Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Great googilymoogily are me plus Mirabelly sooper’cited to see your faceparts!! YUP!! Plus prolly you know how come too, amirite!!?? Prolly!! ……..
‘Cuz THIS very daytimes we get to share with you a shinynew picturemovie our Mum n’vented alla ‘bout MRS. WATERBOTTOM plus her shinynew juniorpeoples!! IKNOW!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
No joshing, guys!! Mrs. Waterbottom’s babies all jumped out of their yeggs on the SUNDAYTIMES, plus then they did some practicetimes wobbling in our ‘roundthebackyard, then they went to the Dreamingplace under their Mum’s butt, then SOOPERDOOPEREARLY on the MONDAYTIMES …..
They wanted to GO-GO-GO!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Hee hee!! Can you even bleeve they were only WON DAYTIMESOLD, plus they wanted to DOOP DEE DOOP allaways to MisterRiver for their FIRSTEST SWIMMING LESSONS!!?? IKNOW!!
Check it out!! ………..…
Can you see!!?? Everybuddy in our buildinghouse came to be helpful helpermans, so Mrs. Waterbottom plus alla her fuzzy little babies could get to MisterRiver safe plus sound and everythings!! YES!!
She has to go ‘bout FIVAL blocks or so, plus ‘round an oldentimer folks home, plus ‘cross a real busy rollycar road, plus then THROUGH SOMEBUDDY ELSES’ ‘ROUNDTHEBACKYARD!! Seriousface!!
Butt we askerated for permission to go through their ‘roundthebackyard, plus they said ‘COURSE!! ……..
It was sooperhard to get good picturestories of the lastest part ‘cuz truestory for reals no joshing seriousface, soon as Mrs. Waterbottom went through that last ‘roundthebackyard gate, it is a SOOPERSTEEP MOUNTAINHILL ALLAWAYS DOWN TO MISTERRIVER!! Yup!!
Mum had to climb down like a monkeyperson for crying out Pete!! It was soopertough, guys!! Pop even had to pull her back up with his YETIARMS and stuff!! ………….
UH-OH!! Those faceparts are telling me to HURRY UP FOR CRYING OUT PETE, so get comfycozy, guys!! Prolly you are gonna watcherate this here picturemovie ‘bout ELEVENTY MAJILLION TIMES, ‘cuz wanna know why!!??
‘Cuz it is gonna put big piles of Happy in your Heart!!
CHECK IT OUT!! ……………..
Hee hee!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️ ** BUTTWIGGLE **
SOOPERFUN AWESOMETIMES, amirite, guys!!?? Pretty much!! I have seened that picturemovie over plus over basically every daytimes since our Mum finished n’venting it, butt I still luvluvLOVE it with alla my HappyHeart!! …..
That ‘minds me!! Wanna know what ELSE me plus Mirabelly luvluvLOVE with alla our HappyHearts!!??
😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️ YOU GUYS!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Yup!! For being such ‘mazing friendlyfriends plus for sharing your friendlyship with me plus Mirabelly plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch - PLUS …. WITH EACH OTHER!! YES!! …………
It is AMAYZAZING to have so many bestest friendlypals like you guys that share lovings with goofy puppies like US, butt it is even waymorebetter that you guys are friendlyfriends with EACH OTHER!! Did you know!!??
Friendlyship, plus carefullness, plus being helpful helpermans for peoples who need it is sooper’portant, guys!!
Prolly nowabouts more than everever!! ………………..
See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Me plus Mirabelly will be back this Fridaytimes with a 'whole ‘nother shinynew picturestory just for you!!
So, from me, ARCHIE BRINDLETON, plus MIRABELLY, plus MUM, plus POP, plus the whole, entire BRINDLEBUNCH, take real good care of yourselfs, plus ‘member to not forget to have some HappyFunTimes goofballery too, ‘cuz you deserve it, K? K!!