Howdy, friendlypals!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Wowzers!! What a daytimes, amirite!!?? Dunno 'bout where YOU guys are, butt 'roundabouts where me plus Mirabelly live... THERE WAS RAININGDROPS!! Yup!! ............
Lots'nlots too, guys!! Sure was!! Plus they felled down at a buncha differenter times too!! YUP!! ......
Butt did you know!!?? What was sooperdooper crazybananas, was when the sunsmiles came out too!! I am not even joshing!!
There was sunsmiles, then rainingdrops, then sunsmiles, then rainingdrops then sunsmiles, then rainingdrops for crying out Pete!! IKNOW!! ..............
OH!! That 'minds me....
Did you guys know this very daytimes is...................
Each year on August 21, there are various events and activities held across the United States in recognition of National Senior Citizens Day.
This day was created as a day to support, honor and show appreciation to our seniors and to recognize their achievements. Their valuable contributions to our communities create better places to live.
Their valuable contributions to our communities create better places to live. Take time today to spend with seniors you know, and listen to their stories of wisdom and experience, gain from their hard-earned knowledge.
For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older — places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity. ~ President Ronald Reagan – August 19, 1988 Proclamation 5847
”After a lifetime of working, raising families, and contributing to the success of this nation in countless other ways, senior citizens deserve to retire with dignity.”
~ Charlie Gonzalez
We are fortunate to live in a time when so many of our elderly are living lives of unexpected health and financial security, but such was not always the case. Throughout history old age was not something an individual expected to reach, and so we lost the wisdom and experience of these individuals at an early age. Senior Citizen Day celebrates the fact that these keepers of wisdom are staying with us longer each year, and in better health.
History of Senior Citizen Day
Let’s discuss life expectancy throughout the ages, starting in the Late Middle Ages. During this time period those who were at the top of the social strata had a life expectancy of 30 years old, 30 years! Could you imagine graduating High School only to have less time remaining on this Earth than you spent in school? That’s how far things have come since those days of old. Even in the 1900’s the age had only increased to 31, but that’s when things really started getting incredible.
You see, as medical technology advanced, which it has been doing exponentially in the last 100 years, so did life expectancy advance with it. In the 1950’s we saw an average life expectancy of 48 the world over, and then in 2014 it had expanded to 71.5 years, more than double the life expectancy of our medieval counterparts! In fact, in Monaco you find the longest life expectancy of the world, 89.52 years!
This means that we have more and more people living to a ripe old age and able to share their wisdom, stories, and experience with several generations.
How to celebrate Senior Citizen Day
There are organizations that help to support those Senior Citizens who are living on their own, and they accept volunteers to work with them and help out the aging community. You can also stop by local Adult Care Homes to visit those who may have seen their friends and family pass before them. If you have grandparents or other elderly still alive in your family, celebrate Senior Citizen Day by stopping by and telling the how much you appreciate them. Sitting down and listening to the stories they have to tell can give you a unique perspective on the world and yourself.
Pretty soopercool, amirite!!?? IKNOW!!
Truestory I can't even hardly wait to get oldentimer, guys!! Seriousface!! I am thinkingthoughts I am gonna make a 'MAZING puppy gentleman when I am basically eleventy jillion yeartimesold - JUST LIKE OUR POP!! Ha ha!! ...............
OH!! Mirabelly wants to share a sooperfun picturemovie from when she came exploradventuring THIRD STREET PARK with me wayfarback in the 2015times!!
Wanna see!!?? OKEEDOKE!! Then point your lookingmarbles over THISAWAYS, guys!! ............
Ha ha!! Was sooperfun for reals, guys!! Did you see!!?? DId you see me acting all CASUAL and stuffs for trying to fool our Mirabelly!! Hee hee!!
Butt she was still sooperfast for reals anyhoozle!! SURE WAS!! ..........................
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface me plus Mirabelly plus Mum plus Pop plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch...
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
If you can, come and say goodbye in person at this years' ARCHIEPAWLOOZA.
The Brindlebunch would love a chance to say THANK YOU to Archie's wonderful friends.
(Taking place at the Fanshawe Pioneer Village on Sept. 23 - click the photo for details)