Oh.... hey, guys. 💜💜💜
Sorry and stuff. I am not wanting to moverate or make too much wordysounds for this nightynightimes 'cuz me plus Pop are inna perfectal cozypile. Yes.
Truestory someofthetimes you just gotta snuggle your Pop, guys. Amirite?? Yup. 'Course.
Anyhoozle..... shanksh for making this HappyHeartHugsDay so sooperspecial. For reals. ...............
There was lots'nlots of HappyHeartHugs getting shared everywheres, plus lotsa peoples wrote wordybits with soopergood thinkingthoughts 'bout how to make next HappyHeartHugsDay even waymorebetter. Yup. So bleeve you me, that is gonna be the plannery. Seriousface.
Basically it was awesometimes to know that it is 'fficial now, so majillions of other peoples who have neverever heard of me, Archie Brindleton are brainlearning 'bout HappyHeartHugsDay, plus sending majillions of HappyHeartHugs allover everywheres. That is the best is what I am saying. 'Cuz it is not a 'bout just me plus alla my friendlyfriends, guys!! Nope!! Not even!!
It is 'bout making our marbleworld littlebits happier and stuff. Yes. Plus putting Happy in Hearts. So if waymorepeoples get into it too...... who knows what will maybe happen. Maybe something 'MAZING. Maybe. Prolly. 'Course.......................
Mostly this daytimes was sooper'mazing, butt... truestory Mirabelly is getting beat up pretty good by her goober dingus allergeez, so she was not even full-up with sauce, guys. Not even littlebits.
Butt just so's you know, next Mondaytimes, Mirabelly is gonna hang out with a sooperspecialist for making peoples feel waymorebetter. Yup!! So no worrythoughts, guys. She is doing pretty AOK, plus she is gonna do waymorebetter soopersoon too!! Promiseface!!
'Course if you have extra HappyHeartHugs you can send to her, that would be nice too. Yes............
How come I am sharing this picturestory with everybuddy?? Well, basically I was thinkingthoughts all daytimes long, plus allasudden my brainmelon figured out somethings sooper'portant, guys. Yes.
No daytimes is perfectal, guys. Nope. Not even HappyHeartHugsDay. Butt that is AOK. Alls you can do is hold onto the HappyFunTimes, plus tuck them into a soopersafe part of your HappyHeart, plus if goobertimes happen, shoo them to the outsideplace for the blusterpuffs to blow a 'way.
What I am saying is there is allatimes a shinynew daytimes coming, guys. Plus there are gonna be lots'nlots. Yup. So no worrythoughts, K? K. Everythings is AOK or will be in just littletimes.....
Nightynightimes, everybuddy. 💜💜💜
You are my friendlyfriends, plus you mean lots'nlots to me, Archie Brindleton, plus Mirabelle, plus Mum, plus Pop plus everybuddy in the whole entire Brindlebunch. Yup.
I had sooperfun awesometimes sharing HappyHeartHugsDay with you, plus I want you to meet me plus Mirabelly in the Dreamingplace 'cuz know why?
'Cuz we luvluvlove you guys PLUS......
We have big piles of HappyHeartHugs
💜💜💜 with extra lovings just for you!! 💜💜💜
Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface.
H💜 H💜 H💜