Guys!! I have decided!! I like to go to green places plus do exploradventuring plus Doop Dee Dooping, plus hang out with the NatureMama in the outsideplace! So I want to explore every park in this whole entire marbleworld one day, starting with every park in my hometown of London, Ontario, that is called "The Forest City"! Did you know there are 433 parks here!? Truestory for reals, guys! Plus truestory for reals more keep popping up allatimes! ...

This is me, Archie Brindletone exploradventuring at Medway Valley Heritage Forest, guys!! It's a 'MAZING park!! Yup!! 

So I am rating all of the parks I go to with my patented Archie Brindleton, specialscience, sooper-awesome, HAPPYFUNTIMES SNORT INDEX RATING of 1 to 5 SNORTS! This is 'cuz I snort when I am having HappyFunTimes! 

HAPPYFUNTIMES SNORT INDEX RATINGS get figured with these importantal factoroids from my brainwiring:

  1. Green stuff: grassycarpets plus shrubadubs plus flowerposies plus NatureMama stuff like that!! 
  2. Leafytrees with branch-y bits: 'Cuz I need shadyparts from alla the sunsmiles on stinkywarm daytimes!! 
  3. Wet, waterystuff: Like maybe a burblecreek or puddleponds or maybe even MisterRiver!! 
  4. Funability: Yes!! You know!! Like, is it FUN!!??
  5. Quality plus selection of storysmells: Is it sooperfun to smell stinkystories with my smellerator!!?
  6. Terrain awesomeness: It better not be all just sooperflat for crying out Pete!! 
  7. Sustainability: This is a big scienceword for making sure a park is sooperfriendly to the NatureMama plus alla her babies too!! Sooper'portant, guys!! 
  8. Suitable places for doing "chores": Yes. 'Course being a gentleman puppy I want places with some privacy plus gentleman-like decorum too, guys!! Plus lotsa trashycans for cleaning up!!