Hi guys!! 😊😊😊
Goodmorningtimes to you plus alla your parts from me plus Mirabelle!! Yes!! How is everybuddy doing this shinynew morningtimes!!?? Pretty good I am hoping, 'cuz know why!!?? ........................
'Cuz for THIS morningtimes I am gonna take you for a sooperfun walkingtimes ARTSYFARTSY TOUR of the most middleparts of my London, Ontarioplace!! YUP!! Bleeve it, guys!!
Plus bestest part is.... we are gonna go with THE SUPERGUIDES!! Yup!! I am not even joshing!! So put on your walkingsocks, plus grab some zoomersjuice 'cuz now is the times to GO-GO-GO!!.......
TA DA!! 😊😊😊
Here is me, guys!! Yup!! Outside the SUPERGUIDES buildinghouse!! Lookit alla the 'MAZING rainbowparts and stuff, amirite!!?? You can tell soopercool stuffs go on in here!! Truestory!! Plus wanna know how ELSE you can tell soopercool stuffs goes on in there!!?? Just have a looksee at THIS!! ..............................
IKNOWRITE!!?? It has a gigantical 'CITEMENT MARK onnit for crying out Pete!!
Pretty cool for reals and everythings!! ............................
It is sorta hard to see with alla the reflectoration goings on in the lookingwindows, butt even from the outsideplace you can see all kindsa 'mazing stuffs you can do!! .............................
You just use your sillyphone to talk with these guys, plus they will tell you alla 'bout the downtown parts of our London, Ontarioplace!! Basically it is awesometimes!! ..........................
Did you know!!?? Our London, Ontarioplace is called THE FOREST CITY, butt there is lots'nlots of buildingparts here too!! Yup!! 'Specially HERE in the downtownparts!! Just look 'cross the rollycar road, guys!! Check it out!! .................................
Over thattaways is BUDWEISER GARDENS!!
It is a gigantical, sooperspecial yodelbarn for musicsounds, plus special shows, plus HOCKEYPUCKING, plus BASKETBALLING, plus even MONSTER-SIZE RUMBLETRUCKS RACE IN THERE SOMEOFTHETIMES!! Seriousface!! ....................................
Nextest to that is ROTARY SQUARE outside the COVENT GARDEN MARKET!! Yup!! On the weekendtimes it is full-up with shoppingtents and stuff 'cuz lots'nlots of peoples come here to trade dollarpennies for fresh yummysummies like razzleberries, strazzleberries, blooberries, bananarangs, cukelumbers, waterymajellons, plus stuff like that!! ..........................
Plus that is COVENT MARKET GARDENS, guys!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
It is full up allatimes with all kindsa 'mazing little shoppingstores that you can trade dollarpennies for fresh yummysummies, or yummysummies they cook for you too!! Basically every belly can find yummy stuffs in there!! .......
COVENT MARKET GARDENS has been goings on in my London, Ontarioplace since the 1835times, guys!! That is even waymoreoldentimer than POP, so you KNOW that is pretty oldentimer!! Hee hee!! Just joshing, Pop!! .............................
Anyhoozle, this is what THIS side of the rollycar road looks like just outside the SUPERGUIDES buildinghouse!! My London, Ontarioplace is not the most gigantical citytownsburg, butt.. we have some pretty big buildinghouses too!! Sure do!! .........................
Let's go inside, guys!! Have a looksee and stuff, K? K!! ..........................
WHOA!! There is lots'nlots of rainbowparts in here too!! Looks 'mazing!! ........................
Plus this where a whole buncha sooper'mazing peoples do their workerman work to make sure our London, Ontarioplace is the funnist, plus most 'citing it can be!! Yup!!
Wanna meet some!!?? Okeedoke!! Then say "HI!!" to...............................
THE SUPERGUIDES, GUYS!! Yes!! Aren't they 'MAZING!!??
They do workerman work here for the whole entire sunsmiley summertimes!! Yup!! Basically we got to be friendlypals on the INSTAGRAM, plus then they n'vited me to go onna special ARTSYFARTSY WALKINGTIMES TOUR, so 'course I said "COURSE!!"
You guys all ready!!?? Okeedoke, then let's GO-GO-GO!! .........................
Basically the SUPERGUIDES will take you allover the downtownist parts of where we live, plus tell you sooperinterestingal sciencefacts 'bout stuff we look at everydaytimes, butt don't know anythings 'bout!! For reals!! Like THIS.............................
Check out this 'MAZING picturepainting, guys!! ....................................
Pretty cool, amirite!!?? It was COMMISSIONED and everythings!! Yup!! ...........................
For a whole buncha places allover our London, Ontarioplace they figured out that if they LET artsyfartsy-types make gigantcal picturepaintings like this ON PURPOSE, then the other artsyfarsty graphitti-type artists will leave it alone, plus not mess with it 'cuz of RESPECT!! Yup!! .
So on the backsides of buildinghouses like these ones you can see all kindsa sooperneato picturepaintings!! Yes!! ................................
Here is 'round the corner from that big one we just saw!! Plus can you see!!?? It says ART FUSION!! That is a special club of graffiti-type artists that hang out, help each other, plus make picturepaintings like this when our citypeoples want to do a 'mazing job!! Yup!!
OH!! Plus now we are sooperclose too............
LONDON CLUB, guys!! ooooooOOOOoooooo!!
LONDON CLUB is the most fancyschmancy club in our whole entire citytownsburg!! Yup!! Mum plus Pop have neverever been to the insideparts, butt did you know!!??
I AM GOING HERE THIS VERY DAYTIMES!! Yup!! I got nvited and everythings!! Hee hee!! It is for a sooper'portant PHOTO SHOOT to help promote a gigantical fundraiser I am gonna be in latertimes for the KIDNEY FOUNDATION!! Seriousface!! Butt I will tell you waymorelots 'bout that a 'nother times, guys!! For nowabouts we are just walking by, K? K!! So we can get to...........
Shining proudly in the sun is the nearly scale sculpture of a Rhino that stands majestically on the lawn as one approaches the London Art and Historical Museum.
The animal is composed of multiple sections of aluminum sheets that are rivetted together. Created by artist Tom Benner and placed in 1998.
Yup!! The VIKING NOSEASAURUS!! He stands outside MUSEUM LONDON, plus he has been here for pretty longtimes too, guys!! ............................
Goobers keep trying to steal his pointy noseparts, butt he keeps growing it back!! Yup!!
OH!! Plus from here you can see THE COURTHOUSE plus over there is a whole 'nother kind of artsyfarsty sculptureshapes!! Check it out!! .......................................
Whatcha thinkingthoughts 'bout THIS ONE, guys!!?? ...........................................
Pretty weird and stuff, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! Butt sorta cool too!! Did you know!!?? These blobby shapes used to be right on the groundparts, butt peoples kept climbing on them and stuff, so then they put them on those big rocks to keep them safe!! Truestory!! ........................
It is called XABIS, plus it was n'vented in the 1974times, guys!! WOWZERS!! ......................
Did you know what else!!?? Firstofalls they were all painted to look like peoples skinparts, butt it was too weird, so now they look like this!! YUP!!
Okeedoke!! One more soopercool artsyfartsy thing for looking at guys!! It is just 'couple blocks a 'way over thisaways!! You will see!! ..............................
Can you see!!?? It is hanging up over that black rollycar plus the man in the bloo sweatershirt!! Can you see!!?? It is all metal and stuff!!
Let's get waymorecloser!! Like right under it and everythings, guys!! ................................
IT IS A GIGANTICAL CHIRPYBIRD, GUYS!! Yes!! Butt can you see!!?? It has one special roundparts in it's flappywing that does sooper'mazing stuffs when the sunsmiles shine THROUGH IT!!
Check this out!! .....................................
SEE!!?? Right under your feets, guys!! There are TOO (two - Mum) circleparts Yup!! One HERE, plus a whole 'nother one.........
...over THERE!!
When it is SPRING SOLSTACE the sunsmiles light one up with rainbowparts, plus when it is WINTER SOLSTICE the sunsmiles light up the other one!! IKNOW!! Basically it is the coolist!!
Butt it only lasts for 'couple minutetimes, so you have to be sooperfast to see it, guys!! YES!! ........
We are back where we are started from guys!! Yup!! Wasn't that sooperfun!!?? IKNOW!! ...........
So shanksh to everybuddy at DOWNTOWN LONDON, plus 'specially alla my shinynew friendlypals, the SUPER GUIDES for n'viting me plus taking me onna 'mazing arstyfartsy walkingtimes tour!! I have the bestest times, plus I did so much brainlearning!! WAS 'MAZING!!
You guys are the BESTEST!! ....................................
Plus shanksh to you guys for coming too!! Hope you liked going on the artsyfartsy walkingtimes tour too 'cuz MAAAAAAAAAAAYBE I will get to do more sooperfun stuffs with my friendlypals the SUPERGUIDES, plus if I do.... YOU CAN COME TOO!!
HappyHappyTuesdaytimes, everybuddy!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Have a 'MAZING daytimes, plus we will see you latertimes, K? K!!
💜💜💜 Luvluvlove you guys!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜