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  • It is onna gigantical MOUNTAINHILL!!

  • Soopercool lookoutery spots!!

  • There is even POOPCLOSETS!!

  • Lotsa shadybits, but not ALL shadybits!!

  • VISITED on Sept. 18, 2020!!


Conservation Area

Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Snort Index Rating:

4.0 SNORTS!!

This park was pretty fars away, everybuddy!! ‘Bout won plus won half hourtimes from our foreverhome!!

Basically it is a gigantical LOOP of wildertrails that goes ‘long the edge of a gigantical CLIFF!! It is called an ESCARPMENT, guys!!

Here is where you go in from the country-type rollycar road!!

Doesn’t look like a whole lot, so you have to keep your lookingmarbles wide open!!

There is a teensy peopleshed for where you CHECK IN and stuff!! Yup!! They were soopernice!!

HI GUYS!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

It is soopernice to see your faceparts a ‘gain, plus I am sooper’cited to share this here park review with you ‘cuz wanna know why!!?? ‘Cuz this is gonna be a soopergigantical won full-up with so many picturestories it is gonna be like you came to there too!! Seriousface!! So grab a snack, plus somethings to slurp, plus put your buttparts inna cozychair ‘cuz I am gonna take you to … MOUNT NEMO CONSERVATION AREA!! YES!!

Mount Nemo is a favourite among hikers in Halton Parks. Away from the crowds and the hustle bustle of the city, Mount Nemo is a peaceful sanctuary for nature walks. Pack a lunch and watch the Turkey Vultures float on the thermals while you take in the panoramic view of the escarpment. On a clear day you can see the CN Tower in Toronto!

Mount Nemo isn’t without detours into adventure and exploration. Rock climb for a better look at the unique cliff-edge eco-system. Naturalists and birders are advised to keep binoculars, a magnifying glass, and a camera on them! Mount Nemo is teeming with biodiversity.

There are five kilometres of trails to explore, and the views over the escarpment are breath-taking. Birders will love to see the Turkey Vultures floating on the thermals in a ‘kettle’. Mount Nemo is also a naturalist’s dream: in the spring and summer you’ll see bees and butterflies flying in and around the wildflowers. The unique cliff-edge eco-system is one of very few in Halton Region. Bring your favourite four-legged friend for a walk around Mount Nemo. The trails are challenging enough for a work-out, but friendly enough for dogs and children to enjoy.


Okeedoke!! So …. firstofalls it is ‘portant to know you have to trade dollarpennies to get in to this park, guys. Yes. Butt it is totally WORTH IT!! Plus ‘cuz of the CRUMMYVIRUS, you have to make a RESERVATION on the interwebsite. Basically you give the interwebsite your dollarpennies, plus then it will give you a pass for TOO HOURTIMES - butt you get to pick when!! ‘Less it is sooperbusy. Then they will say you have to come a ‘nother times when there is waymoreless peoples. SAFETY FIRSTEST, GUYS!!

MOUNT NEMO is onna country-type rollycar road, plus the way in is not so gigantical, so you have to keep your lookingmarbles wide open, guys!! Yes!! Butt soon as your rollycar turns to the way in, THIS is what you will see!! ……………

Basically there is a teensy peopleshed with somebuddy inside that you have to stop at, guys!! Yup!! Plus then their robot will looksee at your rollycar tags to make sure you have a RESERVATION!! Soon as the robot knows you gave them dollarpennies alreadytimes, the friendlyperson in the peopleshed says “SHANKSH!! HAVE LOTSA FUN, K? K!!”

After THAT, you can go littlebits more down a pebbly rollycar road, turn to the left paw side, then that is where you will see the PARKING RODEO!! There is lotsa roominess, butt … NO SHADYBITS, guys!! Just sayin’!! Your rollycar is gonna be stinkywarm when you come out, K? K!! Anyhoozle … from there you can see the TRAILMELON (Trail Head) that has lots’nlots of wordysigns for brainlearning. There is picturemaps, plus lotsa informational wordybits, plus for nowabouts, lots’nlots of extra wordybits ‘bout the CRUMMYVIRUS!! Check it out, guys!! This is where my ‘FFICIAL picturestory was made!! With me plus the MOUNT NEMO WORDYSIGN!! You will see!!

It is BEHIND alla the wordysigns where the wildertrails start!! ……….

Pretty neato, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! Lots’nlots for brainlearning for reals!! So that is where I put POP onna safetystring, plus we started to follow the most straightest wildertrail that goes allways to a soopercool LOOKOUT-ERY POINT!! Yes!! Butt we did not get too fars ‘till we founded the coolist POOP CLOSET I have seen in all of evertimes, guys!! Have a looksee!! ……

Ha ha!! Howsa ‘bout THAT won, guys!!?? Even the doorparts are made of that wrinkly metalstuffs!! Plus the wordysign says “REST HOUSE”, butt bleeve you me there is no room for RESTING!! Nope!! It is for DOING CHORES ONLY!! Yes!!

Anyhoozle … this poop closet is hiding just inside the wildertrail, sorta ‘round a cornerpart, butt ‘cuz I am a professional-type PARK REVIEWER who is PASRKMASTER GENERAL, I totally founded it!! Yup!! Plus after THAT, me plus Pop started to DOOP DEE DOOP ‘long a real wide, easybreezy wildertrail!!

There is a sooperlong, squiggly-type trail that is a big LOOP that is ‘bout FIVAL CLICKOMETERS LONG, butt we ‘cided to take the real easybreezy won right down the middleparts ‘cuz we could not stay the whole, entire daytimes, guys!! Check it out!! ……..

Real easybreezy, amirite!!?? For reals!! Even juniorpeoples plus oldentimer peoples can DOOP DEE DOOP this chunk, guys!!

Butt there is won things to ‘member!! Did you see how it starts soopershady, butt then there is a chunk that is all out in the sunsmiles!!?? YES. That is ‘portant for puppies ‘cuz there is no wet, waterystuffs at this park, guys!! So, if it is stinykywarm, you have to ‘member to not forget to bring somethings for your puppypals to SLURP!! Just sayin’!!

Okeedoke!! But just when it started to get shady a ‘gain, I sawed somethings in the leafytrees just offa the wildertrail on my right paw side, guys!! So me plus Pop went to check it out!! ………….

Dunno what it used to be, butt we founded a buncha BUILDINGHOUSE BONES that look real oldentimer!! Yes!! We did lotsa thinkingthoughts, butt … still we don’t know what they used to be!! Nope!! Butt soopercool to see and stuff!!

Then I tooked Pop back to the wildertrail so’s we could keep go-go-going to where the LOOKOUT-ERY was s’pposed to be!! This is what the NEXTEST chunk of wildertrail looks like!! ……….

Still real easybreezy, butt … not so much shadibits, guys!! So ‘member to bring a hat for your brainmelon too maybe!! Yes!!

Plus did you see the pretty flowerposies!!?? IKNOW!!

OH!! Plus this chunk is where we founded a whole DIFFERENTER poop closet too!! ………..

It was WAYMORENICER than the firstest won, butt guys …. truestory for reals no joshing seriousface … these poop closets are NOT NICE FOR YOUR SMELLERATOR!! GOLLY!! That is alls I will say ‘bout that!!

Plus just littlebits more down this wildertrail is where we founded the LOOKOUT-ERY!! I got sooper’cited and everythings!!

How ‘MAZING is THAT, guys!! Pretty amayzazing for reals, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! There is a whole ‘NOTHER pile of wordysigns with shinynew informational wordybits and everythings!!

Plus when we were pointing our lookingmarbles wayfarout into the ceilingsky, you will not even BLEEVE what we sawed!! Seriousface!! ………….

GIGANTICAL flappybirds, guys!! YES!! Pop says they were maybe VULTURETURKEYS, butt we are not ‘zackly sure!! Butt alls I know for reals is they were WAYMOREBIGGER THAN ME!! That is a BURLY flappybird, guys!! Yes!!

So Pop and me did some hang-outery there for a whiles, plus then we founded a teensy chunk of place next to the LOOKOUT-ERY for taking it easybreezy!! …………..

It is sortakinda behind alla the wordysigns, plus all covered with leafytrees for good shadybits. Yes. WAS NICE!!

Then we ‘cided we were gonna do some DOOP DEE DOOPing ‘long the EDGE of the CLIFF, guys!! There is wildertrails that go-go-go near the edge for longways that will take you allways ‘back round to the parking rodeo!!

That was gonna be our plan - ‘TILL IT WASN’T!! Anyhoozle … ‘till we changed our plannery, here is a big pile of soopercool picturestories so’s you can see hwo differenter parks like this won is!! The treefoots plus boulderocks make the most ‘MAZING-IST wildertrails, guys!! Check it out!! ………..

Pretty COOL, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! It is like somethings out of a FAIRYTAIL STORYBOOK or somethings!!

Plus check out this ‘MAZING curvytree we founded!! …………

Isn’t that CRAZYBANANAS!!?? IKNOW!! The coolist!!

Okeedoke!! So … me plus Pop were DOOP DEE DOOPing when allasudden … outtanowheres … whanmmokablammo … Pop figured out there was a real cool chunk of place that was right in the most middleparts of the wilderloop trails!! Yes!!

So that is when we ‘cuded to TAKE A SHORTISH CUT so’s we could get there waymorefaster!! ……….

We sawed some picturestories of the chunk of place ion the middleparts of the loop, butt we did not want to go allways ‘round, so that is when me plus Pop ‘cided to try to go straight to there!!

Guys … it was crazybananas!! Pop had to carry me like sorta like a FOOTSYBALL under his arms!! Plus it was so thick and stuff, someofthetimes he had to go backways firts!! IKNOW!! Butt it was not so fars, so in only a couple minutetimes like THAT, we founded … THIS!! …….

It was a gigantical HOLE in the park that was all boulderocks and stuff!! ( It was a very old QUARRY) Yes!!

We could not tell from the picturemap how sooperdeep it was, so when we got through alla the wilderwild, allasudden we were at the edge of a whole ‘nother CLIFF FOR CRYING OUT PETE!! IKNOW!!

So … nextest we ‘cided to try to follow the edge allaways ‘round to where the walkingroad in goes!! Butt that did not work EITHER, guys!! Nope!! ‘Cuz soon as we started to go-go-go ‘long the edge … a ‘nother GIGANTICAL VULTURETURKEY started to flappyfly over our brainmelons!!

Then a NOTHER won!! Then a ‘NOTHER WON! Plus pretty soon there was a whole GANG!! Yup!! ‘Cuz bleeve it or nope, we did not know, butt me plus Pop were getting closer, plus closer to THER FOREVERHOME!! …….

Can you SEE them, guys!!?? Can you!!?? There was prolly FIVAL or STICKS (5 or 6) of these GIGANTICAL flappybirds flapping over our brainmelons with waymorelots doing hang-outery where we wanted to go-go-go!!

So me plus POP said “NOPE!!” plus ‘cided to go back how we got there, plus then take a differenter trail to the bottom of the QUARRYparts!! Yes!! ……..

It took a whiles to get to here, butt we did not want to make those flappybirds cross with us, guys!! Not even!! So we said “SORRY GUYS!!” plus skedaddled outta there!! YES!!

Anyhoozle… then we founded this wildertrail that went allways to the bottomparts of the quarry. Was real soopercool looking, plus from wayfardown in there, we got to see the flappybirds a ‘gain, plus they were waymorecooler with us and everythings. Yes. So basically we are besties now. Yup. The COOLIST!!

That is all we could see ‘fore our RESERVATION ranned out of times, guys!! Yup!! So we went allways ‘back to the Parking Rodeo to where ROCKY, our rollycar was waiting for us!!

OH!! For the firstest times, POP used a robot on his sillyphone for telling us where we went, plus how far and stuff, plus this is what it said!! ……..

Was AWESOMETIMES, guys!! Yes!! Plus when we got back to the parking rodeo, I founded something ELSE sooper’mazing!! …………

Can you even BLEEVE it!!?? Guys … in the freezy wintertimes, there is nobuddy in the peopleshed where you CHECK IN, so this park says for everybuddy to use the HONOUR SYSTEM plus to give their dollarpennies to this here robobox!! IKNOW!!

Okeedoke!! So alls I have left for sharing is what we sawed on the way OUT, guys!! Plus that stuff looks like THIS!! ……………..

SHANKSH, PARK!! Was sooperfun awesometimes to meet you and stuff!! I had the bestest times DOOP DEE DOOPing with you, plus exploradventuring in some for REALS magicalish WILDERWILD and stuff!! OH!! Say “HI!!” to the VULTURETURKEYS for me plus Pop, too K? K!! Those guys are the coolest!!

Butt … ‘cuz there was no place for cooling off undercarriages in a burblecreek or puddlepond, plus ‘cuz lotsa your trails did not have so much shadybits, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING OF …

(4 OUT OF 5 SNORTS !!)

Still pretty AMAYAZING!! Yes!! Plus shanksh to YOU guys for coming with us too!! Sharing is my most favouritist part, plus I am hoping you get to go to here won daytimes too!! Sure do!! You will LIKE it!! Yes!!

DOOP DEE DOOPing is the bestest exercisery for pretty much everybuddy, so ‘member to not forget … if you are feeling bloo or your muscleparts are getting dusty, alls you gotta do it go do hangout-ery with The NatureMama pus alla her babies, so …



Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,
Parkmaster General of Canada