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  • Hard to find the start!!

  • Soopernice wildertrails!!

  • Easy to get to MisterRiver!!

  • Lotsa shadybits!!

  • VISITED July 7, 2020!!



Snort Index Rating:

4.0 SNORTS!!

Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

This park is not so fars a’way, guys!! Only half of won hourtimes to get to there!!

Butt truestory it is sorta tough for finding ‘cuz it is hiding ‘round corners plus behind a minigolfing place!!

You gottago past some wharehousey-looking buildinghouses, then down an alley, plus then THERE IT IS!!

TOO Parks start here, guys!! Won is just for puppies ( I will review that latertimes) plus LAWSON TRAIL!!

Hey, hidey-ho everypeoples!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

This here park review is gonna be soopernice for your lookingmarbles ‘cuz wanna know why!!?? ‘Cuz truestory it is won of the most beautifullish wildertrails I have been to in all of evertimes!! YUP!!

It is called the LAWSON TRAIL, plus it is inna citytownsburg called INGERSOLL!! Yup!! Not even so faraways and stuff from our foreverhome so ROCKY only takes ‘bout half of won hourtimes to get to there!!

Anyhoozle … we like it here lots’nlots, butt it can be tricky to find ‘cuz you gotta turn off the regular rollycar road, then go to a parking rodeo between a couple wharehousey-looking buildinghouses, THEN … you gotta go downa skinny alley ‘side won of the warehousey buildinghouses, to where you will finallytimes see a ‘nother parking rodeo plus a MINIGOLFBALLING PLACE!! Just lookit!! …………

SEE!!?? 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

I was not even joshing, guys!! We have gone to here a bunchatimes, plus won times we got to see workermans putting shinynew grassycarpet on alla the minigolfing holes!! Was sooperfun!! Plus … there was like a MAJILLION DEGREES in the outsideplace, so the workermans were pretty much cookerating!! YES!!

Anyhoozle … the start of this park is past the minigolfing stuffs. Yes. That is the worstest part, ‘cuz there is LOTSA ‘mazing shadybits in this park, butt you gotta go allaways ‘cross the parking rodeo, plus down a walkingroad with no shadybits to get to there!! IKNOW!!

Plus when you get to the start, there is lotsa wordysigns for brainlearning!! Have a looksee!! …………

I like alla the informational wordybits for this park, guys!! Most parks do not share alla that kind of wordybits with you!! Nope!! Not even!! Plus there is lots’nlots of rulings and stuff, butt …. they totally make sense to my brainmelon!! I like it!! That means everybuddy ‘round here luvluvLOVES this park!!

Nextmost ‘portant thing to ‘member is from THIS chunk of place, there is TOO ways to go:

  1. The left paw side, past where you put puppypoop takes you to the PUPPY PARK (* I will share my review of that park latertimes, guys!!)

  2. The right paw side is the start of the LAWSON PARK TRAIL

Now, truestory I am using the picturestory of me poserating in front of the PUPPY PARK sign, butt only ‘cuz the other won is sooperhigh, plus they are both in the same chunk of place, so I am hoping the marbleworld record peoples bleeve I was there and stuff!! YES!! Or I will have to go back for crying out Pete!!

‘Course that is no biggie ‘cuz we like it so soopermuch!! ANYHOOZLE … just have a looksee at how soopersmooth plus clean these walkingroads are, guys!! ……………

Lastimes we went, Mirabelly knew they way to go to see MISTER RIVER, so that is where she tooked us!!

Guys!! Did you know!!?? IT IS THE SAME ‘ZACK MISTER RIVER that is in our FOREST CITY!! Seriousface!! So firstest times we went to here, we were sooper’cited to see him!! Plus part of the reasonings we like it here so much is it is real easy to get to him so’s we can cool off our undercarriage and stuff!! Just lookit for your own selfs!! …….

Soopernice, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! SooperDEEDOOPERnice, even!!

So after getting stinkywarm from going allaways ‘cross the parking rodeo, we like to stop at this chunk to say “HI!!” plus “BURBLE URBLE URBLE!!” to Mister River!! Then we can cool off our undercarriages ‘fore we go DOOP DEE DOOPing!!

After THAT is when we get to the EXPLORADVENTURING PART!! If it is too stinkywarm, we stick to the LEFT PAW wildertrail ‘cuz tit is all under leafytrees with lotsa shadybits!! Yup!! Butt if you take the RIGHT PAW wildertrail, you get to DOOP DEE DOOP through lotsa wideopen wilderfields and stuff!! LIKE THIS …….

Can you even bleeve how flattish this wildertrail is, guys!! So easy for walkingtimes!! Prolly even peoples in rollychairs could go to here!! Prolly!! Plus it is real nice for your lookingmarbles, with no rollycar roads or anythings!! Basically it feels real safe, plus everybuddy we meet here is soopernice plus soopercool and everythings!! It is pretty much THE BESTEST!!

OH!! Plus there is even pretty flowerposies!! ……………………….

How ‘bout that PLURPULL, guys!!?? It is Mirabelly’s most favouritist rainbowpart, so she likes to see flowerposies like that!! It puts Happy in her Heart!!

Now … when you get to the end of the RIGHT PAW wildertrail, it will turn to the LEFT PAW way, plus take you back into the leafytrees!! Yes!! Plus THIS is the chunk we go in if it is too stinkywarm!! It is all under leafytrees, butt it is still just as beautifullish!! You will see!! ………………

Shanksh, park!! I am sooperhappy we got to meet you ‘cuz you are nowabouts won of our most favouritist parks to do hangout-ery with!! Seriousface!!

‘Cuz you are sooperpretty, plus MisterRiver is your buddypal, plus ‘cuz it is wayfar aways from rollycar roads, plus ‘cuz you have lots’nlots of shadybits (plus even a PUPPY ARK NEXTDOOR!!), I am giving you…..


Shanksh, DOOP DEE DOOP TROOPERS!! I am having the waymostfunnist times sharing all my park reviews with you on my way to (SIX HUNDRED) parks, plus a try at a MARBLEWORLD RECORD and everythings!! YES!!

‘Member to not forget that being friendlypals with THE NATUREMAMA is real good for your brainmelon, plus alla your insideparts, plus it will fill your Heart with Happy!! It’s SCIENCE for crying out Pete, so …



Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,
The Right Honourablish Parkmaster General of the Canadaplace and Stuff