Hey, guys. 💜💜💜
Can I tell you? It is soopernice to see your faceparts nowabouts. Yup. Sure is. Did you know how come? Well, firstofalls......
We luvluvlove to see your faceparts allatimes, butt.... for this daytimes we had to say byebyes to our puppypal ScooterVonnCompton who went over the Bridge. Yes. So seeing friendly faceparts makes the ouchies in our HappyHearts littlebits better. Littlebits. ...............
He was pretty sickybicky, so..... me plus Mirabelly know he is waymorebetter now. No more Ouchies. No more sickybicky greeblies. Plus he can zoomer like a juniorpuppy a 'gain and everythings, butt..... it is still soopersad to know he is not with his Mum anymores.......................
Butt that is what puppies do, guys. We are not supposed to stay forevertimes. Nope. It is tough for thinkingthopughts 'bout, butt.............. I know in my brainmelon that even me, Archie Brindleton is not gonna be here forevertimes. Nope. Mirabelle too.
Golly....... that is tough for sayings. Soopertough. It is punching me in the emotions for reals.........
Butt somethings tells me it is 'portant, guys. 'Portant to come to here, plus 'portant to share as much lovings as we can, butt...... also sooper'portant to go away a 'gain. Yes. 'Portant. 'Cuz.... well, 'cuz a storytimes is not a storytimes without the endingparts, guys. That is what makes it a storytimes.... you know?
There is the startingparts, the middleparts, plus the endingparts. They all go together and stuff is what I am sayings. Yup. Plus for puppies the storytimes is just waymoreshorter. Yes. For lotsa peoples that seems pretty wonky, butt..... that 'minds me of some wordybits that go like this.....
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long."
That was Mister LaoTzu. He was a mystical jediman wayfarback in oldentimesdays in the Chinaplace. He had a 'mazing brainmelon, guys. He did lots of brainlearning. So I have thinkingthoughts 'bout his wordybits everytimes a puppypal goes over the bridge...................
Tomorrowtimes let's all wakeywakey, plus make real sure we are getting plus GIVING alla the lovings we need to keep Happy in our Hearts, K? K. Plus for this nightynightimes, let's go say "HI!!" to alla the puppypals we know who went over the Rainbow Bridge. I know the way and everythings!! Meet me plus Mirabelle in the Dreamingplace, plus I will show you how to get there!!
Nightynightimes, everybuddy. Yup. Times for going to the Dreamingplace.
Plus.......... 'case you forgot to 'member...
💜💜💜 ...we luvluvlove you guys. 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜