WOWZERS!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Goodmorningtimes you guys!! It is 'MAZING to see your faceparts a 'gain 'cuz truestory for reals no joshing seriousface yesterdaytimes was full-up with rollycar driving, plus lotsa worrythoughts, plus our MIRABELLY GETTING SURGERYSTICHERY to help with her breatherating!! ...................
'Cuz of lotsa helpings from a friendlyfriend who's puppypal had to have the same kinda surgerystichery, we founded this 'MAZING doctoranarians office in the GUELPH, ONTARIOplace called KORTRIGHT ANIMAL HOSPITAL!!
No joshing, turns out that was the BESTEST adviceybits we everever got, guys!! For reals!! ......................
Everyplace else we founded by ourselfs was gonna make Mirabelly wait for ELEVENTY WEEKS, so this was the bestest!!
Nobuddy was 'CITED 'bout having Mirabelle get surgerystichery, butt if we were gonna do it ('CUZ SHE HAD TO), it was BESTEST to do it waymoresooner than later, knowhatimean!!?? YES!! ..........
So anyhoozle..... yesterdaytimes finally came, plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch had to get wakeywakey even 'fore the SUNSMILES FOR CRYING OUT PETE!! Was SOOPEREARLY is what I am saying!!
Then we all got in SKYROLLER BLOO, plus he took us allaways to.............
Turns out SKYROLLER was sooperfast, so we got here TOO EARLYTIMES, guys!! ...................
Butt 'ventually the doctoranarians opened all up for us, plus then we walked over!! I stayed sooperclose to Mirabelly so's I could say stuffs like:
"You are gonna do 'MAZING, Mirabelle!!"
"There is no reasonings for worrythoughts, Mirabelle!!"
"This is gonna make you feel waymorebetter, Mirabelle!!"
Plus stuff like that!! ...................
This place can helperate PUPPIES, plus KITTIES, plus BUNNIES, plus even MOUSES and stuff, guys!! That is pretty awesometimes!! ...................
When we went to the insideparts, everybuddy was the NICEST!!
They did lotsa talkings to MUM plus POP plus said they could have alla the zoomersjuice plus teadrinks they wanted, plus lotsa other nice, caring stuffs to help make everybuddy feel waymorebetter too!! ...................
While MUM plus POP did lotsa talkingtimes, plus scribbled on paperybits, me plus Mirabelly waited on one of their BENCHES FOR BUTTPARTS!! Yup!! ..................
Then one of my most favouritist parts was going to the teensy room where Mirabelly sorta "CHECKED IN" with our doctoranarian!! ........................................
Every puppy plus kitty plus furbaby who has a 'ppointment gets a soopernice WELCOME, guys!!
Isn't that the BESTEST!!?? IKNOW!! That put Happy in my Heart!! ....................
Then there was waymorelots of talkingtimes for MUM plus POP. Soopersnoring, guys!!
So I founded this perfectal FORT where I could hang out, plus hear everythings, plus keep my lookingmarbles pointed at MIRABELLE!! ..................
I had lotsa flutterflies in MY belly, plus I could tell MUM had lots too - even POP, butt..........
For MIRABELLY it was no biggie, guys!! She was 'MAZING!!
So anyhoozle...... MIrabelly went in to get a buncha stuffs taken out of her neckparts that is making it waymoreharder for her to brethe good, guys!! It is called ELONGATED PALATE SURGERY, plus this is what has been making Mirabelle cough, plus barf, plus basically it has been waymoreharder for her to have HappyFunTimes!! .......................
So after trying EVERYTHINGS else, MUM plus POP said "NOPE!! NO MORE!!" plus made plannery for Mirabelly to come here 'fore anythings even waymoreworser happened to her!! YUP!!
After alla the CHECKING IN, we had to GO-GO-GO, guys. Plus leave Mirabelly behind and everythings!! The WORSTEST!! Butt truestory for reals no joshing seriousface everybuddy at KORTRIGHT ANIMAL HOSPITAL was 'MAZING!! Just check out the emailery MUM got after we got back to our foreverhome!! ..............
Dear Mom and Dad,
I wanted to let you know that I am doing really well and getting lots of tender loving care from my nurse, Melanie. I will continue to enjoy being spoiled by the healthcare team here. I look forward to seeing you later this afternoon.
They even sended us this picturestory of her in her teensy 'partmenthouse!!
Plus can you see!!?? EDGAR RICE BURRO got to stay with her for making her feel waymorebetter too!! ...................
Then we had to wait for basically FOREVERTIMES, guys!! Butt as 'fraidy as the surgerystichery is, the part RIGHT AFTER is real 'fraidy too!! That is the part when the puppy wakes back up with a TUBE in their neckparts!! Plus if the puppy is too weirded out by that it can cause LOTS'NLOTS OF PROLLEMS!!
Butt DOCTORANARIAN SHAWN said Mirabelly was totally cool with the tube!! She was like "NO BIGGIE" plus he says she was a MODEL PATIENT, plus that everybuddy gave her big piles of lovings for being such a GOOD GIRL!! ......................
Then LATERTIMES we came allaways back to pick her up!! MUM plus POP broughted Mirabelly a shinynew PLURPULL 'VENTURE HARNESS so nothings would be 'round her neckparts, guys!! YUP!!
NO MORE COLLARS FOR MIRABELLY!! ..........................
Plus we were so full-up with proudliness plus SO HAPPY TO SEE HER!!
We all took turns giving Mirabelle HappyHeartHugs with extra lovings!! Then she got in her travelbasket, plus I got in mine, UNTIL...........
So she SQUISHELLED me in my travelbasket REAL GOOD!! .................
Butt that was AOK with me!! I did not mind even teensybits 'cuz I was just 'sploding with Happy that our Mirabelle was back, plus the BRINDLEBUNCH was all together a 'gain!! YES!! ...............
So THAT is what happened, guys!!
Mrabelly is gonna be pretty uncomfortable for a whiles, plus now we have to keep her mellow plus easybreezy for a whole, entire MONTHTIMES to make sure she heals up perfectal, so THAT is gonna be tough -BUTT TOTALLY WORTH IT!!
Shanksh a 'gain for alla the extra lovings plus nice wordybits, guys!! From the basement of our HappyHearts it means lots'nlots, K? K!!
HappyMerryWednesdaytimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Promiseface, we will check in latertimes with more and stuff!! YUP!!
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️