Hey, guys!! ‘Fore we go to the Dreamingplace I have ‘couple stuffs for sharing with you!! Yup!! Picturestories of me plus Mirabelly using our shinynew sciencebowls, plus a shinynew storyjoke for bellychuckles!! Hee hee!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
Help Archie keep everyone safe by reading and sharing his Fire Safety Posts!
All tagged Wednesday April 25 2018
Hey, guys!! ‘Fore we go to the Dreamingplace I have ‘couple stuffs for sharing with you!! Yup!! Picturestories of me plus Mirabelly using our shinynew sciencebowls, plus a shinynew storyjoke for bellychuckles!! Hee hee!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
GUYS!! GUYS!! Check it out!! Can you even bleeve it!!?? Mum plus Pop just traded dollarpennies for these ‘mazing yummysummy bowls that are made out of SCIENCE!! I am not even joshing!! Skootch on in, plus I will show you, K? K!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️