Hey, guys!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Great googilymoogily is it nice to see your faceparts a 'gain!! Yup!! .................................
Truestory me plus Mirabelly were just talkings 'bout how 'cited we are to hang out with you guys this very morningtimes!! Seriousface!! 'Cuz wanna know why!!?? .................................
Well....... firstofalls...... it is sooperchillybilly in the outsideplace a 'gain!! Yes!! The WORSTEST!!
So.... me plus Mirabelly are mostly doing insideplace activities like... BESTIEWRESTLING... GOOFBALLERY... DANGLENAPPING... stuffs like that!! YUP!! ........................
PLUS...... yesterdaytimes...... when I was sorting alla my oldentimer picturestories.... I totally founded a buncha picturestories from when Mirabelle was just a teensy juniorperson!!
I AM NOT EVEN JOSHING, GUYS!! ..................................
They are from when Mum plus Pop took us to PINERY PROVINCIAL PARK!! Yup!! It was wayfaraways, plus it was Mirabelly's FIRSTEST TRAVELTRIP TO A SANDYBEACH!! ....................
All comfycozy!!?? OKEEDOKE!! Then let's have a looksee, K? K!!
BUTT... just so's you know.... prolly your Heart is gonna 'splode when your lookingmarbles see this firstest one, so... GO SOOPERSLOW, GUYS!! I am not even joshing!!
Okeedoke!! Here we GO-GO-GO!! ............................
TA-DA!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Isn't Mirabelly the soopercutest and stuff!!?? IKNOW!! Hee hee!! .......................
Here is one with me innit so's you can see how bign'burly I am nextest to teensy Mirabelle!! ...........
I even showed her how to WADE, guys!! Yup!!
After alls.... that is what bign'burly brotherpeoples are for, amirite!!?? 'COURSE!! ................
I wanted her to come see this big puppy doing splishysplashy goofballery, butt....
THAT IS FAR AS SHE WOULD GO-GO-GO, GUYS!! Ha ha!! ..........................
Anyhoozle...... latertimes we went exploradventuring!! That is our POP!!
You can tell it is our POP 'cuz he is in his BIRTHDAYFEETS!! Truestory!! ...................
Butt 'cuz Mirabelly was so teensy, Mum had to carry her back to...............
BURGUNDY DREAMS!! 'Member him, guys!!?? That was our rollycar 'fore SKYROLLER BLOO came to live with us!! Yup!! .......................................
Then latertimes, back at our foreverhome, we felled asleeping in the big puffybed!! Yup!!
We STILL do that allatimes, guys!! Seriousface!! .........................
OKEEDOKE!! That was the lastest one, guys!! Pretty cool, amirite!!??
Those ones were extra picturestories I have neverever shared befores!! Yes!! So it was pretty neato to find them hiding inna oldentimer 'puterbox, don'tchathink!!?? US TOO!! ............................
So...... hope Baby Mirabelle plus some cozywarm Happy in your Heart's, guys!! Sure do!!
Plus me plus All Growed-Up Mirabelly hope you have a soopernice Mondaytimes too!! Sure do!!
Just 'member to not forget that it is sooperchillybilly in the outsideplace, so...
wear your wintertimes walkingsocks, plus a mitten on your brainmelon, plus cozycoats plus alla that stuff, K? K!!
HappyMerryMondaytimes, guys!! Shanksh for hanging out with us, 'cuz... well.... 'cuz...
❤️❤️❤️We LuvluvLOVE you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
H💜 H💜 H💜