Lotsa wildertrails!!
Some chunks are fulla leafytrees!!
Some chunks are gigantical fields!!
Chirpybird Watchings!!
Parking Rodeo for your rollycar!!
Snort Index Rating:
4.0 SNORTS!!
226 Kortright Rd West,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
We founded a way in at 81-137 Rodgers Road, guys!! The ‘fficial parking rodeo was closed ‘cuz of the CRUMMYVIRUS!!
Hi guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Can you even bleeve this is PARK REVIEW FIVALHUNNY PLUS FIRTYFORE or somethings!!?? Me either!!
I don’t even know what that means for crying out Pete!! Butt it’s a whole lot, amirite!!?? IKNOW!!
So like I was sayings, a whiles back, me plus Mirabelly had to go to a doctoranarian for fixing our wonky chompers and stuff!! Yup!! Basically it was pretty much the WORSTEST!! Butt even waymoreworser for our Mirabelle, ‘cuz she had to go-go-go TOO TIMES!! Seriousface!!
Anyhoozle, when we went the secondist time just for Mirabelly, we had to wait for sooperlongtimes for Mirabelly to be all done, so me plus Mum plus Pop all ‘cided to do some DOOP DEE DOOPING onna wildertrail we saw on our way there!!
It is called PRESERVATION PARK, guys!! Plus it is a ‘MAZING one for reals!!
There is a sooperspecial wildertrail called THE PRESERVATION PARK LOOP, plus you can read all ‘bout it right HERE:
Clickyclick this picturestory to visit the ALLTRAILS.COM interwebsnet site, guys!!
There is a soopernice Parking Rodeo with monkeyclimbers plus a big ‘ol poopcloset and stuff, butt it was all closed up when we went ‘cuz of the CRUMMYVIRUS, guys!! IKNOW!! Butt that was aok for reals ‘cuz our Pop founded a whole ‘nother way in that was sooperclose to where our Mirabelly was!!
Anyhoozle, I liked this park a whole bunch onna ‘count of how gigantical it was, plus how many differenter kinds of wildertrails it has too!! I am not even joshing!! Someofthetimes there is lots’nlots of leafytrees, plus omeofthetimes, it has gigantical fields of grassycarpet and stuff!! Plus there was a soopercute burblecreek too!! YUP!! Check it out for your very own selfs!!
Here is the chunk where we went in!!
Plus this next bunch of picturestories wiull show you what it lookerated like for mostly everywheres!! You know …. with lotsa leafytrees and stuff!!
Plus check out the chunks with wilderwalks make out of stickybits!! Pop says that is called a BOARDWALK, guys!! Pretty neato, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! ……..
Butt that is not even alla it, guys!! ‘Member when I tolded you there was gigantical fields of grassycarpet with no leafytrees too!! I was totally seriousface!! Just LOOKIT!! ……
Butt the bestest part was …. when me plus Mum plus Pop were DOOP DEE DOOPING in the leafytree parts, we totally founded a whole buncha pretty picturocks, guys!! Teensy little boulderocks with picturepaintings allover them!! FOR REALS!! Just have a looksee at THESE picturestories if you don’t even believe me, K? K!! ….
Isn’t that the FUNNIST!!?? IKNOW!! It was totally like YEGGSMAS in there!! (* Archie calls eggs, YEGGS, and he calls Easter, YEGGSMAS) Was sooperfun and everythings!!
So anyhoozle … I am hping we get to go back one daytimes after the CRUMMYVIRUS is all gone, so we can check out the parking rodeo plus see a whole buncha other stuffs too!!
'Butt ‘cuz it has lotsa shadybits, plus a burblecreek, plus it is all twistyturny upsydownsy onna soopercool way, this park gets a SNORT INDEX RATING OF … 4 SNORTS!! Good job, park!!
Shanksh for readerating, guys!! Sure hope you get to DOOP DEE DOOP in PRESERVATION PARK one daytimes too!! Sure do!! See you nextimes, everybody!!
This park review was totally wroted by