Big ‘ol city-type park!!
Lotsa walkingroads!!
A yodelbarn!!
Close to MisterRiver
Stuff for ‘memorings!!
Snort Index Rating:
3.0 SNORTS!!
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
This park was pretty fars a ‘way, so mostly I went to the DREAMINGPLACE for our traveltripping!! YUP!!
It is real close to a whole differenter MISTERRIVER too, guys!! That was sooperfun to see!!
Plus it is right next to this soopercool buildinghouse called THE CHATHAM ARMOURY!! Truestory!!
LOOK, EVERYBUDDY!! It is our rollycar ROCKY poserating with the ARMOURY castlehouse!!
Parkmaster General Archie Brindleton is talkings at you a ‘gain, plus THIS here PARK REVIEW is a ‘nother won that disavanished, butt now is back for sharing with you (Archie originally visited this park back in 2018), PLUS … it is sooperspecial won ‘cuz of the NUMBER, guys!! Yes!! Just look at it real good and stuff!! It is number …
Isn’t that ‘MAZING!!?? IKNOW!! Plus that means we are getting sorta sooperclose to my goal of (SIX HUNDRED PARK REVIEWS) for when I will try for a MARBLEWORLD RECORD and everythings! Truestory!! I am sooper’cited ‘bout it, so I have been doing big piles of workerman work, plus sharing shinynew park reviews almostly every daytimes to get to there fast as I can!! YUP!! So let’s get to the review part, K? K!! ………..
OKEEDOKE!! So this here park is sooper’portant to a citytownsburg called CHATHAM, guys!! It is ‘bout won plus won half hourtimes from my foreverhome, plus it is in the most middleparts of this citytownsburg, right ‘tween their MisterRiver, plus a ‘nother ‘portant historicalish place called The Armoury!! So this park is pretty much a big dealio for the peoples who live ‘round there!! Yes!! So that is how come I wanted to CHECK IT OUT REAL GOOD!!
My rollycar ROCKY waited for me at the Armoury castlehouse ‘cuz that is where the parking rodeo was, plus the TECUMSEH PARK wordysign was, plus then I DOOP DEE DOOPed allover the whole, entire place to make sure I sawed EVERYTHINGS!! Yup!! ‘Cuz I am a professional-type park checker-outer for crying out Pete!!
Here is what my lookingmarbles sawed FIRSTEST!! ………
Alla the walkingroads are real nice, plus real flattish, plus easy for anybuddy to mosey on, guys!! Yes!! Even peoples with rollychairs - so that is good!! Plus …. it is real PRETTY in this park too!! Only problem is there is no fencings, plus sooperbusy rollycar roads are real close, so … SAFETYSTRINGS ON, guys!!
After mosey-ing ‘round a bit, I started to find soopercool wordysigns plus monumental-type sculpturings for brainlearning ‘bout oldentimesdays - so that is what I did!! Check out some of the coolist wons, guys!! ……..
I like brainlearning ‘bout oldentimesdays, guys!! Don’t YOU!!?? IKNOW!! Truestory for reals it is good for my brainmelon and stuff!! It makes having a looksee at oldentimer stuffs waymorefunner for me too!! Waymorefunner for reals!!
Nextofalls, I founded the monkeyclimbers for juniorpeoples!! They were pretty AOK, butt … kinda oldentimer. YES. Lotsa parks have sooper’mazing shinynew monkeyclimbers, butt … not this park!! Not YET, anyhoozle!!
After that, I founded the YODELBARN!! ……………….
That is where peoples come to hear bouncy musicsounds and stuff, guys!! Plus there was benches for buttparts and everythings!! YODELBARNS are real ‘portant for city-type parks like this ‘cuz it is where the whole, entire neighbourhood can hang out alltogether, so it put Happy in my Heart these guys had a real soopernice won and everythings!! ‘Course there is not so much of that goings on ‘cuz of the CRUMMYVIRSUS, butt … it will happen a ‘gain, guys!! After the crummyvirus takes a hike, amirite!!?? YUP!!
After the Yodelbarn, I founded a walkingroad that went down to where their MisterRiver was, so I went to say “BURBLE URBLE URBLE” to him!! You will see!! …………………………..
Pretty nice, amirite!!?? From that walkingroad you can see lots’nlots of their MisterRiver!! Was awesometimes, plus THAT is when I founded a GIGANTICAL BOOMERTUBE, guys!! Lookit!! ………….
It is called a CANNON, guys!! Yes!! Guess wayfarback in oldentimesdays this is where there was wrassling over who got to live here and stuff!! IKNOW!! Crazybananas!! Sure glad there is no wrassling with boomertubes here nowabouts!! Sure am!!
Plus then I founded a walkingroad with lotsa wordysigns ‘bout the oldentimesdays!! There was a big piles of wordybits for brainlearning and stuff, plus they tolded me all ‘bout the BOOMERTUBE WRASSLINGS I was just thinkingthoughts ‘bout!! Shanksh, WORDYSIGNS!! …………….
Pretty neato, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! Took sooperlongtimes to brainlearn ‘bout alla that stuff, butt was totally worth it, guys!! Totally was!!
Anyhoozle, that was pretty much everythings ‘cept for a special buildinghouse for where they play BOWLINGBALLERY ON GRASSYCARPET!! Seriousface!! ……………………..
Wishowish they were playing BOWLINGBALLING when I was there, butt … NOT SO MUCH!!
Anyhoozle …. I did some readerating, plus founded out that this TECUMSEH PARK is maybe gonna get a BIGTIME MAKEOVER if they can find the dollarpennies, guys!! They want to do lotsa workerman work to it, plus put in more soopercool stuff for visiting and evereythings!! It is a nice park for reals, butt I am hoping they find the dollarpennies ‘cuz that would make this nice park even waymore ‘MAZING!!
Butt ‘cuz it was so nice, plus so CLEAN, plus had lotsa stuffs for checking out, I am giving this park a …
Shanksh, park!! Was nice to meet you, plus get to know you and stuff!! Maybe after your MAKEOVER I will come back with Mirabelly to see alla your shinynew parts!! That would be awesometimes!!
Plus shanksh to you guys for readerating!! Bleeve you me, there are lots’nlots more Park Reviews comin’ atcha, plus I am gonna make (* NUMBER SIX HUNDRED) the WORSTEST PARK I HAVE SEEN IN ALL OF EVERTIMES!! Yup!! I am not even joshing!! I am gonna save the WORSTEST FOR LASTEST!! Hee hee!! You will see!!
Oh!! Plus …
Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,
Parkmaster General of Canada