Check it out, everybuddy!! This picturemovie is from when me plus Mirabelle plus COUSIN ELLIE went walkingtimes with our bestest friendlyfriends at THE FRIENDLY GROOMER!! Yup!! 😊😊😊
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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All tagged Wortley Village Dog Walk
Check it out, everybuddy!! This picturemovie is from when me plus Mirabelle plus COUSIN ELLIE went walkingtimes with our bestest friendlyfriends at THE FRIENDLY GROOMER!! Yup!! 😊😊😊
Guys!! Guys!! Put on your walkingsocks 'cuz now is the times for a soopernice walkingtimes 'round our Wortley Village where we live!! Yup!! Yesterdaytimes was for a 'nother Wortley Village Dog Walk with THE FRIENDLY GROOMER, plus now I am gonna share a whole big pile of picturestories so you can come too!! Follow me, everybuddy!! 😊💜
Hidey-ho, everybuddy!! Golly!! You are looking nice this morningtimes!! Yes!! Plus did you know!!?? It is putting Happy in my Heart to see your faceparts!! Yup!! Mirabelle too!! 😊😊😊
Hi guys!! Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! It is a shinynew Wednesdaytimes getting all wakeywakey nowabouts, PLUS... me plus Mirabelle are sooperhappy to see your faceparts!! Yup!!
Let's hang out for littlebits, K? K!! 😊😊😊