Okeedoke, guys.... yes. 😊💜😊💜😊💜
It is nice to see your faceparts, plus it puts Happy in my Heart to share this stuffs with you 'cuz after Mum plus Pop were all done talkingtimes with the doctoranarians, there was lots'nlots of thinkingthoughts 'bout what we are gonna do nextest to make sure she gets all better and stuff.
Yup. Plus it is getting kinda COMPLICATIONAL FOR REALS ......................
So...... firstofalls.... If you did not know, Mirabelly has a buncha sickybickies goings on all at one times, so it is real tough to know 'zackly where is the start of it all, plus where to start for making her feel waymorebetter too!! Truestory!! ...............
BUTT... now that a buncha testings plus (x-rays) have happened, we are pretty sure:
- Mirabelly does NOT have a Diaphramatic Hernia
- Mirabelly does NOT have a Mega Esophagus
- Mirabelly does not have any kinds of pneumonia
So that part is AWESOMETIMES, amirite!!?? BUTT.... she is still getting sooperbad HIVES someofthetimes, plus she is real ITCHY, plus she COUGHS plus even barfs up stuff pretty regular too. Yes. So those parts are NOT so good. Plus making it even more confusellating is that some of this stuff is not even connected for crying out Pete!! Just happening at the same times!! Plus........
When the doctoranarians made picturestories of her insideparts ('cuz we were worried maybe somethings got wonky after she got bonked by the rollycar plus booted in the brainmelon by that horseyperson) they found out Mirabelly is not made like most other puppies, guys. Nope.
Turns out her backparts are kinda wonky, guys. So are her ribs and stuff. Yup. Here is Mum to tell waymorelots a 'bout it:
Mirabelle has what is called Hemi-vertabrae, which are malformed vertabrae. They run up most of her back. Her ribs are a little malformed as well, but - and this is important - this likely has NOTHING to do with her current issues and may NEVER be an issue. But we will certainly be keeping a close eye on those areas as she ages. She also has unusual issues related to her brachiocephalic (flat-faced) muzzle which make her very noisy when she gets excited. She is noticably noisier now than when she was young, so for some reason that has gotten more severe. Her particular brachio issues are unusual and this may not be a contributing issue or even correctable. And it appears she also has some kind variation of inflamatory bowel disease, but THAT is at least something we can likely turn around - Mum 😊💜
So... Mirabelly is doing waymorebetter, plus we are got brainlearned a whole bunch 'bout what is going on with our Mirabelly, butt looks like there is gonna be a whole bunch more testingtimes coming up, guys. Yes. Plus prolly we are gonna try to fixerate her belly firstest, 'cuz THAT is prolly where alla the itchiness plus hivey-ness, plus grumpiness is happening and stuff. Prolly.
For everybuddy who did not see Mirabelly when her lumpybumps were sooperbad, here is an OLDENTIMER picturestory, K? It is not fun for looking at, butt just 'member to not forget, she is waymorebetter now plus they are almostly gone, K? K.......................
Anyhoozle... there is lots'nlots of talkingtimes going on for helping Mirabelly. Yes. Butt like I was saying, there is gonna be lotsmore testingtimes happening firstest. So Mum plus Pop are saving lots'nlots of dollarpennies to trade for testingtimes. Yes. Then we will find out even morethers so we can get Mirabelly back to being her saucy self, K? K!! ..............................
So nightynightimes, everybuddy. This is not the funnist stuffs for sharing, butt.... I am really really reeeeeeeeeeely happy to have friendlyfriends like you for sharing with. Yes. Sure am. I am not even joshing it makes me feel waymorebetter. Yes. 😊💜
Plus if you wanna maybe meet us in the Dreamingplace, Mirabelly would luvluvlove some extra HappyHeartHugs and stuff!! Truestory for reals I am giving her much as I can make, butt sure would be nice to get extra for her to feel more lovings!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! Plus no worrythoughts, K? Promiseface!!?? Mirabelly is doing pretty good, plus we are soopersure she is gonna do even waymorebetter real soon. YES!!
💜💜💜 Luvluvlove you guys!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜