Hi guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
How was your Mondaytimes and stuff!!?? Is everybuddy AOK for reals!!?? Sure hoping so 'cuz 'case you forgotted, you guys are our bestest friendlyfriends, plus we have lotsa lovings in our HappyHearts just for YOU!! Yup!! ..........
Guys....truestory somebuddy who is real 'portant to the Brindlebunch is having real hard times right nowabouts, so me plus Mirabelly plus Mum plus Pop are all sending big piles of HappyHeartHugs just for her!! Yup!! Lots'nlots, even!!
Wishowish we could tell you guys alla 'bout it, butt.... it is sooper privatal stuffs, plus she is feeling lotsa hurtiness in her Heart, so... so I can't share it with you. Sorry, guys..........
Butt me plus Mirabelly just want her to know, we are thinkingthoughts 'bout her, plus we luvluvlove her like crazybananas, plus anytimes she wants somethings from the Brindlebunch...
Yup!! 'Cuz that is what friendlyfriends do, amirite!!?? 'COURSE!! ................
OH!! That 'minds me..... how many of you guys are having HappyFunTimes watcherating the wintertimes 'LYMPICS goings on where UNCLE DANNY is from!! Did you 'member THAT!!??
YUP!! UNCLE DANNY is from the KOREAplace, guys!! Truestory!! Plus I dunno 'bout YOU guys, butt I luvluvlove alla the soopercool artsyfartsy designery for alla the teams and stuff!! Yup!!
Here is the regular-type one for our CANADAplace!! Check it out!! .........................
Pretty cool, amirite!!?? Pretty much!! That is the one they use allatimes, butt check out THIS sooper'mazing one!! ................
AWESOMETIMES!! Prolly this one is my most favouritist 'cuz of alla the colourparts!! YES!!
Alla the colourparts are for my Canadaplace plus alla the differenter kinds of peoples who live here that make us sooper'mazing-ly special and stuff!! YUP!! Wishowish I had that one onna pictureshirt for wearing on my burliness!! Hee hee!! Prolly I would look the COOLIST!!
Plus there is a whole 'nother one that I like lots'nlots too!! Check THIS one out!! ..................
It is all PIRATE RED which is my most favouritist colourpart, plus there is our Canadaplace MAPLE-TYPE LEAF, plus alla the soopercool zig-zaggery and stuff too!! Even Mirabelly really likes this one too!! I am not even joshing!! ...........................
So let's all hang out in the Dreamingplace, plus cheer on alla the 'MAZING sportypeoples doing wintertimes zoomers and stuff, K? K!! Me plus Mirabelly hope EVERYBUDDY WINS!! Yes!!
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you sooperlots for reals!! ❤️❤️❤️
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️