Guys!! Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! 😊💜
Did you know!!?? It is raining wet, waterydrops where we are nowabouts, so I am sharing picturestories from 'fore it got all soopwersoakered in the outsideplace!! Yup!! Wanna know how come and stuff!!?? Okeedoke!! .....................
It is 'cuz me plus Mirabelle were thinkingthoughts not everybuddy is luckyducklings like us for getting to hang out with The NatureMama lots'nlots, amirite!!?? Yup!!
It is crazybananas, butt some peoples hardly get to hang out with her even at alls!! IKNOW!! ......................
So we want to bring you guys to the outsideplace with US!! Sorta!! Kinda!! Maybe!! Yup!! To hang out with The NatureMama plus all her babies!! .........................
It is soopernice in the outsideplace too, 'cuz there has been waymorelots of cozywarm degrees latelytimes, plus The Naturemama is getting wakeywakey, so there is lotsa colourparts 'sploding allover everywheres too!! I am not even joshing!!
So basically that is how come me plus Mirabelle are here for saying GOODMORNINGTIMES with you, plus we are wanting to hang out for littletimes 'fore your daytimes gets all hustlybustly, K? K!! .........................
Did you know!!?? Truestory for reals it is soopergood for your healthiness!! Yup!!
Hanging out with The NatureMama is 'mazing for keeping Happy in your Heart, plus also for exercizery, plus it is even good for your brainmelon!! That is just SCIENCE, guys!!
OH!! It is waymorewarmer than the wintertimes 'course, butt the burblecreeks are still pretty chillybilly, guys!! Seriousface!! Check out when me plus Mirabelle had to get a 'cross a teensy one!! Hee hee!! .............................
Mirabelle just CHUG-CHUG-CHUGGED the whole entire way, butt I was trying to keep my feets from getting soakered!! Ha ha!! Didn't work, guys!! Nope!! Butt was sooperfun to try!! ...................
Basically me plus Mirabelly luvluvlove you guys, plus luvluvlove The Naturemama, so we wanted everybuddy to hang out all together and stuff!! Yup!! You know.... like inthesameplacefriends and stuff!! Yes!! .........
We do our bestest to come see The NatureMama almostly every daytimes 'cuz she makes us feel full-up with Happy!! I am not even joshing, guys!!
PLus there is so much for our lookingmarbles to see, plus our smellerators to sniff, plus our listenator earparts for hearing and stuff!! Basically it is sooperfun awesometimes!! .......................
Did you know!!?? Blusterpuffs are waymore yummy for your smellerator out in the wilderwild, guys!! Yup!! Feels good going into my breatherator puffyparts!! YES!!..........................
So shanksh for hanging out with me plus Mirabelly 'fore your daytimes gets all hustlybustly, guys!!
Hanging out with you plus The Naturemama is our most favouritist, so now our Hearts are full-up with Happy!! Hope yours are too!! Sure do!! .........................
Have a 'MAZING Tuesdaytimes, everybuddy!! 😊💜
Plus just so's you know...... The NatureMama would luvluvlove to see you waymorelots, so if you have some times, get to the wilderwild for HappyFunTimes!! She is the BESTEST!!
See you latertimes, guys!! If it is still raining wet, waterydrops, 'member to not forget: take your UNDERBRELLA, plus wear some rubber-type walkingsocks too, K? K!!
💜💜💜 Luvluvlove you guys!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜