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Doop Dee Doop Troop: ZURI & CARUSO

originally posted on September 3, 2014


Caruso on the leftpaw side plus Zuri on the rightpaw side!! 

Caruso on the leftpaw side plus Zuri on the rightpaw side!! 

Hey, everybuddy! Meet Zuri and Caruso my two sooper'mazing puppypals who are right now, while you are using your lookingmarbles to read this picturestory, are totally travelling allaways across THE ALPS! Those are sooperbig hills, guys! Mountains even!!!

Caruso is a Boxer-Pointer-guy who is blackish and whitish and spotty and sooperdrooly and they say he is "crazy in the brainmelon" just like the peoplepals he is travelling with 'cuz they thought up this whole entire crazybananas adventuretimes!! Ha ha! I like it! 

Plus there is ZURI who is a Rhodesian Ridgeback lady princess who is spectaularish RED! They call her a "diva-like couchpotato and fair weather-outdoor freak". Hee hee! Prolly I would get along soopergood with her too! smile emoticon smile emoticon smile emoticon 

Their two-legged peoplefriends are Niqui and Hanna and all four of them are going on the most 'mazing and awesometimes trip I have ever heard of in evertimes! 

Truestory no joshing seriousface, they are going across the ALPYMOUNTAINHILLS allaways from the Oberstdorf in the Germanyplace to the Meran in the Italyplace JUST ON THEIR FEETS! I know! 

These guys are sooperdeedooper exploradventurers plus I am proud to have them in the Doop Dee Doop Troop, guys! They are 'MAZING!! 

You can follow their adventuretimes from their FayBoplace right here!
Plus tell them "ARCHIE SENT ME" 'cuz that just happened! Ha ha! 

Shanksh for reading, everybuddy, plus...

Doop Dee Doop Troop: LOLA & ROCCO

Doop Dee Doop Troop: AZLAN & IZZY