Guys!! You are here!! That is soopergood!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
'Cuz.... I wanna get right to the tacky brassparts and stuff, K? K!!
This daytimes somethings sorta WEIRD happened, plus it 'minded me 'bout 'couple OTHER times that I started acting sorta weird, plus how MUM plus POP were thinkingthoughts maaaaaaaybe I can SEE stuffs plus FEEL stuffs that most peoples can't. Yes. For reals........
So.... here is my sorta WEIRD STORYTIMES, guys. Yes. *AHEM* This daytimes one of our nieghbourpals sent wordybits to POP's sillyphone askerating if he could HEAR A CRYING BABYPERSON. He said NOPE, BUTT he did say I was acterating SOOPERWEIRD.
Everybuddy knows that mostly allatimes I am sooper easybreezy, plus almost nothings makes me 'fraidy or weird or anythings like that, butt for THIS daytimes, at the 'ZACKT same times one of our neighbourpals said she heared a crying babyperson,......I WAS BEING SORTA WEIRD. YUP.
Like... full-up with worrythoughts, plus allasudden being real SOOPERCLINGY to POP at his workerman desk and stuff. For REALS, guys.................
Mirabelly does not like SPOOKY SOOPERNATURAL storytimes, guys!! Me either!! Butt here is are the science facteroids:
Plus.... the LASTEST times I acted like this was when our other neighbourpal went over the Rainbow Bridge. Nobuddy even knew 'bout it yet, butt MUM plus POP say I DID 'cuz I was not acting like ME, ARCHIE BRINDLETON!! Nope!! I was acting the same way as THIS daytimes, PLUS... I was sitting at our frontest door looking at where our neighbourpal who went over the bridge used to live!! AT HER 'PARTMENTHOUSE, GUYS!! Plus I NEVEREVER SIT THERE!!.........
Now Mirabelly is getting REAL weirded out, guys!! Sorry 'bout that, Mirabelle!!
Butt seriousface, guys... what are YOUR thinkingthoughts!!?? Do you bleeve it!!?? 'Cuz 'member there are some puppies who can see lotsa stuffs peoples can't see!! Like the puppies who know EARTHYQUAKES are coming waymoresooner than everybuddy else!! Or the puppies who can tell when sickybicky peoples are gonna have SEIZURES wayfarbefores they do!! TRUESTORY!! ..........
So MUM plus POP are wonderthunking what is goings on with me!! Like maaaaaaaaybe I have EXTRA FEELS or somethings!! Truestory for reals... I DUNNO!!
I am AOK now, butt only AFTER Mum gave me chunks of bananarang, plus sang sweet musicsounds in my earparts to make me feel waymorebetter (IT TOTALLY WORKS, GUYS!!)
MUM plus POP say that maybe one daytimes they will take me to see a sooper'mazing PSYCHIC LADY who is sooperfamous 'roundabouts where we live!! YUP!! So she can look at my SPIRITY INSIDEPARTS to see if maybe there is somethings SPECIAL goings on!! Maybe!! Isn't that crazybananas!!?? IKNOW!! Plus they say it is crazybananas too, butt they still wanna go-go-go just 'cuz it would prolly be.... AMAYZAZING!! Prolly!! ......................
So that is how come.... I just wanted to share that with you this nightynightimes, guys!! Whatchathink!!?? Do you bleeve in that kinda stuffs!!?? YUP or NOPE, you should come hang out in the Dreaminglace 'cuz seriousface I wanna hear alla 'bout your thinkingthoughts 'bout stuff like that too, K? K!!
Plus ALSO... me plus Mirabelle are feeling sorta WEIRDED OUT, so making cozypile snugglesnorts with you would feel waymorebetter nowabouts!! I am not even joshing!! *BRRRRRRRRRRR!!*
Anyhoozle...nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Hope we see you in the Dreamingplace 'cuz we...
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
(Plus 'cuz we are weirded out!!)