Hey, guys. 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Shanksh for coming to hang out for this nightynightimes. Yes. You are basically the nicest. Yup. Plus... Did you guys have a nice Mondaytimes?........
Sure hope so. Yup. Truestory it woukld put Happy in my Heart to know you guys had a nice Mondaytimes. Sure would.
Me plus Mirabelly had a nice one. Sure did. Was awesometimes to see MEADOWLILLY WOODS plus MISTER RIVER a 'gain!! Amayzazing, even!! Butt.........
It has not been a 'zackly perfectal daytimes for our Mirabelly. Nope. Not even.
See... you guys prolly know 'bout her sickybickiness and stuff. That she had real bad greeblies when she was a babyperson, plus that we are brainlearning prolly those greeblies have been making her sickybicky for her whole, entire livingtimes off and on and stuff. Prolly.............
She is getting lots'nlots of helpings, BUTT..... every once inna whiles, Mirabelly gets kinda lumpybumpy. Plus it makes her pookie, 'cuz it is waymoreharder for her to have HappyFunTimes when the lumpybumps come back, Yup.
Plus, it sorta makes me pookie too 'cuz.... well, 'cuz I luvluvlove my baby sisterperson. ............
Now, no worrythoughts guys!! K? K!! 'Cuz seriousface Mirabelly is getting littlebits better allatimes, BUTT.... when the lumpybumps come back, it is not so much fun for her. Nope. Not even.
This times you can see they are on her shoulderparts. Yup. Lastimes they were on her buttparts....
They kinda move a 'round allover everywheres, guys. Mum plus Pop say that is maybe 'cuz Mirabelly is fighting them off, plus they keep trying to hide in differenter places every times!! ..............
Butt..... Mirabelly is taking special stuffs for helping her get rid of them, so we are hoping it is getting harder plus waymoreharder for the lumpybumps to hide every times!! Yes!! 'Cuz that means 'ventually she will chase them a 'way FOREVERTIMES!! Yes!! ..................
Anyhoozle... she will do it guys. Sure will. 'Cuz Mirabelly is the biggest, most toughest, most SAUCIEST Puppy Queen in all of everywheres, amirite!!?? Yup!! Pretty Much!!
Butt.... if you have extra HappyHeartHugs, maybe you can send some for her this nightynightimes, 'cuz that would make her feel waymorebetter, plus it would put Happy in my Heart too, K? K. ........
Shanksh, everybuddy. 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Plus, if you have littlebits of times, come hang out with us in the Dreamingplace 'cuz that would make Mirabelly sooperhappy for reals.!! Yes!! Wanna know how come!!??
'Cuz she luvluvloves you guys!!
Plus me too!!
Plus so does the whole,entire Brindlebunch!!
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ This much!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
See you in the morningtimes, everybuddy!! Plus just so's you know, there is gonna be a soopernice storytimes 'bout how one of our friendlyfriends made Mirabelly SOOPERHAPPY, even though she is feelings littlebit sickybicky!! You will see!! Promiseface!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️