Yes!! Seriousface!! Me plus Mirabelly are SOOPER'cited 'bout this daytimes, guys!! Wanna know why!!?? Okeedoke!! Then grab your zoomersjuice, plus skootch on in, 'cuz truestory for reals no joshing seriousface it is gonna be 'MAZING!! Yup!! ................
Firstofalls it is a 'nother daytimes in our shinynew 'partmenthouse, plus every daytimes MUM plus POP do waymorelots of tinkerational fixery so it looks waymore prettier in here!! Seriousface!!
PLUS... that is not even everythings, guys!! NOPE!! Not even, 'cuz this very daytimes is............
IKNOW!! Isn't that the coolist!!??
Manatees are aquatic mammals known for their immense size and jowly appearance. Manatees might not make the list of cutest animals, but enough manatee enthusiasts exist for there to be a Manatee Appreciation Day.
Manatee Appreciation Day is devoted to raising awareness about these quirky creatures. Unfortunately, manatees are endangered. Although hunting manatees is usually illegal, they continue to be poached for their meat and hide. Also, manatees are often fatally injured in collisions with boats. It is important to increase manatee awareness so that these fascinating animals will continue to exist in the future.
Manatee Appreciation Day events usually take place in areas with large manatee populations, such as Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean. Zoos and marine biology centres may offer special manatee-related programming on Manatee Appreciation Day. You can celebrate Manatee Appreciation Day anywhere by researching manatees, starting your own awareness campaign, or donating to manatee conservation programs. .............
Truestory I luvluvlove MANATEEPEOPLES 'cuz of their 'mazing flubberfolds, plus 'cuz of their burliness, plus also 'cuz they luvluvlove to TOOT THEIR BUMTRUMPET!! Hee hee!!
I am not even joshing!! Did you know!!?? One times our POP went swimmerating with MANATEES!! For reals!! Plus he says one was bigger than our rollycar, SKYROLLER BLOO!! YUP!! Butt it was not 'fraidy 'cuz they are so nice!! Even the gigantical ones!! .....................
So say "HI!!" for us to any Manateepeoples you see this daytimes, guys!! K? K!!
OH!! Plus check out the TINKLEBELL behind me plus Mirabelly!! MUM plus POP finallytimes figured how to put a bell up that we can ring-a-ling to go do our chores that does not ring-a-ling every times the door opens!! IKNOW!! 'Cuz in our oldentimer 'partmenthouse it was on the door and stuff!! Silly MUM plus POP!! This is WAYMOREBETTER!!
PLus Mirabelly already learned how to ring-a-ling it soopergood!! YES!! .......................
'Cuz we are alreadytimes in our shinynew FOODROOM, let's have a looksee a 'round and stuff!!
Wanna see the foodroom boxalopes MUM plus MUMUM builderated!!?? OKEEDOKE!! ..............
Pretty good, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! Plus one of the STEVE HANDYMANS helperated put in the wet watery pipes, plus hang the toppest parts, but basically MUM did mostly all the rest with MUMUM's helperating!! ..........................
It was all n'vented in the SWEDENplace at a shoppingstore called IKEA, guys!! Soopereasy!! .........
There is even swinging parts, plus slide-y parts, plus the part where wet, waterystuffs comes out can get real long plus go anywheres!! It is 'MAZING!! ........................
Over on the OTHER side stayed pretty much the same 'cuz MUM plus POP liked this oldentimer lookinghutch!! Can you bleeve it is almostly WONHUNRED YEARTIMESOLD!!
That is almostly as oldentimer as our POP for crying out Pete!! Ha ha!! Just joshing, POP!! ............
BUTT.... this part is prolly our MUM's waymostfavouritist, guys!! YUP!! A COAT TREE!!
Seriousface!! See the WINTERCLOSET used to be here, butt MUM plus POP Moverated it 'so's POP could put a COAT TREE here!! That is 'cuz we go in plus out THIS door waymorelots than the frontest one, so MUM really, really reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly wanted a chunk of place for cozycoats, plus walkingsocks to go!! SO THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED, GUYS!! ...........................
Plus over HERE is where our boxbeds plus food bowls go, guys!! YUP!! Truestory they are all waymorecloser together in THIS foodroom, so me plus Mirabelly are still getting used to putting yummysummies in our bellies here, butt....... we are getting the hang of it!! YUP!! ...................
'Course this is where MUM plus POP moverated the WINTERCLOSET, PLUS..........
We had to stop for putting up alla our most favouritist picturedrawings from friendlyfriends like YOU!! Yup!! They put so much Happy in our Hearts, guys!!
Promiseface if you send a letterlope with picturedrawings innit, we will put it on our WINTERCLOSET forever plus everever!! No joshing!!
Unit 3
473 Baker Street,
London, Ontario, Canada
N6C 1X9
Shanksh for hanging out this morningtimes, guys!! Me plus Mirabelly luvluvlove when you come visit!! OH!! 'Fore I forget to 'member.....
WeatherWizard says it is gonna be AWESOMETIMES in the outsideplace with lotsa cozywarm degrees plus sunsmiles and everythings, so...
HappyMerryWednesdaytimes, guys!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ See you latertimes!! ❤️❤️❤️