It is soopernice to see your faceparts and stuff, butt we gotta go-go-go sooperfast 'cuz truestory I have majillions of stuffs to share with you this shinynew morningtimes!! YES!! ..................
Firstofalls, Mirabelly says "HI!!", plus she luvluvloves you and stuff, butt she is not 'llowed to be here in our shinynew 'partmenthouse just yet 'cuz of her allergeez!! Bummer for reals!!
BUTT..... nextofalls I am telling you that THIS daytimes is...........
"The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests (IDF) in 2012. The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns. The theme for each International Day of Forests is chosen by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests. The theme for 2018 is Forests and Sustainable Cities."
Isn't that the COOLIST!!?? IKNOW!! I am littlebits bummed 'cuz truestory I did not know 'till this morningtimes, plus me plus Mirabelly can't get to the wilderwild this daytimes, butt....
MAYBE YOU GUYS CAN!! YES!! .......................
Pretty 'mazing, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! 'Course everybuddy knows me plus Mirabelly plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch luvluvloves the wilderwild, so this is a sooper'portant daytimes I am gonna scribble in my calendarbook for next yeartimes!! YES!!
Plus if you see any FOREST-type places, say "HI!!" for me plus Mirabelly, K? K!! ......................
OKEEDOKE!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Now for the most 'citing part of this picturestory: having a sneakypeek looksee at our shinynew 'partmenthouse!! YUP!! .................................
Right nowabouts I am sitting onna wooden hill in the frontest room, guys!! Sure am!!
Plus there is LOTS'NLOTS goings on in here!! For reals!! MUM plus MUMUM are doing big piles of workerman work, plus even POP stopped his workerman work to helperate too!! ...........................
That is the frontest door, guys!! Yes!!. Did you know!!?? We hardly ever use THAT door 'cuz our 'roundthebackyard is out the other way!! Plus that is where SKYROLLER BLOO hangs out too!!
Every 'partment house where we are has TOO doorways in, everybuddy!! Not every 'partmenthouse has that!! Sorta makes it feel like you are in your very own peoplehouse!! Sorta!! ...
This whole, entire room is gonna be real WHITEly when it is done, guys!! Yes!! Butt it is sorta MINTY GREEN nowabouts!!
So MUM plus MUMUM are putting shinynew WHITE rainbowparts on EVERYTHINGS!! ..................
That is the frontest door a 'gain, butt from hereabouts you can see the nextest room and stuff!! .....
So prolly you can see that even the *stickybits (*the wood trim - MUM) is getting painterated, guys!! Yes!! Plus maybe some of you are wonderthunking... HOW COME!!?? ..................
Well, that is a soopergood questionthought guys, plus basically it is like THIS:
MUM says it will make our shinynew 'partmenthouse look waymoreBIGGER, plus waymoreBRIGHTER, plus truestory for reals, mostly alla the stickybits in this 'partmenthouse are kinda beat up, guys!! YUP!! ................................
'SPECIALLY the stickybits 'round alla the windowholes and stuff!!
See.... this 'partmenthouse was builderated a majillion yeartimes a 'go roundabouts the 1930times!! Plus the OUTSIDEPARTS of this buildinghouse got lots'nlots of lovings, butt some of the insideparts... NOT SO MUCH!! ............................
Check out alla the HOLES in these stickybits, guys!! Plus there was little cracks, plus splits and stuff too!! Forever plus everever peoples have been drillerating stuff into it, so I am not even joshing... IT WAS LOOKING PRETTY BEAT UP!! .......................
Our neighbourpal LISA painterated her stickybits, plus then MUMUM did too, plus both of THOSE 'partmenthouses look 'MAZING nowabouts, so now we are gonna fixerate alla the stickybits in here same way, plus fill in alla the holes, plus painterate them all PRETTY WHITE!! You will see!!
OH!! Plus check THIS out!! ..............................
Here is the walkingroom that goes back to POPs WORKERMAN ROOM, plus the RAINCLOSET ROOM, plus wayfaraways at the end is the BIGBED SLEEPINGROOM!! Yup!!
Butt..... have a looksee at what is JUST inside on the LEFT-PAW SIDE!! .................
Can you see!!?? That little pocket on the wall with the decorational "X" under it!!??
Do you guys know what THAT is!!?? ........................
Truestory wayfarback in oldentimesdays when this whole, entire buildinghose was n'vented, THAT is where THE TALKINGPHONE went, guys!! YUP!!
'Cuz back in oldentimesdays everybuddy only had ONE, plus it was allatimes onna LEASH!! isn't that crazybananas!!?? IKNOW!!
We are gonna use ours for somethings real special, butt I will show you latertimes after we moverate in, K? K!! For the NOWABOUTS........ check THIS out!! ..............................
Plus alla the shinynew boxalopes for putting FOOD in are almostly done!! ......................
Plus you can see the shinynew FLOOR MUM plus MUMUM put in, plus the shinynew lighteningbulbs (overhead lighting), plus this is gonna be all done prolly on the FRIDAYTIMES!! ....
One of the STEVES who has been helperating has to come back to put in the lightening, plus to make the puddleponds where our bowls get scrubbadubbed!! YUP!!
Plus can you see!!?? The LONG, SKINNY trail carved into the wall!!?? CAN YOU!!?? ...............
It starts wayover HERE...............
Plus goes down over THERE.............
Plus then goes allways 'cross to the other end!!
This is for where the lightening (electricity) will go, guys!! Plus did you know what ELSE!!?? This wall is made of ROCK, NOT STICKYBITS, so MUM had to use a robot arm that went CHUNKA-CHUNK real loud to carve it all out!! I am not even joshing!! .......................................
That is the OTHER SIDE, guys!! Mostly it is gonna stay the same!! That big boxalope with alla the handles plus lookingdoors is from wayfarback when this 'partmenthouse was n'vented, butt it still looks 'mazing, plus works real good, so it is staying 'zackly the same!! .....................
'Cept for right HERE next to it, that is!! THAT is where the WINTERCLOSET use to be!! YUP!!
Butt 'cuz we use the 'roundthebackdoor waymorelots than the frontest one, MUM plus POP want a place for walkingsocks plus cozycoats and stuff!! Plus THAT means the WINTERCLOSET is gonna go.....................
Yup!! It is not tucked allaways in its spot just yet, butt it fits PERFECTAL!! ............................
Anyhoozle.... it is coming real 'mazing, plus it is not so long 'fore we are gonna be liverating in here forever plus everever, guys!! .............................
Truestory we are sooper'cited 'cuz of alla the extra SUNSMILES that come into this 'partmenthouse!! I did not even BLEEVE It, guys!! Butt there is like.....
Plus with alla the WHITElyness going everywheres, it sorta looks like..... we are living onna PUFFYCLOUD!! Hee hee!! .............................
It is 'mazing to see the neighbourhood from here too!! This 'partmenthouse is right over where too rollycar roads smootch, so there is lots'nlots for watcherating!! Mirabelle is gonna luvluvlove it!! YES!!
Have a 'MAZING Wednesdaytimes guys!! 'Member to not forget to say "HI!!" to any FORESTparts you see this daytimes, plus we will see you latertimes, K? K!!
HappyMerry INTERNATIONAL FOREST DAYtimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️