Oh. Hi and stuff, guys. 😊😊😊
Goodmorningtimes. As your lookingmarbles will tell you, this is how gentleman puppies like to have relaxational leisuretimes inna Bloo Puddlepond. Yes.
It is nice, plus quiet, plus feels good on your buttparts................
As a dedicated man of leisure, I know alla 'bout how to take it easybreezy in puddleponds, guys. Yes. Seriousface. basically I am the bestest at it.
BUTT.... SOMEBUDDY has waymoredifferenter thinkingthoughts 'bout what puddleponds are for!! Can you guess who!!?? ..................................
This goofy puppy that is Mirabelle Roseblossom Merriweather!! .....................
Look how mopey she is when she is not allowed to do goofballery in here, guys!!
Can you bleeve it!!?? She says it is SNORING for crying out Pete!!
Butt when it is HER turn for having nicetimes in the puddlepond, then THIS stuffs happens!!..........
Mirabelle luvluvloves to get saucy with the wet, wateryparts, guys!! 'SPECIALLY if the SPRITZLESNAKE is innit!!
She will chomp it, plus bop it, plus jump alla 'round innit 'till alla the wet, wateryparts are allover the grassycarpet!! I am not even joshing!! This is what she says is having HappyFunTimes!! .............
Ha ha!! What a silly puppy, amirite!!??
Mirabelle was just doing goofballery for 'bout ELEVENTY minutimes, guys!! Yes!! ...
Butt just lookit those lookingmarbles, guys!! Can you see!! She is not DONE YET!! Nope!! Not even!! ...............
*BLURBLE!!* *CHOMP!!* *PANT!!* *SPLISH!!* *SNORT!!* *BLURBLE!!* *BOP!!* *CHOMP!!* .....
Lookit, guys!! Have you everever seen a puppy with more Happy in her Heart!!??
That is my Mirabelle!! She is not a 'bout the leisuretimes, guys!! Not even littlebits!!
When Mirabelle is in charge, it is alla 'bout PLAYTIME GOOFBALLERY!! Yup!! Bleeve it!! ....................
Hee hee!! Aaaaaaaanyhoozle... was sooperfun to hang out with you guys!! 😊😊😊 YUP!!
Hope Mirabelly did not get too much splashings on you!! Ha ha!! Plus shanksh for coming to hang out with us in the Bloo Puddlepond!! When you come visit for reals, you can ' cide if you want easybreezy leisuretimes with ME, gentleman puppy Archie Brindleton, or crazybananas goofballery with Mirabelle, the Boss with the Sauce!! YES!!
Have a 'MAZING Wednesdaytimes, everybuddy!! Plus we will see you latertimes, K? K!!
💜💜💜 Luvluvlove you guys!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜