Well, guys...😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
A 'nother daytimes a 'nother dollarpenny, amirite?? Yup!! Pretty much!! ..................
How as YOUR daytimes anyhoozle!!?? Was it 'MAZING!!?? SOOPERGOOD!!?? Just sorta AOK!!?? ...........
Ours was sooperfun for reals!! Yup!!
'Course it was sooper chillybilly in the outsideplace a 'gain 'cuz of it still being the freezy wintertimes and stuff, butt that was no biggie 'cuz Mum plus Pop did lotsa insideplace goofballery with us!! YES!! ...........................
Pop was showing peoples who want to moverate into our buildinghouse the 'partmentparts that are gonna be all empty soon, so we got to go allover everywheres in here!! YUP!! .................
We got to see floor number WON, plus floor number TOO, plus floor number FREE, plus floor number LESS THAN WON, plus basically allover everywheres we have neverever even seen befores!! Seriousface!! Was NEATO and everythings, guys!! ..................
Plus... now that we have seen basically everywheres in our buildinghouse, we will show you a whole bunch of it sometimes soopersoon too, K? K!! That will be the FUNNIST!! .........................
Butt......... now is when we go to the Dreamingplace, everybuddy!!
Mum plus Pop are not gonna come to the BIGBED for a 'whiles, so for the nowabouts YOU CAN JUMP IN TOO!! Hee hee!! There is gigantical bunches of roominess for basically EVERYBUDDY!! SEE!!?? .............
Or.... you can just meet us in the Dreamingplace like normaltimes, K? K.
'Long as we get to make snugglesnorts with YOU guys, everythings is AWESOMETIMES. Yes.
❤️❤️❤️ Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! ❤️❤️❤️
Hope we see you in the Dreamingplace for cozypile snugglesnorts 'cuz...
...we luvluvlove you guys!!
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️