Hey, hidey-ho friendlypals!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Great googilymoogily am I Happy to see your faceparts!! Mirabelly too ‘cuz wanna know why!!?? …….
Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface, me plus Mirabelly luvluvLOVE you guys!! YUP!!
From the basement of our HappyHearts and everythings!! H❤️H❤️H❤️……..
YUP!! Butt alsotimes ‘cuz we luvluvLOVE ALLA our interwebsnet friendlyfriends too!! That is how come we are sooper’cited to share this picturestory!!
YEP!! This kind of picturestory is our most favouritist in all of evertimes ‘cuz …. well, ‘cuz bleeve it or nope, some of our interwebsnet friendlypals like YOU just traveltripped allaways to our foreverhome so’s we could be……
Can you even BLEEVE it!!?? IKNOW!! It is the BESTEST for reals when that happens!! ………..
Plus just so’s you know …. it is a PERFECTAL daytimes for hanging out with you guys plus for sharing a gigantical storytimes like THIS one!! ………..
I am not even joshing!! THE NATUREMAMA has been making us sooperspoilt for crying out Pete!! …….
Just LOOKIT, guys!! …………..
Lookit alla the greenygreen allover everywheres!! …………..
There is sooperdooper greenygreens allover our whole, entire NIEGHBOURWOOD, guys!! Seriousface!! …….
Plus right in the very middleparts is our ‘mazing foreverhome!! YUP!! ………..
Did you know!!?? In his belly is our ‘partmenthouse!! YES!! He is awesometimes, plus if you did not know, he has a ‘fficial name and everythings!!
His name is NEW BRIGHTON HOUSING CO-OP, butt that is too many spelling numbers, so mostly I just call him ENNBEE!! YUP!! Plus ENNBEE is our bestest friendlypal!! He takes ‘MAZING care of us, guys!! ………..
‘Cuz that is what friendlyfriends do, amirite!!?? ‘COURSE!!
Truestory … this whole, entire picturestory is alla ‘BOUT friendlyfriends!! YUP!! ………….
Plus ‘fore we say anymores ‘bout our friendlyfriends who traveltripped allaways to ENNBEE for visitational hangout-ery, Mirabelly wants me to tell you alla ‘bout one of HER most favouritist friendlyfriends!!
Mine too!! …..
See …. Mirabelly has had big piles of prollems since she was just a teensy juniorperson, guys!! Yes!! She has been soopersick in her bellyplumbing with GIARDIA, she got BONKED BY A ROLLYCAR real good, she got CLUNKED IN THE BRAINMELON BY A HORSEPERSON, plus just littletimes a ‘go doctoranarians put a ZIPPER IN HER BACKPARTS!! She has gone through lots’nlots for crying out Pete!!
Plus… everytimes she has been ‘mazingly AOK for couple of reasonings …. firstofalls, ‘cuz Mirabelle is tough like a bag full of hammers, butt also ‘cuz of extrasooperspecial lovings she gets from friendlypals like ….
😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️ NICK!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
When Mirabelly was having big prollems with her greeblies that made her break out in sooperscary lumpybumps allatimes, we took her to see basically EVERYBUDDY!! Butt nobuddy knew ‘zackly what to do!!
It was our bestest friendlyfriend NICK at the RAW SOURCE puppyfood shoppingstore that figured it out!! SERIOUSFACE!! …..
THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN FIND NICK, GUYS!! (519) 601-2212 Tuesdaytimes to Saturdaytimes!!
Mum plus Pop were going crazybananas trying to figure out how to help our Mirabelly, butt nobuddy knowed what was going on with her!!
Turns out she had a sooperweird kind of greeblies called MALASSEZIA that sorta made her ‘LLERGIC TO HER OWN SKIN!! IKNOW!! It was the worstest!! Plus ‘cuz this greebly does ‘zackly the OPPOSITE of what most other puppy skin greeblies do, everytimes Mum plus Pop tried something shinynew - MIRABELLY GOT WORSER PLUS WORSER!! …………..
Anyhoozle …. we luvluvLOVE our friendlyfriend NICK ‘cuz he is soopernice, plus his brainmelon is full-up with big piles of helpful helperman sciencefacts and stuff!! YES!!
Plus he has the BESTEST kinds of yummysummies for puppybellies at his shoppingstore, guys!! I am not even joshing!! It is the ONLY kinds of yummysummies me plus Mirabelly put in our bellies anymores ‘cuz it makes us FEEL ‘MAZING!! …………
Alls I am saying is if YOUR puppypal is having prollems, you should do talkingtimes with NICK ‘bout it ‘cuz he would luvluvlLOVE to be your helpful helperman too!! THAT is what friendlyfriends are alla ‘bout, guys!! Plus ‘member to not forget: I would neverever say anythings like this I do not have lotsa bleevings in, K? K!! Mirabelly too!!
OKEEDOKE!! Let’s get back to the part where a whole buncha our friendlypals wanted to come check out ENNBEE, plus to do visitational hangout-ery with me plus Mirabelly plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch, K? K!!
TA-DA!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Guys!! Can you see!!?? It is our MUM plus Mirabelly in the middleparts, plus our ‘MAZING friendlyfriends who came allways from the SAINTLOUISparts of the AMERICAplace with their puppypals!! YUP!!
(left: PETE plus CALLOWAY the puppy) (MUM plus MIRABELLE) (right: AUDREY plus LILY THE FRENCHIE!!) ….
Here is a buncha picturestories of CALLOWAY back at our foreverhome, guys!! She had big piles of zoomers in her, plus after doing crazybananas zoomers allover our ‘roundthebackyard, she luvluvloved to jump in the BLOO PUDDLEPOND!! Hee hee!! ………….
Plus THIS handsome gentleman puppy is BUBBA!! BUBBA is pretty oldentimer, so he did not come DOOP DEE DOOPING with everybuddy else, butt truestory for reals, he was the nicest, plus he has the bestest smiley faceparts, don’tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! ………….

Plus this is PETE plus AUDREY’s shinynew puppypal, LILY, guys!! She is just teensy!!
Can you see!!?? I have ‘bout twennyate lubs in my insideparts (28 pounds), butt teensy LILY has only ‘bout shicksteen lubs in her! (16 pounds)! Plus THAT IS ‘BOUT BIG AS SHE IS GONNA GET!! IKNOW!!
Butt just ‘cuz she is teensy does not mean she is not FULL-UP WITH SAUCE, bleeve you me!! Ha ha!! ………
YUP!! MisterPete plus Audreykopolowhitch traveltripped allaways from the Americaplace to check out big chunks of our Canadaplace, guys!! Plus ‘cuz they were gonna go by our foreverhome, they ‘cided to come be INTHESAMEPLACEFRIENDS with us too!! Isn’t that ‘MAZING!!?? IKNOW!! ……….
So just for HappyFunTimes, we ‘cided to show them one of my most favouritist parks!! YES!! This one is called MEADOWLILY WOODS plus if you did not know, it is the firstest park I everever gave a FIVE SNORT REVIEW!!
Yup!! That makes it a FIVE SNORT RESORT!! ….….
Like I was sayings, THE NATUREMAMA has been making us spoilt, so it was PERFECTAL for taking friendlyfriends DOOP DEE DOOPING!!
OH!! Did you guys see an EXTRA friendlyfriend in some of those picturestories!!?? Did you!!?? I will tell you alla ‘bout HER in just littlebits!! Hee hee!! ………….
Then everybuddy came back to our ‘roundthebackyard for lotsa HappyHeartHugs, plus talkingtimes, plus basically everythings we luvluvlove ‘bout being INTHESAMEPLACEFRIENDS!! ……………..
Alla the puppies even did their bestest poserating for picturestories, butt BUBBA just wanted to smell my LISTENATOR EARPARTS!! Ha ha!! ……………
Mirabelly had big piles of sooperfun doing zoomers with CALLOWAY, plus then Mirabelly showed CALLOWAY how the BLOO PUDDLEPOND works!!
She did lots’nlots of SPLISHSPLASHERY TOO!! Hee hee!! ………..
‘Course after DOOP DEE DOOPING, plus lotsa ZOOMERS, plus POSERATING, I was POOPED!! I am not even joshing!! …………..
Now is the part where Mirabelly wants to make sure we tell you alla ‘bout the OTHER friendlyfriend who traveltripped to come see us too!!
IKNOW!! It was crazybananas, guys!! TOO WHOLE bunches of friendlyfriends from TOO WHOLE differenter chunks of the AMERICAplace came traveltripping allaways to our foreverhome!! FOR REALS!! ………….
That is HER, guys!!
That is SUESMITH poserating with BUBBA plus LILY!! …………..
Did you know!!??
AUDREY plus PETE have been interwebsnet friendlyfriends with SUESMITH for a whiles, butt this is the FIRSTEST TIMES THEY WERE EVEREVER INTHESAMEPLACEFRIENDS!!
With us!! In our ‘roundthebackyard for crying out Pete!! Like I say allatimes ….
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for friendlyfriends being friendly!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️ ………….
Plus the most redonkulous part is that EVERYBUDDY BROUGHTED US GIFTYPRESENTS TOO!! IKNOW!!
This is what SUESMITH broughted for our bellies!! Guys … she is the nicest, butt I am sayings to everybuddy … if you would like to be inthesameplacefriends with us, alls you have to bring is your HappyHeart!! TRUESTORY!! ……….
BUTT NOBUDDY’s listenator earparts worked too good ‘cuz did you know!!?? PETE PLUS AUDREY broughted giftypresents too!! …………
They broughted our most favouritist CHEWERATIONAL STICKYBIT called DOGWOOD …


Plus this ‘mazing PUZZLECHUNK for making our brainmelons work …….


Plus this whole differenter PUZZLECHUNK too!! It was CRAZYBANANAS for crying out Pete!! ……….
Mirabelly used to not like doing puzzlechunks like those, guys!! For reals!! Plus I luvluvLOVE them!! YUP!! I luvluvLOVE to figure out where the TREATS are hiding, so Mirabelly would just watch plus wait for ME to find them, then she would want to put them in her belly too!! Ha ha!!
BUTT …… since PETE plus AUDREY broughted THESE puzzlechunks, Mirabelly has been having big piles of FUN doing brainmelon exercisery with them!! CHECK IT OUT!! …………….
She does it waymoredifferenter than me, guys!! Truestory I like to move alla the puzzleparts alls at the same times ‘cuz I get so ‘cited and stuff!! Butt not Mirabelly!! Mirabelly like to use her smellerator plus her brainmelon real slow plus real careful firstest!!
She will do lots’nlots of snifflesnorting ‘till she knows ‘ZACKLY where the treats are, then allasudden, WHAMMOKABLAMMO, she will move the puzzlepart outta the way so’s she can put the treat in her belly!! What I am sayings is …. SHE IS REALLY GOOD AT IT!!
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Me plus Mirabelly gotta do our morningtimes chores, then, after THAT is when we get our morningtimes SPECIAL TREATS, so we gotta go-go-go!! …………
Shanksh for coming to hang out with us, plus mostofalls….
Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface you put big piles of Happy in our Hearts!! YES!! ………..
See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
‘Member to not forget to take real good care of yourselfs, K? K!!
Plus if you need extra lovings, just come see us in the Dreamingplace!!