Guys!! Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! 😊😊😊
Yes!! Plus, did you 'member to not forget: IT IS THE FRIDAYTIMES FOR CRYING OUT PETE!! ...........
IKNOW!! Plus THIS Fridaytimes is sooper'citing 'cuz now is when we get to share our shinynew FENCINGS!! Yes!! Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface It goes allaways 'round our 'roundthebackyard, plus it is GIGANTICAL, guys!!
Waymorebigger than the oldentimer fencings that disavanished few daytimes a 'go!! YUP!! ............
Me plus Mirabelle just came out to do our morningtimes chores, plus ALLASUDDEN..... WHAMMOKABLAMMO.... our lookingmarbles couldn't even bleeve it!! I am not even joshing!! ........
So wanna have a looksee!!?? YOU DO!!?? Okeedoke!! Then point your lookingmarbles at .........
THIS!! ...TA-DA!! 😊😊😊
Whatchathinkingthoughts, guys!!?? Pretty nice, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! Do you 'member what the oldentimer fencings looked like!!?? NOPE?? Well, it looked like THIS............
THIS is the OLDENTIMER fencings, guys!! It was waymoreshorter, plus all rickety and stuff, plus it had differenter rainbowparts 'cuz some was brownish, plus some was bloo-ish, plus basically it was almostly falling down and stuff!! NOT SO HOT, aamirite!!?? 'ZACKLY!! ..........................
BUTT NOT ANYMORES!! Nope!! Not even!! Plus THIS fencings is even waymoretaller than our POP, guys!! For reals!! Plus 'cuz it is so sooperstrong and goes allaways from the grassycarpet up to pretty much the ceilingsky, nobuddy can see in or getunder or jump over or anythings!!
Guys.... this is the FIRSTEST 'roundthebackyard that me plus Mirabelle have everever had in all of evertimes that feels.....sooperdoopersafe. Yes. And that is... 'MAZING.
PLUS..... now that the fencings are all done, everybuddy is gonna start to put decorational ornabits back here for the soopersecet party that is happening soon!! YUP!! .........................
Like up thisaways in the shinynew cornerparts!! That is gonna be what POP calls a cute little CAFE SEATING AREA for hanging out, plus reading wordybooks, plus slurping teajuice and stuff!! Sounds nice, amirite!!?? ............................
YUP!! Pop is gonna move alla that stuff, plus builderate an outsideplace floor over there, plus put a little wall-sorta-thing at the side of our shinynew deck, plus then there will be a wooden hill plus benches for buttparts!! PERFECTAL!! ..........................
Plus MUM says there is gonna be a whole buncha shinynew flowerposies plus shrubbadubs that are gonna move in next to our shinynew fencings PLUS....... some sparklelights!! YES!! ....................
Basically everybuddy is gonna make it look real pretty out here for the party everytbuddy is being all sneakysecret 'bout, guys!! It is coming up soopersoon, so bleeve you me I am sooper'cited to see what it is alla 'bout!!
I heard MUM talkings 'bout her a shinynew white fancydress, plus POP is getting a shinynew gentlemans suit to wear, plus they want me to wear a gentleman bowtie, plus Mirabelly is gonna have bows or flowerposies or somethings, so....
IT IS SOUNDING PRETTY FANCY TO MY EARPARTS, GUYS!! Sure is!! Basically it is driving me plus Mirabelly crazybananas not knowing what it is alla 'bout!! Truestory!!.....................
Anyhoozle 😊 .....
Like I was saying firstofalls... IT IS THE FRIDAYTIMES A 'GAIN, GUYS!! Yes!!
So do littlebits more of your workerman work, butt THEN....
get to the outsideplace for big piles of HappyFunTimes and stuff, K? K!!
😎💜 HappyHappyFridaytimes, everybuddy!! 💜😎
😎💜😎💜😎💜 See you latertimes!! 😎💜😎💜😎💜
H💜 H💜 H💜