Guys!! Guys!! Did you know!!?? It is my INTERNATIONAL DOOP DEE DOOP DAY for spending times with The Naturemama plus all her babies!! Yup!! Skootch on in so’s I can tell you all ‘bout it, K? K!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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All tagged Doop Dee Doop Troop
Guys!! Guys!! Did you know!!?? It is my INTERNATIONAL DOOP DEE DOOP DAY for spending times with The Naturemama plus all her babies!! Yup!! Skootch on in so’s I can tell you all ‘bout it, K? K!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODMORNINGTIMES, FRIENDLYPALS!! Our Mirabelly is at the doctoranarians getting all checked up, so that means I get to show you all ‘bout our neighbourhood, PLUS … I am gonna show you the coolest gardenparts in all of my WORTLEY VILLAGE!! So put on your walkingsocks, plus skootch on in, K? K!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
HEY GUYS!! Tomorrowtimes is DOOP-DEE-DOOP DAY!! YUP!! Plus I am gonna do a special CHARITY EVENT this very SATURDAYTIMES, plus a buncha FIRE SAFETY happenings this plus nextest monthtimes too, so for everybuddy who wants to be inthesameplacefriends with me, Archie Brindleton … SKOOTCH ON IN!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Wakeywakey eggs'nbakey, everybuddy!! Yes!! Put on your walkingsocks, plus cozycoat, plus prolly a mitten on your brainmelon too, 'cuz me plus Mirabelle are gonna take you DOOP DEE DOOPING to see alla the most beautifullish parts of The NatureMama's wilderwild!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Okeedoke, guys!! Put on your walkingsocks plus bring some yummysummy snacks!! Me plus Mirabelle are taking you exploradventuring with The NatureMama!! Yup!! It is gonna be awesometimes!! :) :) :)
Guys!! Can you even 'blieve this!!?? These two puppypals are gonna do walkingtimes over the Alps Mountainhills!! That is crazybananas!! 😊❤