Hey you guys.... 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Can you bleeve it? Can you bleeve a whole 'nother yeartimes has gone by since I moverated in with my Mum plus Pop!!?? IKNOW!! ............
That makes pretty much FIVAL YEARTIMES (5 years) since I moverated out of VICTORY BULLDOGS to come live with my Mum plus Pop in our foreverhome!! YUP!!
Plus that was a buncha 'partmenthouses a 'go too!! Crazybananas!! ..............
Great googilymoogily!! My brainwiring can't even 'member what it was like 'fore our Mirabelly moverated in, guys!! So much times has gone by, plus so much stuffs has happened, don'tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! SO MUCH!! ..................
Truestory it gives me lots'nlots of thinkingthoughts, guys.
Sure does. Plus, I am sooperHappy it is not JUST my adoptaversary, butt that it is 'fficially HappyHeartHugs day too, 'cuz wanna know why!!?? .............................
'Cuz guys......... I am a lucky duckling. Maybe even the MOST luckiest ducking in all of evertimes!!
I have so much for being full-up with shankshfullness 'bout, plus so many peoples I wanna say "SHANKSH FOR BEING MY FRIENDLYFRIEND" too!! Yes!! ...............
'Course MIRABELLY plus MUM plus POP plus MUMUM plus POPOP plus UNCLE DANNY are all close e'nuff for giving REGULAR-TYPE HUGS to, butt seriousface there are waymorelots of peoples 'round the marbleworld that I wanna share HappyHeartHugs with!! .................
Like.... well......for startingtimes, everybuddy at MCCORMICK HOME, plus MCGARRELL PLACE plus WESTERN UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING where I go on HappyHeartMissions and stuff!!
Without friendlyfriends who work sooperhard to make our missions work soopergood at every place like that, I would not be able to go, guys!! I AM NOT EVEN JOSHING!! ..............
Plus everybuddy at the LONDON FIRE DEPARTMENT - specially FIREFIGHTER JASON POOLE -who is my bestest buddypal who n'vites us to everywheres, plus brings a special seat just for my buttparts and everythings!! THE BESTEST!! ..................
Plus basically..... ALLA YOU GUYS. Yes. Guys.... it is gonna be FIVAL YEARTIMES that I have been sharing my picturestories in just a littlewhiles ( September will mark 5 years of Archie being online) plus the ONLY ways it could everever happen was 'cuz of YOU!! DID YOU KNOW!!??
Did you know how much your friendlyship means to me?? A burly puppy gentleman allaways from the Canadaplace!!??
THE MOSTEST, EVEN. ...........
So, nightynightimes, everybuddy!! Sure hope you can come hang out in the Dreamingplace for this nightynightimes 'cuz truestory I would luvluvlove to tell alla you guys - faceparts to faceparts - how much lovings I have for you!! YES!! From the basement of my HappyHeart, you're friendlyship means...
Did you know!!?? My HappyHeart is pretty much 'sploding from just my thinkingthoughts 'bout it for crying out Pete!! Yes!! For reals!! I am gonna get blubbery and stuff, guys!! *SNIFF*
Anyhoozle!! Come hang out in the Dreamingplace you guys!! K?? K!! Promiseface I will give everybuddy their very own gigantical pile of HappyHeartHugs with extra lovings 'cuz...
...did you know....??
😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️ I luvluvlove you guys!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Forever plus everever!! ❤️❤️❤️
(* Mirabelly too, 'course!!)