Do you even know how much seeing your faceparts puts Happy in my Heart!!?? Great googilymoogily it is LOTS’NLOTS!! GIGANTICAL PILES, EVEN!!
Mirabelly says so too!! YES!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️ …….
Plus … talkings ‘bout our Mirabelly … golly … I don’t even hardly know where to start and stuff, guys!!
Lots’nlots ‘n LOTS has happened since we got to hang out lastimes. Plus … a whole bunch of it was not so fun. Nope. Not even. ‘SPECIALLY for our Mirabelly!! ……..
Guys … I am gonna do talkingtimes ‘bout some stuffs that is sooper’fraidy and everythings, butt it is real ‘portant you know that…
It is AOK to get upset if you need to and stuff, butt truestory for reals no joshing seriousface Mirabelly is doing ‘MAZING, plus you do not have to have ANY worrythoughts bout her. YES. I am your bestest friendlypal, plus I would neverever in all of evertimes fib to you ‘bout somethings like THAT, K? K. …………
Guys … it was so bad that for littlewhiles, we did not even know if Mirabelly was gonna get to come back to our foreverhome. Yup. I am not even joshing. Me plus Mum plus Pop had thinkingthoughts maybe she was gonna go OVER THE BRIDGE. For reals.
Can you see anythings differenter ‘bout her?? Maybe ‘round her wristparts?? ……..
YUP. Alla her fuzzybits are gone ‘round her wristparts, guys. Do you know what THAT means??
That means she had to go to a HOSPITALHOUSE, YES. To see doctoranarians. ‘Bout somethings REAL SERIOUSFACE, too.
OK. Now the nextest picturestory is maybe not so fun for your lookingmarbles, so we are gonna go sooperslow, K? K. Have a looksee at our Mirabelly …. NOWABOUTS …….
Can you SEE?? Can you see on her backparts, guys?? ……….
Yup. Guys …
IKNOW!! ………….
No joshings, guys. That was not fun for anybuddy in the Brindlebunch, - ‘SPECIALLY OUR MIRABELLY - plus we did not want to tell anybuddy ‘bout it ‘till we had waymorebetter news to share with you, so that is how come NOWABOUTS … on the INTERNATIONAL DAYTIMES OF HAPPINESS I have ‘cided to tell you guys alla ‘bout it and everythings!! YES!! .………
So … A whiles a ‘go just ‘fore Mirabelly had her surgerystichery to help her breathe waymorebetter, Doctoranarians took made special picturestories of her inside bonyparts, plus they founded out she has wonky backparts called HEMIVERTABRAE.
The bonyparts in her backparts are not like most puppies. Nope. So that is how come she sits differenter than me, plus also how come she does not like to roll on her backparts, plus also it is how come her (ribcage) is real differenter too!! It is ‘cuz her (ribcage) is trying to help keep her backparts all strong and stuff!!
Anyhoozle … ‘couple weeks a ‘go her wonky backparts got waymorewonkier plus it was hurting Mirabelly real bad. So we tooked her to the ‘mergency hospitalhouse. …………..
It was bad, guys. SOOPERBAD. One of her bonyparts moved so far it pinched alla her wiring in her backparts, so in only one daytimes, she started to have real prollems making her back legparts work good. THEN IT GOT MAYMOREWORSER SOOPERFAST. .
By dinnertimes … she could not do any walkingtimes at all, guys. Not even littlebits. Plus she was having so much hurtings it was real upsetting.
Mum plus Pop took her the ‘mergency place, butt by then it was so bad everybuddy said they should take her to a whole ‘nother hospitalhouse in a whole ‘nother citytownsburg so the bestest doctoranrians could try to help her. …………
The Brindlebunch even slept wth this photo of Mirabelle while they waited for her to come home.
I stayed with MUMUM, butt Mum plus Pop zoomered to the GUELPHparts of my ONTARIOplace to the ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE. They got there just ‘fore middleofthenight, plus stayed ‘till almostly fival in the morningtimes while everybuddy tried to help our Mirabelly feel waymorebetter.
Butt there was only one things to do: Mirabelly had to have ‘mergency surgerystichery so’s they could put a zipper in her back so’s they could take out a buncha broken bonyparts.
(* It’s a condition known as IVDD and it’s basically a slipped/herniated disc. Mirabelle’s was nasty with a large hematoma that also needed to be removed.
When a human suffers a herniated disc, the vertebrae moves left or right. It’s bad, but normally no where near as serious as what happens to quadrupeds like dogs and cats.
When a dog gets a slipped disc, it moves UP making contact with the spinal column, which can cause partial or complete paralysis VERY suddenly with almost no warning. This is what happened to Mirabelle) ………….
POP kept the photo close during long, worry-filled working days. Everyone sent her love and support.
Mum plus Pop did not want to leave Mirabelly behind, but they had to. Plus, Mirabelly got so upset when they left without her, everybuddy ‘cided they should not visit while she stayed in the Hospitalhouse.
Guys … it was real hard. Plus nobuddy went to the dreamingplace for a whole buncha daytimes.
Mirabelly had her surgerystichery onna Thursdaytimes, butt did not get to come back to our foreverhome ‘till the Sundaytimes. THE WORSTEST.
See … the doctoranarians wanted to make sure she could still do her chores (poop & pee) AOK ‘fore they let her go. It was the worstest in all of evertimes, butt Mum plus Pop knew that was the bestest thinkingthoughts.
Anyhoozle …. for alla those daytimes, the whole entire Brindlebunch got to workings so our ‘partmenthouse would be PERFECTAL for her when Mirabelly got to come home. …………..
Firstofalls, her bestest buddypal EDGAR RICE BURRO needed surgerystichery too, guys!!
So AUNTIE S took hime home to fix him up real good!! ……………
His bellyparts were all wonky ‘cuz of alla the bestiewrestling Mirabelly luvluvloves to do with him, so Auntie S gave him a shinynew one!! ……………
Now he is all better!! Plus our friendlyfriend BOBBI broughted a shinynew friendlyfriend for Mirabelle to hang out with too!!
Everybuddy was so sooper’cited to see her soon as plausible, guys!! NO JOSHING!! ……………
Mirabelle on her way home in Rochefort S. Wilderbrick (aka “Rocky” our shinynew rollycar!)
Mirabelly did not look so good when she came home, guys!!
Prolly when they put her zipper in, alla her sauce fell out!! Prolly!!
Butt, bleeve you me, she looked waymorebetter than ‘fore she went a ‘way!! YUP!! ………….
Here she is in the puffybed trying to get comfy.
Guys… the doctoranarians said Frenchie s take real longtimes to get waymorebetter after this kind of surgerystichery, so when Mirabelly came home, nobuddy knew for sure if she was EVER gonna get to do zoomers a ‘gain. We were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy she was home, butt still we were all full-up with worrythoughts and stresslestuffs!! …………..
Archie was VERY protective of Mirabelle and was also incredibly gentle with her. 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Butt we skootched in, plus stayed REAL close to her ALLATIMES, guys!!
Plus ‘cuz I am her big’nburly brotherpal, nobuddy was gonna get close to my Mirabelly ‘less they were bringing lots’nlots of LOVINGS!! NO GOOBERS NEAR MY MIRABELLY, GUYS!! ‘SPECIALLY THE OLD WINTERMAN!! YES!! ………….
Mostly we just gave her gigantical piles of HappyHeartHugs with extra lovings from morningtimes, to nightynightimes, EVERY DAYTIMES. YES!! …………………
It was sooper’citing to see Mirabelly could stand up pretty good even just ‘couple daytimes later, everybuddy!! YUP!!
‘Course she was real wobbly - ‘specially on her left-paw side - ‘cuz that is where mostly alla the broken boneyparts were!! Truestory!! ……………..
Nobuddy even gave a care ‘cuz whatever our Mirabelly needed to feelwaymorebetter - THAT IS WHAT OUR MIRABELLY GOTTED!! Yes!! …………..
Doctoranarians even brainlearned Mum plus Pop how to help Mirabelly stand plus walk ‘round real careful with this slingythingy, butt … it did not work so good, SO …
Pop took this oldentimer shoppingstore bag, plus ‘cuz it is sorta boxalope shaped, he took out the sideparts so it made a waymorebetter sling!!
Butt we did waymorelots than THAT, guys!!
Check THIS out!!
This is the TVBOX room, butt Mum plus Pop made it into our shinynew dreamingplace room, plus they put the cusyparts of the bigbed right in the middle!!
That way we could all go to the dreamingplace together, plus me plus Mum plus Pop could all make sure Mirabelly was doing AOK allatimes!! YES!! ……………
Works real good!! Mum gets the bigbed nextest to the firecloset, Pop gets the chestercouch, plus Mirabelly gets the middleparts nextest to the heaterfence!! I go at the bottomparts so’s there is no way she can plop out of the bed!! PERFECTAL!! …………..
Can you see!!?? Mirabelly wanted to do littlebits of walkerating, butt ‘cuz our floorparts are sooperslippy, it was not good for her to try!! NOPE. She falls over if she is not soopercareful, SO …….
Mum plus Pop put a whole buncha carpetrugs plus yogimats allover everywheres!! CHECK IT OUT!! …..
They even brought back this old zigzaggery carpetrug from our oldentimer ‘partmenthouse!! ………….
Plus they go allways into the FOODROOM too!! Have a looksee!! ………….
Pretty neato, amirite!!?? YUP!!
They even go allways ‘round to Pop’s workingroom!! YES!! ‘Course she is neverever ‘llowed to go walkingtimes without Me or Mum or Pop to help her, butt this is waymorebetter for her!! SHE IS NOT FALLINGS DOWN ANYMORES, GUYS!!
OH!! Can you see what Mum plus Pop put on the backsidedoor to the wooden hill!!?? It is a special, empty picturepainting for scribbleating on!! CHECK IT OUT!! …………….
Mum made these scribbleations when Mirabelly was in the hospitalhouse, plus it is gonna stay there ‘till she is ALL BETTER!! YES!! …………………………….
OH!! HEY!! Check THIS out too, guys!!
Mum ‘dopted a robot that luvluvloves to scrubbadub bowls and stuff!! Pretty neato, amirite!!??
Know how some peoples like to put candyrocks in their mouthparts, plus swish ‘em alla ‘round ‘till alal the flavourings is gone!!??
THIS GUY DOES IT WITH PLOTS ‘N PLANS!! Crazybananas!! ………………..
Anyhoozle …. Mirabelly is getting waymorebetter waymorefaster than everybuddy thoughted she might guys!! YES!! ‘Course it is still gonna take lots’nlots of times, PLUS …….
She has to take LOTS’NLOTS of medicinepills to help chase the ouchies a ‘way, plus help her do her chores, plus all kindsa stuffs!!
CHECK THIS OUT!! ……………..
Can you even BLEEVE alla the stuffs Mum plus Pop has for us!!?? IKNOW!! It is crazybananas, butt basically Mum plus Pop will do anythings to make us feel Happy plus Healthy, guys!!
ME TOO!! Promiseface I am doing my very bestest to take care of Mirabelly too, ‘cuz I luvluvlove her with alla my HappyHeart!! EVERY LASTEST BIT, EVEN!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️ …………….
Here is a whole buncha picturestories from just after Mirabelly came home. Her buttparts and stuff were not working so good, so she had to sit on peepads allatimes, butt guys …. I am not even joshing … that was only ‘couple daytimes!!
PLUS … even THENABOUTS she was wanting to do bestiewrestling with EDGAR RICE BURRO!! IKNOW!! Silly puppy!! ……
Raw Beef Kneecaps are the best bones for Archie and Mirabelle! They love them and chew SAFELY for hours!!
‘Cuz Mirabelly can’t do zoomers or go Doop Dee Dooping in the wilderwild, Mum plus Pop let us get our exercizery by having BONE DAYS!! YES!!
They put lots’nlots of carpetblankets allover so’s we don’t make a mess, then they let us go CRAZYBANANAS!! Hee hee!! Even our Mirabelly can do it AOK too!! Sooperfun!! ………….
* NOM * * NOM * * SKRUNCH * * NOM ** NOM ** NOM ** NOM ** NOM** NOM ** NOM ** SKRUNCHY-SKRUNCH * ……..



Even though we did not tell hardly anybuddy, our friendlyfriends that live close founded out Mirabelly got a zipper put in, plus they sended her lotsa nice giftypresents plus howdycards and stuff!! ……………..




Butt waymorebetter than even giftypresents, some of our friendlyfriends like TINADAQUANO had to come give Mirabelly lotsa lovings INTHESAMEPLACE!!
‘Course I got some too!! Hee hee!!
Guys …. Mirabelly was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy to see Tina!! It was AWESOMETIMES!! ………..

Butt mostly it is pretty quiet daytimes, guys. Yup. Lotsa snuggling, plus smootching, plus sharing HappyHeartHugs so Mirabelly can get waymorebetter fast as she can. Yes.
That is ‘cuz Mirabelly does not want to be by her lonesome, guys!! I am thinkingthoughts she is still not over when Mum plus Pop had to leave her at the hosptialhouse (THE WORSTEST)!! Check THIS out!! …………………….
One times, Mirabelly got out of bed, wobbled over to me, plus … PLOPPED ALL OVER ME!! SHE SQUISHELLED ME IN MY BOXBED, GUYS!! Plus did you know!!??
So that is the whole, entire story, guys!! Was sooper’fraidy for a whiles there, butt … everybuddy is thinkingthoughts Mirabelly is gonna be AOK. Mostly everybuddy says that PROLLY she is gonna be just like she used to be and everythings!! YUP!! …………..
It is gonna take a whiles, plus we are gonna have to be CAREFUL with our Mirabelly ‘cuz of her wonky backparts, butt … bleeve you me … ‘fore TOO long, Mirabelly is gonna be full up with sauce, plus bopping faceparts allover ‘a gain and everythings!! PROMISEFACE!! ……………..
Just look at that face! This little girl is NOT going to let this “detour” slow her down!
Plus did you know!!?? POP GOT THE FIRST BOPPINGS TOO!!
Yup!! He was getting all snuggly with her, then allasudden Mirabelly got soopersaucy, then whammokablammo POP GOT BOPPED!! Hee hee!!
POP was soooooooooo Happy, too, guys!! Truestory!! …………….
Anyhoozle …. if you have any extra HappyHeartHugs you can send to our Mirabelly, that would be ‘mazing!!
Plus … maybe we can meet up in the dreamingplace latertimes where there are no wonky backparts!! YES!! That way Mirabelly can bop alla YOUR faceparts too!! Hee hee!! Sounds sooperfun, don’tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! …….
Just know that everybuddy in the Brindlebunch is doing soopergood, plus there is no reasonings for worrythoughts, K? K!! …………….
Plus make sure you are taking soopergood care of yourselfs too, K?
‘Cuz great googilymoogily you guys. We MISSED you. I am not even joshing. Plus we are gonna get to hang out more a ‘gain too, K? So everybuddy be real nice to yourselfs so we can hang out lots’nlots for sooperlongtimes and everythings, K? K!! K. 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️ ………….
Facteroid is …. Mirabelly is doing real good. Gooder than some doctoranarians thoughted she even could!! ……….
Plus ‘member to not forget:
Mirabelly is BIGGEST plus STRONGEST, plus nothing is gonna stop our Mirabelly from doing goofballery, plus bopping faceparts, plus putting Happy in Hearts ‘cuz wanna know why!!??
‘Cuz Mirabelle Roseblossom Merriweather is…
See you latertimes, everybuddy!!
Luvluvlove you guys forever plus everever, K? K!!
Archie and Mirabelle will be posting regularly again, but they aren’t sure how often they can do it with everything that is going on (IT’S CRAZYBANANAS!).
As of now, it will probably start with something like once a week. Maybe. Then …
Much love to you all. Thank you so much for your love and support and your ongoing friendship!! It mean more than we can say and we hope to meet as many of you as possible one day to tell you this in person!