Hi friendlyfriends!! *BUTTWIGGLE* 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Golly. Truestory I get so 'cited to see you guys latelytimes!! Seriousface!! Even when I am all poopered out from a crazybananas stinkywarm daytimes like this one!! YUP!! ...........
Prolly it is 'cuz of me retire-ating and stuff. Prolly. Butt..... mostly 'cuz I luvluvlove you and stuff. Mirabelly too. Yup.
'Course... alsotimes I am sooper'cited, 'cuz we have big piles of stuff for talkings 'bout!! LIKE.....
Click here to visit the official NWD website, guys!!
"National Wildlife Day (Feb. 22nd & September 4th) founded in 2005 by animal behaviourist and philanthropist Colleen Paige, serves to bring awareness of endangered animals nationally as well as globally, that need to be preserved and rescued from their demise each year, but also to acknowledge zoos and outstanding animal sanctuaries globally for everything they do to help preserve this planet's animals and educate the public about conservation - especially to children....our animal's future caretakers and conservationists.
National Wildlife Day will be celebrated on two dates, to double the effort to help bring awareness of the plight of wild animals around the globe. NWD encourages wildlife lovers to stand up and fight for animals that need a voice, to visit their local zoo and donate what they can to make a difference in the lives of our beloved animal friends.
This day, formerly celebrated and observed on September 4th, has added the date of February 22nd, to honour the memory and birthday of Wildlife Warrior, Steve Irwin."
Click here to visit the official NWD website, guys!! Just LOOKIT this guy!! That's a 'MAZING brindle, don'tchathink!!?? IKNOW!! I would luvluvlove to have one that that!! Sure would!!
Every year we lose numerous species to the growth and expansion of human holdings, but through the effort of zoos, sanctuaries, and preservation organizations that rate is being slowed. These groups do amazing work, educating and bringing awareness to people everywhere, all while preserving these precious treasures from Mother Nature. Wildlife Day reminds us that there are creatures out there that cannot speak for themselves, so we have to stand up and be a voice for them. The animals will thank you for it, as will the generations to come who will still be able to enjoy them!
There are many ways that you can celebrate National Wildlife Day!
- Partner with a local animal sanctuary to host a fun and educational event.
- Helping to promote an event at your local zoo or library by handing out flyers and posting info on your website if you have one.
- Partner with us to host an event at a local zoo or sanctuary.
- Help support our work by promoting our social media pages to your friends.
- Draw or paint your favourite wild animal and share it with us for a chance to be featured on one of our tees.
- Suggest to your local zoo, school, library, nonprofit organization or animal sanctuary about hosting a National Wildlife Day event.
Pretty neato, amirite guys!!?? IKNOW!! Me plus Mirabelly luvluvLOVE our wilderfriends, plus hope you do too!! YES!! So HappyMerry NATIONAL WILDLIFE DAYTIMES, everybuddy!! ..............
Nowabouts, let's do some talkingtimes 'bout MIRABELLY!! This is just the secondist daytimes that she is getting APPLE CIDER VINEGAR baths, guys!! Yes. It is for helping to fight off MALASSSEZIA greeblies making her 'llergic to her very own skin!! 'MEMBER!!?? Yes!! ..................
Just so's you guys know....... it is making a difference alreadytimes and everythings!! YUP!! Truestory, she is not ALL better or anythings, butt.... she is littlebits better, so we are sooper'cited she is finallytimes gonna get to be comfycozy in her own birthdaysuit!! YES!! ..................
Great googilymoogily, guys!!
I can't even hardly keep my eyevelopes open!! Plus my Brainmelon is getting sooperheavy too!! For reals it is times for going to the Dreamingplace, BUTT....... 'fore we go-go-go, let's all have a looksee at this PICTUREMOVIE of me plus Mirabelly visiting FANSHAWE PIONEER VILLAGE where ARCHIEPAWLOOZA is gonna be this yeartimes!! CHECK IT OUT!! ..............
Wasn't that the FUNNIST, guys!!?? IKNOW!! SOOPERFun even!!
Just 'member to not forget, that was from 'couple of yeartimes a 'go, plus THIS Archiepawlooza is happening SEPTEMBERtimes number TWEENYFREE!! (September 23rd, 2018) YUP!! ................
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! NOW is when we go-go-go to the Dreamingplace, K? K...............
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Forever plus everever... we luvluvlove you guys!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
YUP!! Plus...
❤️❤️❤️ See you in the Dreamingplace!! ❤️❤️❤️
If you can, come and say goodbye in person at this years' ARCHIEPAWLOOZA.
The Brindlebunch would love a chance to say THANK YOU to Archie's wonderful friends.
(Taking place at the Fanshawe Pioneer Village on Sept. 23 - click the photo for details)