Guys!! Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
How was your weekendtimes!!?? Was it 'MAZING!!?? Sooperfun!!?? Did you go to a shinynew chunk of place, or see somethings awesometimes!!?? Sure hope so!! That would be the coolist!!.....
Truestory, we had a soopernice weekendtimes, butt with basically no 'citement 'cuz of our Mirabelly who is still getting all better after her surgerystichery!! YUP!! So....... kinda SNORING is what I am saying!!
BUTT.... also truestory the outsideplace was BEAUTIFULLISH like crazybananas with lotsa sunsmiles plus cozywarm degrees basically the whole, entire weekendtimes!! YUP!! 'Cept for the parts that had rainingdrops!! Butt that was AOK, anyhoozle!! ..................
OH!! Check out who it is, everybuddy!!
It is my baby sisterperson, MIRABELLE ROSEBLOSSOM MERRIWEATHER who moseyed on over to show you our shinynew 'VENTUREHARNESSES!! .........
Pretty cool, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! MUM plus POP 'cided to get Mirabelly a shinynew 'ventureharness 'cuz she is not 'llowed to have anythings tug on her neckparts anymores, guys!!
Nope!! Not since her surgerystichery and stuff!! .........................
Plus, lastimes I went onna FIRE SAFETY MISSION, I met a 'nother THERAPY DOG who wore this kind of harness, plus she said it was soopercomfy, plus soopereasy to put on, plus her Mum said it was soopereasy to keep clean too!!
Can you see!!?? There is a teensy POCKET where it says I.D. sos' you can put your jingly tags in there, plus NOT MAKE ANY 'NNOYING JINGLESOUNDS!! That part I like lots'nlots!! .................
It hugs Mirabelly in her bodyparts 'roundabouts her shoulderparts real good, plus does NOT tug at her neckparts even littlebits!! Basically it is perfectal!!
Plus.... it is PLURPULL, guys!! Mirabelly's most favouritist *rainbowpart!! (*Colour -MUM) .............
Anyhoozle...... just to show Mirabelly it is a soopergood thinkingthought, I GOT ONE TOO!!
'Cept they don't make them in MY most favouritist rainbowpart, guys- PIRATE RED!!
That is prolly 'cuz they would be waytoo sooperfast and stuff!! Prolly!! Anyhoozle.... these 'ventureharnesses are the coolist, plus they work 'mazing in rollycars too as SAFETY HARNESSES you can clip to where babyperson seats go!! YUP!! So that is sooperhelpful too!! .......................
OH!! Talkings 'bout SOOPERHELPFUL and stuff!!...
Guys.... there is a teensy puppy who is having lotsa prollems who is needing some helpful helperings, K? K!! ...............................
This is HER, guys!!
It is MARLEY THE HAPPY BULLY from the INSTAGRAM!! Isn't she the cutest!!?? IKNOW!!
Butt MARLEY broked her teensy ELBOWparts, plus it is gonna take LOTS'NLOTS of dollarpennies to help her with surgerystichery, plus medicines, plus alla that stuff!! YUP!! ...................
Lotsa you guys were askerating if you could be our helpful helpermans by sending dollarpennies for Mirabelly's surgerystichery, butt truestory for reals, MUM plus POP did not feel good 'bout askerating, 'cuz we are doing soopergood, so we had alla the dollarpennies we needed this times.............
(* But we really, truly, appreciate the gesture from the bottom of our hearts - MUM)
So if you have some extra dollarpennies, plus you would like to helperate somebuddy who really, really reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly needs some, then maybe you can help teensy MARLEY!! ...............
Click on these wordybits to visit the GoFundMe page for
Okeedoke!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Golly!! It has been 'mazing to catch up with you guys a 'gain!! Sure has!! Butt now is the times when me plus Mirabelly fill our bellies, plus then we are gonna do a SHORT walkingtimes 'round the block for some exercizery 'fore it gets too stinkywarm for Mirabelle!!
Butt, we will see you latertimes with more picturestories, plus lotsa sooperfun awesometimes too!! Promiseface!!
HappyMerryMondaytimes, everybuddy!! Let's make it a 'MAZING one, K? K!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️