Hey, guys!! H❤️H❤️H❤️
Have I tolded you latelytimes 'bout how much Happy you put in my Heart!!?? Sure hope so, 'cuz truestory for reals it is LOTS'NLOTS!! Yup!!
Just seeing your faceparts makes my HappyHeart pretty much 'SPLODE!! Hee hee!! ..............
'Course also truestory is that me plus Mirabelly are doing big piles of goofballery a 'gain, so we are sooperpoopered!! YUP!! In the GOOD way, guys!! The SOOPERgood way!! ..................
Plus, Mirabelly just had her special sudsy scrubbadubbings in the pooproom puddlepond, so now she is all wrapped up good in a towelblanket 'fore we go to the dreamingplace!! YUP!! ............
That is how come I am all skootched in sooperclose for helping keep Mirabelly toastywarm and stuff. Then MUM plsu Pop will make sure she is all perfectal dried up a 'gain 'fore we go-go-go to the BIGBED for nightynightimes!! ..................
PLUS..... bestest part is EDGAR RICE BURRO is back, guys!! Did you know!!??
Truestory he got lefted behind at the doctoranarians where Mirabelly had her surgerystichery!! Mirabelly did not get to snuggle with him for almostly a 'couple WEEKTIMES for crying out Pete!! .........
Butt.... nowabouts we are all together a 'gain, plus he likes to stay sooperclose to her too. Yup.
OH!! I almostly forgotted!! Did you know!!?? My POP helps brainlearn peoples how to write picturemovies!! SERIOUSFACE!! Plus, he used to do it for our UNIVERSITY LEARNINGSCHOOL for a buncha yeartimes, butt now they do not do it anymores, so.......
He is doing it all by his lonesome!! YUP!! Plus the FOREST CITY FILM FESTIVAL askerated him to do it for them, so that is what he is gonna do at the endest part of this monthtimes!! YES!!
So if you know anybuddy who would like to brainlearn how to tell waymorebetter stories, his course is sooper'mazing!! He has brainlearned peoples who write WORDYBOOKS, plus PICTUREMOVIES, plus POEMSTORIES, plus THEATRESHOWS, plus even VIDEO-TYPE GAMES!!
So if you know anybuddy close to our London, Ontarioplace who would like to have HappyFunTimes brainlearning alla 'bout it, send them to POP's interwebsnet clubhouse, K? K!! ....
Shanksh, guys!! Me plus MUM are sooper'cited 'bout it 'cuz POP luvluvloves to be a teacherman, plus he luvluvloves to be a helpful helperman for peoples who want to tell waymorebetter stories and stuff!! Everybuddy has lots'nlots of HappyFunTimes!! I am not even joshing!! ........................
Anyhoozle....... this was a pretty 'mazing Wednesdaytimes, don'tchathink!!?? IKNOW!!
Only thing that would make it waymorebetter would be......
See you in the Dreamingplace, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️