Here we are, and stuff you guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️.....
Can you see!!?? Me plus Mirabelly are hanging out on the crooked hill at the frontest part of our buildinghouse!! Yup!! ............................
Bleeve you me there is a 'MAZING daytimes happening, plus WeatherWizard says it is gonna be beautifullish the whole, entire times too!! IKNOW!! ....................
That is how come we are hanging out like this and stuff!! Did you know!!??
There has been lots'nlots of crazybananas zig-zaggery zoomers goings on, so me plus Mirabelly are just gonna sit on our buttparts, plus get smootched by the sunsmiles, plus snorf the blusterpuffs, plus have a real good looksee at everythings in our neighbourhood!!
CHECK IT OUT!!.........................
Over thattaways is the most prettiest block in our whole, entire neighbourhood, guys!! ................
Plus there is where the rollycar roads hang out together.........................
Plus over thattaways is LELLOMAN plus TECUMSEH LEARNINGSCHOOL.......
Plus down thattaways is the OTHER learningschool called SOUTH where the LIONS hang out!! YUP!! ......................
Basically everythings is looking 'mazing, don'tchathink!!?? US TOO!!
Plus truestory it is soopernice to hang out up here, plus watch alla the juniorpeoples mosey on over to their learningschools, plus alla the rollcars go by, plus even chirpybirds plus squirrellypeoples doing their busy-ness!! Yup!! THE BEST!! ...........................
We luvluvlove alla the sooper'citing shrubbadubs plus flowerposies getting wakeywakey 'round our foreverhome too!! Wanna see!!?? OKEEDOKE!! ...................
Here is 'roundabouts the side where SKYROLLER BLOO hangs out!! Can you see the flowerposies!!?? They are gonna look even waymore'mazing soopersoon too!! ................
Plus over thisaways is closer to the frontest part where we are!! That is where they used to shovellate COAL into the basementroom wayfarback in the oldentimesdays!! YUP!!
Plus LOOKIT THE PLURPULL flowerposies!! Pretty 'mazing, amirite!!?? But alla those guys are gonna get WAYMOREBIGGER too!! Promiseface!! .....................
OH!! Did you know 'bout the "H'S" on the toppest parts of our buildinghouse!!?? YOU DID!!??
Yup!! Basically they stand for "HAPPY" plus "HEART"!! YUP!! Pretty sure, anyhoozle!! ......................
(* Not quite, Archie. 😊 This building was actually built in 1929-1930 by the same Mr. HYATT that went on to create the HYATT HOTEL CHAIN later in his life. He actually lived across the street! - MUM)
Here is alla the flowerposies right next to where we are on ONE SIDE...................
Plus here is alla the flowerposies plus shrubbadubs on the OTHER SIDE too!!
Everythings is gonna get GIGANTICAL, guys!! Plus MISS LISA is gonna put a whole bunchmore in too!! It is gonna look AMAYZAZING in littlewhiles!! .........................
So basically.... me plus Mirabelly are just taking it real easybreezy this shinynew daytimes. Yup.
So's we can 'member to not forget 'bout alla the sooper'mazing, beautifullish stuffs goings on in our livingtimes that we luvluvlove so soopermuch. Truestory. .........................
Yup!! We wanna say a gigantical SHANKSH to you guys, 'cuz you have been sooper'mazing this last 'couple daytimes with alla your HappyHeartHugs, plus sooper'portant adviceybits, plus for sharing storytimes 'bout your puppies who had the same surgerystichery our Mirabelly is gonna get too. YUP.
Means lots'nlots, guys. Seriousface for reals. ..............................
MUM plus POP are gonna do some more talkingtimes with OTHER doctoranarians 'cuz even though we like the one we saw yesterdaytimes, the place he works does not have EVERYTHINGS they need if anythings sooperbad was to happen when Mirabelly has her surgerystichery.
They do 'mazing stuff there, plus he was soopergood, butt he said if somethings went real, real wrong, then their hospitalhouse is not the bestest place to go. So that is how come MUM plus POP are gonna take our Mirabelly someplace differenter guys... 'CUZ OUR MIRABELLY IS GONNA GET THE BESTEST OF EVERYTHINGS SO SHE FEELS SAFE ALLATIMES!! YES!! ................
Anyhoozle..... promiseface I will tell you alla 'bout where we are gonna go, plus 'course 'zackly WHEN too, K? K.
Alls I know right nowabouts is prolly we are gonna go to a surgerystichery school in the GUELPHplace one plus one half hourtimes a 'way. Butt that is 'cuz they do it lots'nlots, plus they have a 'MERGENCY ROOM, plus lotsa peoples there allatimes to help make sure Mirabelly will be AOK - NO MATTER WHAT AND STUFF!! ..............
So shanksh a 'gain, everybuddy!! From the basement of my HappyHeart!! Mirabellly's too!!
For the nowabouts, let's everybuddy have a soopernice Wednesdaytimes with lotsa gentle blusterpuffs plus cozywarm sunsmiles plus HappyHeartHugs, K? K!!
See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😘❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️