Hey, everybuddy!! Wanna see Mirabelly do sooperfun goofballery plus ROLL DOWNSIDE UP FOR MUM and stuff!!?? Okeedoke!! Then skootch on in, sillies!! The weekentimes are almostly starting for crying out Pete!! I am not even joshing!! H❤️H❤️H❤️
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
Help Archie keep everyone safe by reading and sharing his Fire Safety Posts!
All tagged Friday August 17 2018
Hey, everybuddy!! Wanna see Mirabelly do sooperfun goofballery plus ROLL DOWNSIDE UP FOR MUM and stuff!!?? Okeedoke!! Then skootch on in, sillies!! The weekentimes are almostly starting for crying out Pete!! I am not even joshing!! H❤️H❤️H❤️
Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! Good thing you are here ‘cuz it is NAPPINGTIMES!! Yup!! Butt ‘fore we get all snuggly and stuff, I am gonna share some sooperfun picturestories of my shinynew uniform, plus… some ‘memorings of when I got hired to be FIRE SAFETY DOG too!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️