Hi guys!! 😊😊😊
Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! Plus HappyHappyTuesdaytimes too!! Yup!! Mirabelle plus Pop are still in the Dreamingplace, butt me plus Mum are wakeywakey doing 'portantal stuffs in the foodsateria part of our 'partmenthouse!! Yup!! Did you know!!??
I luvluvlove when Mum makes breakfastimes yummysummies 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz Mum puts in lotsa extra lovings into our RAWCO RAW FOOD, guys!! Truestory!!
Plus I luvluvlove to be her helpful helperman too!! Sure do!! That is how come everytimes I climb this little crooked hill to make sure I am helperating most as I can!! Yup!!
"What can I do, Mum!!?? What can I do!!??" ..........
Did you know!!?? This is what our yummysummies look like when they come to our foreverhome!! Yup!! In sizes just right for us!! Me plus Mirabelle eat only the SOOTHE BLEND onna 'count of our bellies being so sooper'sensitive and stuff!! Used to be that our friendlyfriend ADAM from RAWCO would bring it all by hisself, butt it is sooper'citing 'cuz nowabouts they are gonna use the mailingmans to send it to everybuddy!! Isn't that 'mazing!!?? Yummysummies in your mailingbox, guys!! Can you bleeve it!! Not me, butt -YUP!! 😊💜
Now everybuddy allover everywheres in our Canadaplace can get RAWCO yummysummies!! Yes!! It comes inna sooperspecial winterbox that keeps it all freezy for sooperlongtimes!! That way it can go everywheres, plus even sit a 'round for longtimes 'till it gets to your wintercloset (*freezer or refrigerator)!! ........................
I used to have lots'nlots of allergeez that would get pretty bad, guys!! Seriousface!! Butt now that only RAWCO yummysummies go in my belly, I am waymorebetter for reals!! Fact is, I am feelings waymorebetter than ever, even though I am basically a puppy geezer now!! Ha ha!!
For every breakfastimes, Mum warms up our yummysummies with warmish water (Not hot 'cuz you don't want to cook out the good stuff!!), plus then puts in stuffs like special oils (coconut, hemp, fish), plus some stinky sardines (BPA free, no additives), plus even special stuffs from ADORED BEAST APOTHOCARY too!! Some powdery stuffs that helps make my bellyplumbing work real good!! Then some PROBIOTICS and....
It is all ready for me plus Mirabelle to put in our bellies!! ......................
It is almostly ready, guys!! 😊😊😊 I can't even hardly wait!! Yes!!
Waitaminnit!! Are you guys looking at my buttparts!!?? For crying out Pete, you guys!! ...............
Okeedoke!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Have a 'mazing Tuesdaytimes, guys!! Where we are WeatherWizard says it is gonna be cozywarm, butt with lotsa wet, watery rainingdrops!! Yup!! 'Course I am hoping there is some times with no rainingdrops, so's me plus Mirabelle can go exploradventuring in our birthdaysuits!! Hee hee!! 😊😊😊
Luvluvlove you guys, plus we will see you latertimes, K? K!!
H💜 H💜 H💜
OH!! I almostly forgotted!! I am gonna share with you Mum's shinynew weddingtimes picturemovie after lunchingtimes, so come back for thenabouts, 'cuz it will put Happy in your Heart!! Promiseface!! Anyhoozle.......
💜😊 Tuesdaytimes... here we GO-GO-GO!! 😊💜