!! She had sooperfun awesometimes just like me, PLUS the studentpeoples even found out how much she luvluvloves rubbings in her earparts!! Hee hee!! 😊💜
If you did not know, rubbing Mirabelle's earparts makes her say sooperloud snortysounds, guys!! Seriousface!! So everybuddy made lotsa bellychuckles, with smileyfaces on their faces!! Yup!! IT. WAS. THE. BEST!! ...........................
I dunno if my Mirabelle will do Therapy Puppy workerman work anyplace else 'cuz of alla her sauciness, butt she did perfectal at WESTERN ENGINEERING 'cuz alla the studentpeoples luvluvloved her saucy self!! Ha ha!! Yes!! 😊💜
That is how come Mirabelle couldn't even hardly wait to see you guys this morningtimes!! I am full-up with prideliness, butt did you know!!?? SO IS SHE!! YES!! 😊💜
OH!! Just so's you know......
WeatherWizard says it is gonna be sorta yucky in the outsideplace guys!! Yup!! Sorta chillybilly with lots'nlots of wet, watery rainingdrops too!! Not so 'MAZING and stuff!! So 'member to wear rubber-type walkingsocks, plus take your underbrella too, K? K!!
Butt no biggie, amirite!!?? Let's have some fun anyhoozle, plus we will see you latertimes!!
😊💜 HappyHappyFridaytimes, everybuddy!! 💜😊
💜💜💜 Luvluvluv you guys!! 💜💜💜