KIRBY DAQUANO (2006 - 2019)
Hey guys, 💙💙💙
Bloo hearts ‘cuz they are full-up with sad ouchies.
Shanksh for coming and stuff. Truestory for reals this is the most toughest thing I do at my interwebsnet clubhouse, butt prolly it is the most importantal too. Prolly. So it means lots'nlots that you are here, K? K. 💙💙💙
This RainbowValley Memorial puts extralots of ouchies in our HappyHearts 'cuz KIRBY plus his Mum, TINADAQUANO plus his sisterpeoples SUKI plus ROSIE are bestest buddypals of the Brindlebunch and stuff. Yes. They come to my London, Ontarioplace in the to be inthesameplacefriends with us lots’nlots, plus TINADAQUANO is a gigantical helperator for Archiepalooza every yeartimes too. Yup.
Basically they are 'mazing. Butt....
Now is the times for helping his Mum feel littlebits better by sending her HappyHeartHugs, plus sharing our wordybits with her too. So please tell her it is gonna be AOK, K?. That you know what it is like to lose a puppypal over the bridge. Yes. Plus it is alsotimes 'bout saying to Kirby that he is gonna be AOK in Rainbow Valley, plus that everybuddy on this side of the bridge misses him, plus luvluvloves him forever plus everever. Yes. So let's do it, guys....
Let's say "nightynightimes" to our friend... KIRBY DAQUANO ...
a dashing young Kirby
Did you know!!?? Our Kirbypal was a gentleman puppy just like me!! YUP!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Plus everybuddy could tell pretty much soon as you pointed your lookingmarbles at him!! Truestory!! Did you know what ELSE!!?? That is totally what happened when his Mum got to be inthesameplacefriends with him for the very FIRSTEST times!! …………….
See… Kirby’s Mum, TINADAQUANO is basically a sooperhero for the BOSTON TERRIER RESCUE NETWORK, guys!! Yup!!
Wayfarback in oldentimesdays when Kirby was only one, plus one half yeartimesold, he did not even have a foreverhome, guys!! Nope!! Not even!! It was the WORSTEST!! So, his Mum - who is made out of awesome - tooked one look into his handsome, gentlemanly lookingmarbles, then broughted him home with her!! IKNOW!!
They were besties, guys!! Soon as it happened and everythings!! Tinadaquano says they tripped plus felled in lovings with each other like a LOVINGBOLT, plus they ‘cided to be a familypack forever plus everever!!……………
Archie Briundleton, Suki, Tina Daquano and Kirby being inthesameplacefriends at the Pawlooza dog festival
Kirby plus his Mum were bestest snugglepals for almostly ELEVENTY yeartimes, guys!! Can you even bleeve it!!?? ELEVENTY!!
His mum says he would go with her to alla the puppy festivals, plus he was the bestest helperator for when she was running the BOSTON TERRIER RESCUE SHOPPINGTENT. He was a ‘mazing salespuppy, guys!! I am not even joshing!!
Plus, he was a ‘mazing ambassador at fundlyraising events for dollarpennies to help other puppies with no foreverhome too!! YES!! He helperated his Mum make gigantical piles of dollarpennies since she started doing volunteerings with them almostly (six) yeartimes a’go!! YUP!! ‘Was only just last yeartimes that he finally retireated to do waymorelots of nappingtimes like oldentimer puppies do……..
Kirby luvluvloved making friendlyfriends, guys, plus basically alls you had to do was be inthesameplacefriends with him to be his bestest buddypal!! YUP!!
He was sooperpolite, soopermellow, plus was basically the most gentlemanly gentleman puppy in all of evertimes. The bestest. Guys … he even helperated a whole buncha peoples who were ‘FRAIDY of puppies!!
Seriousface!! When they got to be inthesameplacefriends with KIRBY, alla their ‘fraidyness ran a ‘way!! He was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO full-up with lovings, he shared with EVERYBUDDY!! ……………….
Together, Kirby plus his Mum made majillions of ‘mazing friendlyfriends, plus I am full-up with proudliness to say me plus Mirabelle plus Mum plus Pop, plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch got to be besties with Kirby, plus his Mum, plus the rest of their whole familypack too. We are basically lucky ducklings, guys. Sure are.
KIRBY luvluvloved to do visitational hang-outery, go on exploradventures, plus share alla our friendlyship TOGETHER, guys. Yes.
Kirby plus his Mum were together ALLATIMES. Basically everywheres plus allatimes for almostly eleventy yeartimes. Yup. Butt … latelytimes he was not feelings real good, guys. His insideparts started to get sickybicky. It got hard for him to have HappyFunTimes. Even with his Mum. She tried, guys. Basically everythings - for longtimes - to make him feel AOK a ‘gain, butt… ‘ventually nothing worked so good. ……………..
So … he has gone over the Bridge and lefted a gigantical pile of ouchies in TINADAQUANO’s HappyHeart.
Kirby was TINADAQUANO’s firstest puppypal, guys. FIRSTEST. That kind of friendlyship is real special plus it hurts real special bad when it is times to say byebyes. MissTina’s HappyHeart is all broke-up, plus full-up with ouchies, cuz she does not get to see him, plus squishell him with lovings anymores. She did not want to see him go, butt … it was times. Yes. Plus if Kirby was here, he would prolly say somethings like …
“Don’t feel bad, Mum. I know you miss me and I miss you too. The most. But … it was time for me to go. And I know how hard you tried. Nobody could have loved me any more than you. ‘Cept for the ouchies in my heart, I feel waymorebetter. I can even do zoomies a ‘gain!! Like when we first met! ‘Member!!?? And Mum, there are SO many friends here that are helping take good care of me! They want me to say “HI!!” to everybuddy on your side for them! Plus …
It’s not byebyes, Mum. Promise. It’s just … I’ll see you latertimes, K? K. ❤️” ……………….
Nightynightimes, my Kirbyfriend. 💙💙💙
You are a good boy. A real gentleman’s gentleman puppy. We miss you like crazybananas, plus promiseface we will come visit everytimes we go to the Dreamingplace, K? K. Plus say "HI” to all the other puppypals we miss too. We are happy you are all together now.
Plus KIRBY … we will neverever forget you or alla the times we shared with you 'cuz … ‘cuz …
’cuz your shinynew foreverhome is in our HappyHearts ...
forever... plus everever.
H💙 H💙 H💙
Gone for now, but forever in our hearts, KIRBY DAQUANO - 2006 - 2019