HI EVERYBUDDY!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Did you know!!?? It is the FRIDAYTIMES a 'gain!! YUP!! We totally made it and everythings!! ..........
Dunno 'bout YOU guys, butt I am sooperhappy it is the Fridaytimes 'cuz THAT means firstofalls that Mirabelly has done soopergood for a whole buncha daytimes with no prollems since her surgery, PLUS...
Alsotimes it means we are 'bout to have a 'couple daytimes OFF for doings a whole lotta NOT SO MUCH!! .....................
Guys... I have to say it HAS been kinda snoring latel-
MIRABELLE!! What are you doing for crying out Pete!!??
She does this someofthetimes, guys!! .........................
She wants to make sure it is ME, Archie Brindleton, so she uses her smellerator to FND OUT!! ...
She will just be a littlebits, guys!! .................
So hold on for a bit, K? K!! ..................
Great googilymoogily!! OKEEDOKE!! Mirabelle is all done, guys!! Nowabouts...... I forgot to 'member what-
OH!! I was gonna show you how much everythings has growed in our 'roundtheabckyard, guys!!...
Everywheres you point your lookingmarbles you can see lotsa GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!! ..........
LOOKIT how comfy the grassycarpet looks, guys!! THAT is where Mirabelly likes to FLOP a 'round and stuff!! .......................
Plus LOOKIT alla the shrubbadubs plus flowerposies all wakeywakey over HERE!! ............
Plus POP put the teensy PICKELNICK table on the pebblybits, then made a place for where he plus MUM sit for breakfastimes and stuff!! It's NICE!! ..........................
'Course this part is where we have our BARBIEQ's and stuff - prolly we are gonna do that a 'gain this weekendtimes!! PROLLY!! .........................
Plus then there is this chunk of gardenparts that MISS LISA builderated over HERE!! ................
Basically it is soopernice EVERYWHERES you point your lookingmarbles, guys!! Don'tchathink!!??
US TOO!! Plus that is how come we luvluvlove to hang out back here!! PLUS........ when YOU come to visit, you can hang out here too!! That will be THE BESTEST!! YUP!! ...................
So SHANKSH for alla the 'mazing helpering, everybuddy!! Truestory this would'a been a waymoreharder weektimes for us without alla you guys sending HappyHeartHugs plus nice wordybits for us to read and stuff!! Sure would!!
So have a 'MAZING Fridaytimes, plus neverever forget to 'member:
❤️❤️❤️ WE LULUVLOVE YOU GUYS!! ❤️❤️❤️
😊❤️See you latertimes!! ❤️😊