Hey, guys 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Did you know?? I luvluvlove when you come visit for nightynightimes. Yup. 'Specially when I am getting all dreamy in the brainmelon 'cuz seeing your faceparts puts cozywarm Happy in my Heart. YUP. Mirabelly's too!! ...............
Dunno 'bout YOU guys, butt me plus Mirabelly had a sooperfun daytimes 'cuz we got to go onna HappyHeartMission to the WESTERN UNIVERSITY Learningschool a 'gain!! Truestory!! ...............
Plus for THIS HappyHeartMission we even broughted a SPECIAL GUEST to help put waymorelots of Happy in Hearts!! I am not even joshing!!
BUTT.... now is not the times for me saying WHO it was!! Nope!! Not even!! I will share that with you a 'nother times with the whole, entire picturestory!! YOU WILL SEE!! Hee hee!! ..............
When we got back to our foreverhome, Mirabelly was doing lotsa readingtimes on the interwebsnet when she founded a pretty weird holidaytimes, guys!! ....................
YUP!! Pretty weird for reals!! Do you guys know 'bout the gigantical crooked river called...
You do!!?? Awesometimes!! Then maybe you already know 'bout........
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(*The following excerpt is from
"I live about five kilometres from the falls and when the wind is right I can hear the roar of the falls. After a while, it becomes like, “White Noise”. Not to hear it would be unusual. Well that was the case in 1848.
It was near midnight of March 29th that Niagara stopped to flow for two days. There was an eerie silence and Niagara residents realized something was abnormal. Some thought it was the end of the world.
Many flocked to Niagara churches.
It wasn’t the end of the world and it was soon learned that the reason Niagara had run dry and the Niagara River reduced to a mere trickle was heavy ice had created a dam blocking water from flowing from Lake Erie down the Niagara River.
For two days locals scurried onto the upper river bed and retrieved items that had been under the river for years. Such things like bayonets, muskets, barrels, canons and tomahawks from the War of 1812 were gathered up. Even a few human skeletons stuck on rocks were retrieved!
Only when the wind shifted about 40 hours later did the ice dam finally break up and the river once more began to flow. People returned to their regular routine and the eerie unnatural scene was no longer.
Because photography was in its infancy there are no known photographs of this event. ...........
Isn't that the WEIRDEST!!?? IKNOW!!
It would be crazybananas to traveltrip allaways to the Falls only to see..... ROCKS AND STUFF!!......
So... I was thinkingthoughts you guys would like to hear that storytimes if you have not hearded it befores. 'Cuz of it being nightynightimes. 'Cuz that is when you tell storytimes to peoples you luvluvlove and stuff. Yup. ......................
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Me plus Mirabelly want you to come see us in the dreamingplace 'cuz wanna know why!!?
Sillies!! I JUST tolded you!! 'Cuz we luvluvLOVE you guys!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ See you in the Dreamingplace!! ❤️❤️❤️