OH... Hey, guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
How was everybuddy's Wednesdaytimes!!?? Sure hope it was AOK and stuff!! Sure do!! ...............
Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface, me plus Mirabelly are real sooperpoopered!! Yup!! ........
See... it is sooperchillybilly in the outsideplace, so... latelytimes me plus Mirabelle have mostly been doing alla our sooperfun activities here in the insideplace!! Yes!! .....................
Butt... that is getting soopersnoring, so Mirabelly tolded our POP that she wanted to go onna sooperlong exploradventure!! Like we do when it is cozywarm in the outsideplace and stuff!! ..........
YUP!! BUTT... POP tolded us it was sooperfreezy, butt Mirabelly wanted to GO-GO-GO, so POP took a sooperlongtimes to put on alla our wintertimes footsieboots, then alla our sweatershirts, then alla our cozycoats, then alla our collarparts, plus alla our safetystrings!! Yup!!
Then we went walkingtimes allover our WortleyVillage, plus did you know!!??
IT WAS THE WORSTEST!! Ha ha!! .............
Just goes to show and stuff...CAREFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, EVERYBUDDY!! Yup!!
'Cuz if you want it or nope... you will maybe even get it!!
So n'stead of wishowishing for more times in the freezy outsideplace, me plus Mirabelle are wishowishing you guys will meet up with us in the Dreamingplace for gigantical piles of cozywarm snugglesnorts!! YES!! THE BESTEST!! 'SPECIALLY THE COZYWARM PART!! Hee hee!!
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Luvluvlove you guys!!
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️