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Park Review #591:



Snort Index Rating:

4.0 SNORTS!!


  • Soopercool wilderwild!!


  • Plus lotsa special chunks for lookoutery!!

  • Part of a whole buncha parks β€˜round here!!

  • Visited on Sept. 11, 2020 !!

This park was pretty fars a way, guys!! Allaways β€˜cross our ONTARIOplace to a big β€˜ol citytownsburg called HAMILTON!! Yup!! It has a majillion parks, plus almostly a majillion WATERFALLINGS too, so β€˜fore The Old Wintereman comes a β€˜gain, I wanted to go-go-go check out a buncha parks with waterfallings!! YES!!

Here is where we went to, guys!! Plus there is a buncha waterfallings here, plus a wildertrail that goes 'through FREE differenter parks!! YES!!So me plus POP β€˜cided to DOOP DEE DOOP EXPLORADVENTURE through alla them!! YUP!! This park review is for the firstest won we sawed called UPPER KING’S FOREST PARK!!

This is where our rollycar, ROCKY waited for us, guys!! This is a sooperpopular park β€˜cuz of its β€˜mazing waterfallings, plus β€˜cuz there is a special lookingspot for checking it out!! Oh!! This chunk of waterfallings is called ALBION FALLS, guys!!

Here is what you will see from your rollycar, plus if you go-go-go UP the teensy hill, ……..

…THIS is what the PARKING RODEO looks like!! Yup!! Butt just so’s you know, when WE went to here, it was all squishelled up with piles of rollycars!! I am not even joshing!!

Parkmaster General Archie Brindleton inspecting a portion of green space in London, Ontario

Hey hidey-ho, friendlypals!! 😊❀️😊❀️😊❀️

Truestory I am sooper’cited to share this special-type Park Review β€˜cuz it is from a β€˜MAZING daytimes me plus Pop had when we went to FORE whole differenter parks in the HAMILTON place all in WON DAYTIMES!! YUP!!

FREE of them in THIS chunk of place, butt then we β€˜cided to go-go-go see a β€˜nother won β€˜cuz we did not see when we could come allaways back to here!!

Anyhoozle, check out this picturemap Mum plus Pop helperated me make!! We are startingtimes close to the most bottomist chunk!! …………..

There is TOO parks on THIS side of a big burblecree that go-go-goes down the middleparts of this wilderwild, plus a β€˜nother park that is mostly wildertrails on the OTHER side!! So we went to see ALLA them in won Doop Dee Doop Exploradventure!! YUP!! Was AWESOMETIMES!! Plus we were soooooooooooooo poopered for a β€˜bout a WEEKTIMES after!! Ha ha!! Butt for THIS daytimes, I am gonna take you allaways β€˜round just the FIRSTEST won, guys:


All ready!!?? All set!!?? Then lets DOOP DEE DOOP, everybuddy!! We are startingtimes in a pretty snoring chunk that is just skinny β€˜tween the rollycar road, plus basically the side of a wildercliff!! YUP!! …………..

Butt soon as we get past THAT chunk, we are gonna oldentimer rollycar road that just for peoples now!! ………

Can you see!!?? It is like Doop Dee Dooping onna rollycar road!! Sorta weird, butt it was not for too many feets, β€˜cuz then we founded somethings β€˜CITING!! Fencings, guys!! LOTS’NLOTS of it!!

To stop peoples from falling down the wildercliff, β€˜course, BUTT …. in won chunk, there was a teensy doorways into a spot for lookerating!! ………..

For lookerating at some WATERFALLINGS, guys!!

How soopercool is THAT, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! Plus THIS is basically where THIS PARK REVIEW stars and stuff!! Yup!! β€˜Cuz that is ALBION FALLS, plus THAT means we are β€˜bout to mosey on over to UPPER KING’S FOREST PARK!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!

After that is when we went back to the oldentimer rollycar road, plus it tooked us to a β€˜nother sooperskinny walkingroad …………

……. all squisshelled up β€˜gainst the REAL rollycar road, guys!! This was my leastmostfavourite chunks of parks β€˜round here!! Yup!! β€˜Cuz it is not so fun to be sooperclose to rollycars doing zoomers, BUTT lucky for us, it does not take too many feets to get to the other side!!

Butt guys!! Check it out!! From the skinniest chunk, you can look wayfarout over the wildercliff where ALBION FALLS is, plus you can see ……..

… A whole β€˜nother, waymorefancier LOOKERATING SPOT!!

Plus THAT is where we are gonna go-go-go nextest!! YUP!! That is over at the ALBION FALLS LOOKOUT, guys!!

OH!! β€˜Fore we get to there, havea looksee back to where we camed from!! ………

It is pretty β€˜MAZING, guys!! Truestory I have neverever seen wilderwild like this with so many wildercliffs and waterfallings!! It is the coolist!!

OKEEDOKE!! So soon as we got past the skinnychunk, we founded the ALBION FALLS LOOKOUT PARKING RODEO!! ……….

Yup!! Truestory this is where our rollycar, ROCKY waited for us this whole, entire daytimes while me plus my POP went allaways β€˜round to FREE DIFFERENTER PARKS!! Was basically awesometimes, guys!!

Anyhoozle …. soon as we had a real good looksee at this Parking Rodeo, plus made picturestories with the β€˜fficial wordysign and stuff, I founded a buncha wordysigns, plus this gigantical BOULDEROCK!! ………………


That is what they call a MILLING STONE, guys!! For making yummysummy FLOUR for BREAD and stuff!! This won is from a sooperoldentimer mill called ALBION MILL that disavanished longtimes a β€˜go!! YUP!!

Butt it used to be right hereabouts in the ALBION FALLS, guys!! Says you can even sorta see where chunks of it used to be!! Golly!! Plus the wordybits say ALBION MILL was n’vented wayfarback in the 1795times!! Great googilymoogily!! Hey Pop, you were just a juniorperson wayfarback then, amirite!!??
Ha ha!! Just joshing, Pop!!

Oh!! Hey, guys!! β€˜Fore we check out the LOOKOUT-ERY, check out what I founded inna leafytree next to the boulderwheel!! …………….


That is soopercool, β€˜cuz after we have a real good looksee at the LOOKOUT-ERY, I wanna do wome wilderwild DOOP DEE DOOPing!! YES!

Okeedoke!! Over THISAWAYS on the OTHER side of the boulderwheel is a buncha wordysigns!! ……….

WHOA!! So much stuffs for brainlearning, amirite!!? That is soopercoool for reals!! Sure sounds like this chunk of place has been real β€˜portant for everybuddy who lives β€˜round here for SOOPERDOOPER LONG TIMES!! Sure does!!

Okaleedokalee, everybuddy!! Now is when we are gonna check out the LOOKOOUT-ERY, butt there is alsotimes lotsa peoples β€˜round, so β€˜cuz of the CRUMMYVIRUS, we gotta be soopercareful. plus everybuddy is taking turns and stuff!! ……….

Can you see!!?? That is the ALBION FALLS a β€˜again, guys!! IKNOW!!

There is still lotsa peoples on the LOOKOUT-ERY, so let’s check out this here picturemap β€˜till it is our turn!! …….

AMAYZAZING!! For THIS park Review, we are gonna go-go-go allaways β€˜long that dotted line from the bottomparts allaways to the toppest parts where is a β€˜nother waterfallings called BUTTERMILK FALLS!!
I am soopercited!!

OH!! Guys!! it is almostly OUR turn!! YES!!………….

What you can’t even tell from my picturestories is that there was CRAZYBANANAS BLUSTERPUFFS here!! CRAZYBANANAS!! Like alsmostly e’nuff to push POP a β€˜round!! No joshing!! Even his baseballery hat blowed off, plus we had to do zoomers after it!! Seriousface!!

Good thing for ME, I am real burly, plus real close to the ground and stuff, butt bleeve you me, everybuddy with too feets was getting wrassled by the blusterpuffs, guys!! For reals it lookerated like they were warssling the UNVISIBLE MAN or somethings!!

Okeedoke!! After poserating with the ALBION waterfallings, then we finallytimes got to start DOOP DEE DOOPING …….

…. onna wildertrail that starts right next to the lookout-ery!! Yes!! Facteroid is, this is just won, gigantical wildertrail that goes allover everywheres, guys!! Right THROUGH this park, then the nextest won, plus it keeps goings wayfarmore than even me plus Pop got to see!! Seriousface!!

Soon as we got to inside alla the leafytrees, ……..

We could see that you are only β€˜couple feets from the WILDERCLIFF, guys!! Plus if you did not know, it go-go-goes WAAAAAAAAAAAAYFARDOWN sooperfast!! Yup!! So’s you have to be extra careful Doop Dee Dooping β€˜long here!! That is for reals!!

Butt is it pretty cool in here and everythings, guys!! Lotsa interestingal smells for snifferating too!! ………

Plus you could not go-go-go very fars β€˜fore a β€˜nother wordysign tolded you not to be a goober!! SAFETY FIRSTEST, EVERYBUDDY!! ………..

Some of this park sorta kinda lookerates like lotsa OTHER parks I have seen, guys!! ………..

β€˜Cept for this crazybananas WILDERCLIFF, that is!!

Sciencepeoples call it the ESCARPMENT or somethings, plus that means it goes for sooperlongways!! Lots’nlots of CLICKOMETERS is what I am saying!! IKNOW!! ……


It is real nice in here, guys!! Butt no benches for buttparts or basically anythings for checking out β€˜cept ……..

This crazybananas WILDERCLIFF!! Ha ha!! It basically goes forevertimes, guys!! Plus just so’s you know …. my picturestories only look LITTLEBITS like how it looks with your very own lookingmarbles!! For REALS!!

It goes wayfarout, plus WAAAAAYFardown, plus everythings is pretty β€˜MAZING looking!! YUP!! …………

Guys!! we have been DOOP DEE DOOPing for a whole β€˜lotta ways, so I am thinkingthoughts we are getting pretty close to the end of this park!! Pretty sure!!

HEY!! Guys!! There is a teensy chunk of place right close to the WILDERCLIFF that you can ……


That is AWESOMETIMES!! Plus that is BUTTERMILK FALLS, plus THAT means we are at the end-ist chunk of UPPER KING’S FOREST PARK!! Good job for making it to here with me, everybuddy!!

There is no safetyfencings or ANYTHINGS here, guys!! It is making my bellyplumbing flitterflutter if I get too close, so I am just gonna have a looksee from RIGHT HEREABOUTS!! Ha ha!! GOLLY!!

Anyhoozle, check out this lastest pile of picturestories I made right from here, plus then β€˜member to come back tomorrowtimes, β€˜cuz that is when we are gonna start over at the BUTTERMILK FALLS inna differenter park called OAK KNOLL PARK!! Yup!! Plus THAT is the park me plus Pop got LOSTED in!! You will see!! ……………

Shanksh, park!! It was the coolist to meet you, plus your waterfallings budddies and stuff!! Sure was!! I am sooper’cited I got to brainlearn everythings you are a β€˜bout, β€˜cuz prolly not so many gentleman puppies get to!! Prolly!! β€˜Course I am Parkmaster General, so it is my workerman work, butt … JUST SAYIN’!!

Anyhoozle, there is lotsa β€˜citing awesome-ness in this park guys, like the WILDERCLIFF, plus the WATERFALLINGS, butt the wildertrails are real twistyturny plus sooperskinny - prolly only for ADVANCED BEGINNERS in some chunks - plus the walkingroads that go-go-go β€˜long the rollycar roads are not even littlebits HappyFunTimes, so … for alla those reasonings, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING of …….

(4 SNORTS OUT OF 5 )!!

Shanksh, everybuddy!! See you tomorrowtimes for the nextest chunk of my FREE (3) PART HAMILTONPLACE MEGADOOP!! β€˜Till thenabouts, β€˜member to not forget, The Naturemama is your bestest friendlyfriend who can put lotsa Happy in your Heart, so if you are feeling BLOO, or if your muskles are getting dusty …..



Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,