Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Plus HappyMerryFridaytimes too!! Did you know!!?? That means we are almostly at a whole 'nother WEEKENDTIMES!! IKNOW!! Sooperawesome!! .............
Butt truestory for reals, that is not the ONLY sooper'citing thing happening this daytimes!! NOPE!! Not even!! ..................
'Cuz THIS morningtimes is when Mirabelly founded a PUFFY LETTERLOPE in our mailingbox!! YUP!! Check it out!! .............
*BUTTWIGGLE* You are not even gonna BLEEVE what was in the insideparts, guys!! NOPE!!
Just LOOKIT for crying out Pete!! ...............
TA-DA!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
How much AWESOMETIMES is THAT, guys!!?? AMIRITE!!?? .................
It is a CROC-AGATER or a CHOMPADILE!! I get those confusselled allatimes!! Ha ha!! ...............
It is a TOWELBLANKET, guys!! Plus lookit alla those 'MAZING RAINBOWPARTS!! IKNOW!! ........
His name is LACOSTY and stuff!! He is from the FRANCEplace I am thinkingthoughts!! ............
Plus lookit how full-up with HAPPY he is!! He is BELLYCHUCKLING, guys!! Hee hee!! ..................
Butt... that is not the ONLY stuffs inside, you guys!! Plus we don't even know who sended it yet!! Nope!! So good thing there was a...............
...LETTERLOPE inside too!! Yup!! Plus this is how we brainlearned everythings came from our bestest friendlyfriend, BRENDA FOSTER who lives allaways in the IDAHOparts of the AMERICAplace, guys!! Isn't that 'MAZING!!?? .....................
This is the backest parts of her letterlope!! It is from the JANE GOODALL INSTITUTE for helperating lotsa MONKEYPEOPLES called CHIMPANZEES who need it sooperbad!! THEY ARE THE BESTEST!! YES!! .....
Plus this is the frontest part that is soopercool with PIRATE RED rainbowparts, plus PUNKIN, plus lotsa BLACKYBLACK too!! Soopercool for reals!! .................
Inside Brendafoster wroted lotsa soopernice wordybits, plus said she sended this to us 'cuz of alla the COLOURFULLISHNESS onnit plus 'cuz she says we put lotsa COLOURFULLISHNESS in her daytimes too!!
'Course she shared stuffs 'bout herself that make us feel waymorecloser to her too!! Yup. Truestory the insideparts made our HappyHearts 'splode with lovings!!
HappyHeartHugs with extra lovings just for YOU, Brendafoster!! YES!! H❤️H❤️H❤️...................
Plus check it out, everybuddy!! I luvluvlove LACOSTY so muchly I went to the Dreamingplace on his soon as we put him on our floorparts!! SO COMFYCOZY!! Hee hee!! ................
Anyhoozle...... Me plus Mirabelly plus Mum plus Pop plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch are saying SHANKSH to Brendafoster for being so soopernice plus for sharing with us!! YES!!
It is confusallating 'cuz we luvluvlove it so much. Plus we know we are luckyducklings for reals, butt.... 'course I am retire-ating in littlewhiles, so.... WE ARE GONNA MISS YOU GUYS LIKE CRAZYBANANAS!! ...........
YUP. Sooperdooperlots, too!! Butt for the nowabouts, let's all have a 'MAZING Fridaytimes full-up with HappyFunTimes, plus Shankshfullness for the friendlyfriends we have plus that we will have forever plus everever, K? K!!
HappyMerryFridaytimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
If you can, come and say goodbye in person at this years' ARCHIEAWLOOZA.
The Brindlebunch would love a chance to say THANK YOU to Archie's wonderful friends.
(Taking place at the Fanshawe Pioneer Village on Sept. 23 - click the photo for details)