All tagged Monday July 16 2018
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! Dunno ‘bout YOU guys, butt where me plus Mirabelly live there are just too many goober degrees!! Seriousface!! Lucky for us lotsa the degrees wander off when the sunsmiles go to the Dreamingplace!! Yup!! So it is waymorenicer out here nowabouts!! Sure is!! H❤️H❤️H❤️
GUYS!! GOODMORNINGTIMES!! Plus can you see!!?? ME, ARCHIE BRINDLETON, plus MIRABELLE plus UNCLE DANNY are DOOP DEE DOOPING with a sooperspecial friendlyperson!! YUP!! PLUS… there is a whole ‘nother special friendlyperson here too!! So skootch on in, for crying out Pete!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️