All tagged Monday September 25 2017
Skootch in, everybuddy!! Yes!! 'Cuz 'fore we go to the Dreamingplace, I am gonna tell you everythings our doctoranarians said 'bout Mirabelly, plus alla her testingtimes and stuff!! Yes!! So fars, she is doing soopergood!! FOR REALS!! Let's do it!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! Did you know!!?? It is sooper stinkywarm where we are a 'gain!! I am not even joshing!! That is how come me plus Mirabelle have been hanging out in our Bloo Puddlepond every daytimes!! YUP!! It is crazybananas for crying out Pete!! 😎💜😎💜😎💜