Itty bitty-type city park!!
Lotsa historical-type wordybits!!
Real close to a rollycar road!!
Perfectal for munching lunchings if your workerplace is close to here!!
Snort Index Rating:
2.0 SNORTS!!
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
This park was pretty close, guys!! Just in the next-door citytownsburg called the ST.THOMAS!!
Not so big, plus right in the middle-ist parts of the ST. THOMASplace!!
Pretty much you could rollycar right by plus neverever know it was there!! TRUESTORY!!
How is everybuddy doing this shinynew daytimes!!?? Soopergood I am hoping!! It is sorta raining wet, waterydrops, so now is a PERFECTAL times for sharing a whole ‘nother PARK REVIEW!! YES!!
For THIS times, I am going back to the 2017times when me plus Mirabelly founded a neato little park in the middleparts of the ST. Thomasplace!! It was just teensy, butt still pretty cool, guys!! CHECK IT OUT!! …….
We left our rollycar, ROCKY in a parking rodeo so’s we could come in the BACKWAYS. Yes. That is ‘cuz the frontways in is real close to a sooperbusy rollycar road. So you know what THAT means, amirite!!?? YUP!! Safetystrings ON, guys!! ‘Zackly!!
Anyhoozle, it was just littlebits of DOOP DEE DOOPing ‘fore we founded the backways in through a gigantical WALL OF SHRUBBADUBS!! Yes!! Butt soon as you got to the insideparts, you get to see a real nice, teensy, citypark with some artsyfartsy sculpturings, plus a puddlepond - sorta - plus a bunch of ‘portant wordysigns for brianlearning you ‘bout oldentimesdays. …………………..
This here sculpuring is ‘bout COZYPILE SNUGGLESNORTS, guys!! Plus … is that lady playing a BANJO!!??
Here is the most lookable thing in the whole, park, guys!! It is a puddlepond with some sculpurings of peoples inna cozypile with won lady playing a banjo. I don’t get it, butt hey!! Looks nice, amirite!!?? ………….
At the frontest part just inside the frontest way in, is THIS wordysign that will brainlearn you alla ‘bout who this park is named after, plus why they were the coolist!!
This guy MITCHELL HEPBURN sounds pretty ‘mazing ‘cuz of alla the special helpings he did for peoples with wonky lookingmarbles that did not work so good, plus also to make sure everybuddy got to slurp only healthy-type moojuice from cowpeoples!! Yup!!
Plus THIS wordysign brainlearns you ‘bout how oldentimer this park is!! Looks like it was n’vented wayfarback in the 1967times when our Canadaplace was having a sooperspecial BIRTHDAYTIMES, guys!! That is pretty awesome for reals don’tchathink!!?? Me too!! ………………….
Alls in alls, this park was just teensy, butt …. it has special ‘memorings, plus that lady with the banjo was pretty neat, so I am giving this park a Snort Index Rating of (TWO SNORTS!!)
Shanksh, park!! I liked alla the brainlearning you gave me, plus tell the banjolady she should add a thumpy drummer to her musicgroup ‘cuz that would be awesometimes!! YES!!
See you nextest times, guys!! ‘Cuz there is a whole bunch more Park Reviews comin’ atcha so’s I can get to (SIX HUNDRED) reviews plus then go for a MARBLEWORLD RECORD!! Sooperciting!!
Oh!! plus ‘member to not forget:
Parkmaster General of Canada,
Archibald Flubberford Brindleton