FRIDAY MORNINGTIMES... IN THE SUNSMILES!! (13 photos + bonus gallery)
Howdy, friendlyfriends!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Plus HappyMerryFridaytimes too!! Yes!! It has been a crazybananas weektimes, so I gotta say it is soopernice to hang out with you for littlebits like right nowabouts!! Sure is!! ..................
'Course our MIRABELLY had a 'portant weektimes with her checking up yesterdaytimes!!
Plus DR. SHAWN says she is doing 'MAZING after her surgerystichery, plus that she can start doing some goofballery a 'gain!! YES!! That is AWESOMETIMES!! Not TOO much, butt, even littlebits is gonna be sooperfun for her!! .....................
We can maybe even start exploradventuring a 'gain littlebits too!! If it is not TOO stinkywarm that is!! ..........................
That is soopergood for me too guys, 'cuz truestory for reals.... tween me plus you....
We have to wait for littlebits longer to see if Mirabelly's voice will come back, 'cuz she sorta sounds like a HONKY GOOSE when she makes barkysounds, butt like DR. SHAWN tolded us....
That is MAYBE what she is gonna sound like sorta forever plus everever!! We won't know for reals 'till her stitchery comes our after 'bout FORE WEEKTIMES!! .................................
(* It takes about a month for the stitches to come out, but it has been only 10 days so far - MUM)
Sure is nice to see your faceparts this morningtimes!! Sure is!! Plus to just hang out with you and stuff!! You guys have been 'mazing for this whole, entire surgerystichery thing, so.......
....we just wanna make sure you know how much lovings there is in our HappyHearts for you, K? K!! 'Cuz it is a LOT, you guys!! Seriousface!!
OH. That is RUDY, the puppy 'cross the rollycar road making barkysounds at the juniorpeoples on the way to their learningschool!! He likes to make barkysounds, guys!! Does he EVER!! ...........
OH!! HEY!! Wanna see somethings sooperpretty!!?? Check THIS OUT!! ............
Can you see that squarish, ladder-type thingy next to our little walkingroad!!?? ..............
LOOKIT the bottomparts!! Can you see the PIRATE RED flowerposies!!?? ......................
MISS LISA put them here just 'couple daytimes a 'go!! She says they are gonna CLIMB ALLAWAYS TO THE TOPPEST PARTS OF THAT LADDER-TYPE THINGY!!
Isn't that 'MAZING!!?? IKNOW!! I can't even hardly wait!! ................................
OKEEDOKE, you guys!! MUM says it is times to fill our belly, then to start our shinynew Fridaytimes, so we will see you won more times 'fore we take the weekendtimes off, K? K!!
Me plus Mirabelly, plus Mum plus Pop plus Uncle Danny, plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch hope you guys have a 'MAZING daytimes, plus that you take real good care of yourselfs 'cuz wanna know why!!?? 'Cuz....
We luvluvlove you guys!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ See you latertimes, everybuddy!! ❤️❤️❤️