Oh. Hey, guys... H❤️H❤️H❤️
Did you know?? It is soopernice to see your faceparts right nowabouts. Sure is. Did you know what else?? 'Cuz truestory a whole BUNCHA friendlypals we know are feeling real sickybicky this daytimes!!
Seriousface!! So firstofalls, I just wanna send a whole buncha extra HappyHeartHugs with lotsa lovings for everybuddy who is feeling not so good, K? K!!
Wanna know who is NOT feeling sickybicky??
Yup!! She is doing pretty 'mazing, even!! We have to make sure she does not get too 'cited or anythings, butt mostly alla her lumpybumps are gone, plus it puts big piles of Happy in my Heart to say.... MIRABELLE plus UNCLE DANNY are getting really, really, reeeeeeeeeeeely sooperclose, guys!! ...................................
Yup!! It took them longtimes to figure each other out, butt latelytimes they have amayzazing bestiewrestling matches!! The CUTEST for reals!! Hee hee!!
'Course, Mirabelle can't play for too much times or anythings, butt it makes my HappyHeart pretty much 'splode to have thinkingthoughts 'bout AFTER her surgerystichery when she will be able to do goofballery for long as she wants!! Yes!! Dunno 'bout YOU guys, butt I can't even hardly wait!! ......................
BUTT.....I am not so sure UNCLE DANNY is gonna be so happy 'bout Mirabelly being all full-up with sauce a 'gain!! Ha ha!!
OH!! Speakings of bellychuckles, wanna hear a shinynew storyjoke, guys!!?? YOU DO!!?? Soopercool!! This one has a PIRATE innit and everythings!! Yup!! So here goes..........
Once upon a times...
when nobuddy was looking...
there was a PIRATEMAN...
who could not brainlearn his alphabets!!...
Nope!! Not even!!...
No matter how hard he tried,...
he could not figure it out!!...
He would start at the beginnings...
plus go far as he could...
butt every times...
he kept getting......
Ha ha!! Did you know the ending, guys!!?? Did you know!!?? Hee hee!!
How 'bout YOU, Mirabelle!!??
Did you like THIS one 'cuz it had PIRATES AND EVERYTHINGS!! .................
................................*SNORRRRRRRRRRRRTY-SNORT* .....................................
Pffft...... well..... anyhoozle...... I liked that one, guys. Yup. Lots'nlots, even. 'Cuz there was a pirate innit and everythings. Hee hee...............................
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! ❤️❤️❤️
Hope everybuddy who is not feeling so 'mazing gets all better soopersoon!! YES!! ...................
See you in the Dreamingplace, friendlyfriends!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️