Hey, guys!! 😊😊😊
Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! Did you know!!?? It is nice to see your facepart!! Yup!! Truestory!! Me plus Mirabelle were thinkingthoughts for THIS morningtimes, we would do some exploradventuring 'round our WORTLEY VILLAGE where we live!! Yes!! Wanna go-go-go!!??
Okeedoke!! Put on your walkingsocks, plus grab some zoomersjuice 'cuz for this morningtimes, we are gonna show you 'round TECUMSEH LEARNINGSCHOOL!! .......................
Did you know!!?? TECUMSEH LEARNINGSCHOOL has been in our Wortley Village for sooperlongtimes, guys!! Yup!! 'Cuz this learningschool is sooper oldentimer!! Prolly even more oldentimer than our Pop!! IKNOW!! That is pretty oldentimer for crying out Pete!! ..............
Me plus Mirabelly are hanging out at the frontparts of TECUMSEH 'cuz truestory it is soopernice here!! Lots'nlots of shadiness, plus some pretty gardenparts too!! Just lookit!! .........................
The gardenparts are sooper'portant to TECUMSEH 'cuz they like to brainlearn the juniorpeoples alla 'bout how 'portant the Naturemama is, plus how to take care of leafytrees plus flowerposies and stuff too!! Yup!! Check out the teensy wordysign next to the gigantical wordysign!! ...............
Can you see!!?? Not so much!!?? Okeedoke!! Let's have a real good looksee!!..........................
It says....
Yup!! Plus bleeve it or nope, the juniorpeoples are real good 'bout that!! Yup!! Plus there are volunteerings-type Mums plus Pops who help take care of alla the gardenparts too, so basically it looks pretty nice 'roundabouts here!! Yes!! ..........................
There are even gigantical boulderocks like this one alla inna circle for putting juniorpeoples buttparts on, guys!! Yes!! 'Cuz someofthetimes they do brainlearning out here!! IKNOW!! It is the coolist, basically!! There is a couple of big boulderock sitting circles, even!!
Plus TECUMSEH sits inna little cornerpart of our WORTLEY VILLAGE that is soopernice too!! Just turn a 'round, plus have a looksee at the peopleshouses 'cross the rollycar roads, guys!! You will see!! ...........................
Sorta nice'nsleepy, plus sorta oldentimey too, amirite!!?? Yup!! Plus bleeve it or nope, even when there is brainlearning goings on, it is not too crazybananas LOUD either!! Nope!! Butt that is what our WORTLEY VILLAGE is alla 'bout, guys: Nice, plus little, plus quiet, plus.... PRETTY!! ................
OH!! Wanna see somethings sooperfun!!?? Come over to the doorway in, K? K!! Hee hee!! ...............
That is one of the ways in, guys!! Yup!! Can you see anythings sorta differenter yet!!?? ..................
How 'bout NOWABOUTS!!?? Nope?? Okeedoke!! Have a looksee at THIS..............
This way in says "BOYS" onnit!! IKNOW!! Isn't that sorta funny and stuff!!?? YUP!!
Used to be there was a couple ways in like this, guys!! There was THIS one on THIS side, plus one just like it on the other side that said "GIRLS" onnit!! Truestory!! They did not used to let juniorboys plus juniorgirls hang out!! Isn't that crazybananas!!?? IKNOW!! ............................
BUTT NOT ANYMORES, GUYS!! Nope!! You will see!!
Me plus Mirabelly will show you and everythings!! Come over thisaways, K? K!! ................
OK!! That big 'ol buildinghouse is a whole 'nother thing called an ARENA, guys!! Yup!! For hockeypucking and stuff!! It is not part of TECUMSEH, butt they use it a bunch too!! Yup!! Plus on the other side of that is SOUTH LEARNINGSCHOOL!! That is the one with LEOLIONS onnit!! Yes!!
SOUTH is for waymorebigger juniorpeoples, plus TECUMSEH is for teensy juniorpeoples, plus the ARENA sits in the middle!! Pretty neato, amirite!!?? Pretty much!! .......................
Anybuddy 'member alla these soopercool picturepaintings!!?? 'Fore Mirabelle moved in, I shared lots'nlots of picturestories of them!! Yup!! .......................................
Okeedoke!! Now we are 'tween the ARENAHOUSE, plus TECUMSEH!! Let's go wayfardown to the end to look!! That is where.............
They are builderating a shinynew sportsballery field for SOUTH!! Yup!! Pretty neato, butt.... they do not let anybuddy onnit 'cept for squirrellypeoples, plus flutterflies, plus some chirpybirds and stuff!! They are REAL careful with their grassycarpet, guys!!
"Course soon as both these learningschools start up a 'gain, alla the fencings will go a 'way, plus then it will get monkey'd up REAL FAST!! Ha ha!! Anyhoozle............
OK!! Now we are allaways round the other side!! Yes!! SEE!!?? You can't even see the "GIRLS" way in anymores 'cuz they builderated a whole 'nother chunk on where the "GIRLS" way in used to be!! ...............................
Sorta crazybananas for reals, BUTT.... the extra chunk is a soopercool JAMESNASIUM that alla the juniorpeoples needed real bad to do zoomers goofballery in!! Yup!! 'Specially when it is the Freezy Wintertimes, guys!! Seriousface!!
WHAT!!?? OH.. Yes. I call it a JAMESNASIUM, 'cuz I do not know him too well, guys. Yes. Some peoples call him "JIM-NASIUM", butt we are just getting to know each other, so I call him JAMES. No biggie!! ...................
Plus we are almostly allaways 'round to where we started, butt I wanted to show you TECUMSEH's bestest side, guys!! Yes!! Have a real good looksee from over thisaways.........................
Everybuddy 'roundabouts where we live says TECUMSEH is pretty handsome. Plus I am thinkingthoughts YUP!! He totally is and everythings!! That is how come everybuddy takes real good care of him, plus wants him to be here forever plus everever, guys!!
'Cuz TECUMSEH LEARNINGSCHOOL is a 'portant part of our WORTLEY VILLAGE!! Yes!! ............
NICE!! 😊😊😊
Did you guys like to see allaways 'round TECUMSEH!!?? You did!!?? 'MAZING!! 'Cuz me plus Mirabelly luvluvlove to hang out with you guys, so prolly we will show you waymorelots of our WORTLEY VILLAGE latertimes, K? K!!
Anyhoozle.... hope you have a HappyFunTimes Wednesdaytimes, guys!! Sure do!! So take good care of yourselfs, plus 'member to not forget:
😜😜😜 Have some fun!! 😜😜😜
😊💜 See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 💜😊
H💜 H💜 H💜